>We can say ‘the one is multiple, the multiple one’ for ever: we speak like Plato’s young men who did not spare the farmyard. Contraries may be combined, contradictions established, but at no point has the essential been raised.
Incredibly redpilled and based book
lol go back to /r/philosophy
>not infinitely more based and redpilled than Land, Zizek, Sloterdijk, and other regularly discussed faggots
lol this must be your first week on Yea Forums to think deleuze is based. he's unironically laughed at by the upper eschelon readers of this board. he's literally just a meme that commie twitter users post about to appear smart.
>le hegel anime meme xD
deleuze is literally the infinite jest of philosophy in that his claim to fame is his obtuse way of writing. anyone who's read more than 300 books finds the idea of D&R or infinite jest being "obtuse" to be laughable. let alone the ideas presented in these works of garbage to be of any merit
enjoy your entry level meme though, i can tell by your vindication that you unironically think he's based. which is sad
Deleuze was a sexy nigga
cool pasta m8
cool coping mechanisms mate
Describe the book to me in simple language
>the upper eschelon readers of this board🐰
>upper eschelon readers of this board
the fact that you unironically think this is funny is a testament to how warped your psychology is. upper eschelon just means people who read books instead of posting memes about them for clout and the appearance of sophistication. these people exist and they're too busy reading actual rigorous works of philosophy to take the time off and photoshop retarded nick land memes for approval by other faggots on the internet.
Dunning-Kruger effect in action, folx
cope harder. guarantee everyone itt is inflating the proportion of D&R they understand vs the portion they don't
deleuze wasn't based tho
at least you admit you don't know what you're talking about
Are you not a native speaker? I think people were laughing at the irony of calling yourself an elite whilst mispelling "echelon". This board is mostly retarded and full of posers, yes, but Deleuze has great merit and the meme books are Capitalism and Schizophrenia but even those are good and interesting and worth investigating.
i dont have to have read him to know that people like you are poseurswhat irony?
>deleuze has great merit
reminder that we don't live in a capitalist society. if you unironically think we do then everything you think you know is based on false pretenses. if you're going to continue reading books then keep all of your opinions to yourself because they're all wrong and retarded, influenced by misconstrued notions of how the world really works
Based and redpilled means truthful and disillusioning. Not conspiratorial and conservative as some take it. Deleuze is incredibly interested in truth, rejecting typical notions of mind as mirror and the good will of thought, and take us beyond the illusions of traditional philosophy as evidenced in the excellent quote used as the thread starter.
You'll figure it out when you graduate high school and read over three hundred books, bucko.
When people are able to translate your philosophy to memes it has to be shit.
Not an argument. There's Plato meme groups, Kant meme groups, hell, even Scholastic and Analytic and Eastern meme groups on facebook.
>reminder that we don't live in a capitalist society. if you unironically think we do then everything you think you know is based on false pretenses. if you're going to continue reading books then keep all of your opinions to yourself because they're all wrong and retarded, influenced by misconstrued notions of how the world really works
oh this is going in my bait file❤️
>upper eschelon readers of this board
Where have they gone? All I see is Land and NEETchuh threads.
>we don't live in a capitalist society
Agree, but wondering why you think so.
based. the deleuze babbies can get fucked
you're literally proving his point but you're so fucking dumb you think you're disproving it. just accept that there's a secret sect of untouched philosophers that filthy proles like yourself will never even find out about because people like us dont' want you to
you're so blind it's endearing
we don't congregate on here anymore. Yea Forums is now a hub for twitter commies and "religious" anons who got into religion because normies are atheists now
because of the federal reserve
>secret sect
>Indeed, some of the problems commonly engaging the attention of philosophical thought appear to be deprived, not only of all importance, but of any meaning as well; a host of problems arise resting solely upon some ambiguity or upon a confusion of points of view, problems that only exist in fact because they are badly expressed, and that normally should not arise at all. In most cases therefore, it would in itself be sufficient to set these problems forth correctly in order to cause them to disappear, were it not that philosophy has an interest in keeping them alive, since it thrives largely upon ambiguities.
Shit, americans are awake now
ive never even read deleuze. just lolling at how insecure you guys get when confronted with the possibility that your ebin exit level meme philosopher is not as epic as you might think
I wish I could persuade you to read him. The first few chapters are pretty readable albeit heady. Just lolling at the idea of a secret sect of philosopher unknown to academia. Not only is it absurd but I plan on becoming an academic so if such a sect exists it is of no interest to me. But ya. I've been reading and studying philosophy about ten years now. Pretty sure I have more than three hundred texts under my belt. I think a lot of people misunderstand postmodernism because they lack the philosophy credentials but one should not judge the source based off a few cretinous media studies twitter personalities.
Rolled 45 (1d100)
do you have any idea how much faggotness you permeate through this post?