Was Socrates real or a fictional character?
Was Socrates real or a fictional character?
good chance plato made him up to shill his own dialogues
It doesn't matter either way.
DIdn't he get showered by his wife using the chamber pot? That's very early fetish fiction, then.
Xenophon disproved that
> And at that moment all the people in the palaestra crowded about us, and, O rare! I caught a sight of the inwards of his garment, and took the flame. Then I could no longer contain myself. I thought how well Cydias understood the nature of love, when, in speaking of a fair youth, he warns some one "not to bring the fawn in the sight of the lion to be devoured by him," for I felt that I had been overcome by a sort of wild-beast appetite. But I controlled myself, and when he asked me if I knew the cure of the headache, I answered, but with an effort, that I did know.
he was a fag
very good
also heraclitus and parmenides (and possibly aristotle)
In fact, the entirety of western philosophy is just Plato shitposting from the grave.
reading lysis now and holy shit socrates is super gay
Realistically fictional
i mean he's not wrong
How old is Socrates and Charmides in this?
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He was real
Socrates was a sophist, Plato just tried to take what was good from him.
Fictional, as was Plato, at least since Nietzsche.
nah Aristophanes would have never written the Clouds if Socrates wasn't a real person
Socrates was real, but Plato wasn't. He was a collective pseudonym.
Plato is a fictional invention of Socrates.
People were getting sick and tired of his shit so he retired to write his ideas out. Plato was the result. He made up the execution
Five people give this a Like? Socrates has three or four different people confirm his existence. Jesus only has fictional characters to confirm his.
He's a spook
I've seen the Shroud, and I consider it legitimate. There are x-ray marks on it, the first bone scan in history. What I don't know is what else to believe. I find it very difficult that an omniscient, omnipotent God, desiring a message to be spread to the whole of humanity, does so by sending a single messenger to a single culture, and then expects a handful of fallible men to write down this message on paper, to then be spread across the whole world. Are you kidding me? This is the best they could do? To follow a medium of transmission that us ordinary mortals use ourselves, when we need to communicate to eachother? Yeah, no. That's just embarassing. Deeply embarrassing. Something doesn't seem right here. But what I'm supposed to do, if I believe that Jesus may have been special, I'm not sure of.
>Jesus only has fictional characters to confirm his existence
That's completely wrong, and you should feel embarrassed for both your arrogance and ignorance. Not only were the writers of the New Testament, such as Paul, very much real people, there were many people and historical documents outside of the bible that attest to his existence. His divinity is fair to debate, but debating his existence just paints you as a fedora wearing pseud.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
according to my American (((capitalist))) History teacher, i was /Soc/rates.
Oh dear. I donno what to tell you kids. Your priests have been misled so aren’t the most trustworthy sources.
The shroud of Turin is a long debunked forgery, rubbed off of an Italian carving. If it were legit the face would not even be human.
Humility. God's purpose isn't for everyone to believe in Him, but for us to align with his will. He wants us to seek him out with all of our heart and soul. Him sending his only son, who took on a very common name, born in a poor part of Israel, in a manger, shows gods love of humility, and his want to redeem both mankind and the world via the meek.
It brings god abundant Joy to be sought after by a loving soul amidst struggle and uncertainty, and to those souls he gives abundant gifts.
Alcibiades was another, he had dozens of students
Imagine having the audacity to think that you, a shitposting attention seeker on an anime imageboard, know better than centuries of people who have devoted their lives to the subject. You should do some actual research before trying to pass off your nonsense as fact.
Socrates was just a literary device.
If that dude was ACTUALLY real, more then one or two people would have recorded his mad antics… and he would creep up MUCH more often.
But one or two people did record his antics
'More than', sweatie.
How would socrates feel/think about intellectuals farming good boy points in the forum so that they can summon behemoths and skeletons at their leisure?
He'd say "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
>And it's all my fault.
Why'd you leave out the important bit?
That's where my stone slate broke off.
Shut the fuck up.
I don't see why Plato would invent him. Either way, it's not important.
I hope this is bait
stop tripcoding you fucking degenerate