What is the literary equivalent of pic related best band ever and neofolk in general?
What is the literary equivalent of pic related best band ever and neofolk in general?
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Some literal who world of warcraft novel😃
Slipknot looks like that now?!
He was a fan of Mishima. There is a picture of him at his grave
what are there most folk-like songs? That's my favorite genre and I'd like to give their music a try.
Ever notice how the extreme right has just as bad taste in music as the ultra-left? Maybe even worse, especially when you consider the intent.
Not this.
But this.
What other far right genres are there even? RAC and nsbm?
>extreme right
80s sophisti-pop and Lana del Rey
wow, you really have no clue.
What ends when the symbols shatter? What comes after the death of God? Nietzsche is obviously the best place to start.
A lot of neofolk seems to be about clawing at the spiritual void created by our rationalist, secular, scientific modern society. Both the need to experience the sacred, as I've gotten the impression of with bands like Sol Invictus and Of the Wand and the Moon, and the need to have something to profane, as with Boyd Rice and DiJ.
Western mystics of all sorts, from the more legit like George Bataille and Aldous Huxley even to the more out-there like Crowley share these feels.
Also, for the far right-wing element always present in the genre i'm obliged to mention Spengler and Evola
OP band were nazis, or at least used the imagery throughout their work, which is why neonazis flock to them.
And they're bad.
I see it posted all the time. Garbage noise music, and trash skinhead punk. It's somehow worse than bands like Leftover Crack. Both listen for the lyrics rather than music quality.
But please counter with me with the hidden greatness of Skrewdriver.
You probably didn't even get the other point.
>listening to music for lyrics
Always a redflag desu
Being bad is the new good.
I guess you've never heard of Rome then retard
>beginner-level guitar
>terrible vocals
>none of the spirit and skill of folk songwriting
It's terrible.
>neofolk discussion gets derailed by retards who can't take off their right-left identity-politics-vision goggles
So it goes...
Lets get some music in here anyhow
This is the greatest workout jam ever
>used the imagery throughout their work
If you're talking about runes, you are laughably uneducated on the matter and need to do some cultural research before spouting dead-on-arrival arguments.
Yes, which makes sense for lefties, and they are able to turn it into an art to some degree. But it doesn't work for the right and contradicts the very intent. Hence why it often sounds worse, the quality is deteriorated by the form.
The second is lifeless, just machine-like churning out of aesthetics.
shit taste
Totenkopf is Roman?
Don't assume your enemies are fools. Hitler will be remembered as the worst military leader in history for this very reason.
Imagine worshipping the martial spirit but having to approach every aspect of your life like a Jew. Does this not tell you something?
Yes, I have bad taste in music because I don't like empty hipster aesthetics.
KYS and go back to /ptg/.
>this entire post
>"Does this not tell you something?"
Is there anyone here that can decipher what you're on about?
Rome is a band
What fucking band is this?
Death in June
Imagine being this stupid.
So some other band is not nazis, which means this band isn't nazis either.
How fucking dumb are you?
>Let me babble incoherently because I already lost the argument.
'k. See ya.
I wasn't the guy who originally said that, I was just trying to clear up the misunderstanding, chill your fucking tits man.
>heh, I make things up therefore I win
So THIS is the power of the NuRight...
Okay, but the misunderstanding remains because it was a non sequitur.
Yukio Mishima and Jean Genet
Since when is he dead?
contrapoints killed him
Your fortune: Outlook good
Looks like the NuRight is BTFO again.