This is pissing me off. I want to read the Iliad but I keep finding contradictory info on which translation to go for...

This is pissing me off. I want to read the Iliad but I keep finding contradictory info on which translation to go for. I've narrowed it down to Lattimore, Fagles, Pope. I was going to go with Fagles as I like the introduction and the presentation overall (with the hoplite helmets and so forth) but people elsewhere said it's a fucking wreck, which is completely contradictory to other sources. Help.

Attached: amphora.jpg (794x1123, 167K)

Damn, that is one big YIKES

They all have their weak and strong points. If you like Fagles go with it, it's great.



Fitzgerald or Lattimore

Yawn. Go away.

all the time you're taking to pick a fucking translation could have been used to read the first 30 pages. pick one faggot. It's like picking a starter pokemon and then you get to relate to the other retards who picked the one you did.

Oh, good, I forgot about Fitzgerald. Fuck sake, there's too many options.

>people elsewhere said it's a fucking wreck
You've been memed.

And yet people say "don't rush translation choice". Don't you think it's reasonable to spend at least some time looking into the translation of a massive epic poem that's seminal to the western canon? I think it is...Give me a break.

>reading the Iliad once
Just get your hands on a copy, if you feel like rereading the whole thing then get a new translation.

learn greek

Yeah, okay. I'll just learn a new language whilst studying for a degree... just to read a story. Fuck off you try-hard.

whinny bitch.

Damn OP, are you a woman? Just pick Fagles and shut up, it's perfectly good.

lmao imagine being this american.
any translation you read will be miles off of the original anyways, as long as the translation was made off of the original text it is at least OK

if you think reading 30 pages of a dozen different translations is 'rushing', you're never going to start.

You can always read more than one translation if you want. It really does not matter.
You might not even like the Iliad.

you guys ever notice how you can just smell videogames on some people? like they don't mention them at all but you can still tell by how they relate to other subjects that they're a serious gamer that always gets all the achievements. just an observation.

Are you autistic? Obviously there is going to be "contradicting information" because it's a matter of preference. Do you intend to only read the Iliad once in your life? Have you considered that you can read as many translations as you want? If you want accuracy, read Lattimore and stop bitching.


Can you cull all ESL's from Yea Forums?