Tell me, what you least favorite book is?

Tell me, what you least favorite book is?

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the bible

Additional question: why?

My books desu


Lolita and yes I like little children

Every fiction book

Lolita, too

It makes me nauseous

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle
I didn't like it. The apocalypse, the lack of a real MC, what Lewis did to Susan, it wasn't a good book.

Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Moby Dick, The republic, The ego and its own, Don quioxte

The Satanic Bible, only if because it's the most marketable version of long standing philosophy and ideals. It was like a mix tape more than anything profoundly original. It was like LeVay's music, perhaps you'd be entranced during a performance but the next morning you're stuck with an ugly man in your bed who insists he's the best thing around since sliced ham. also I'm convinced he low key convinced women that acts of sexual favor are a form of expression and strength rather than perpetuating the same misogynist shit that pleases the males of the cult.

White Noise, Master and Margarita, Blood Meridian

Twilight. Yes I read it, and no I’m not a woman. But my dick did shrink an inch in the process.

The Picture of Dorian Grey. Just horrible

Are you sure about that?

What, so you have an innie now?

It didn't shrink, it became a clit. Welcome to the better half BOIIIIIII

I think "To kill a mockingbird" is the only book I ever started but didn't finish and don't plan to; overrated if you ask me. But then again, in the interest of time I usually only read books with outstanding reviews so I guess I don't come into contact with the really shitty stuff.

I didn't like Therese Raquin

Catcher of the rye and caged bird.


Is it the one where monkey becomes dictator or something?

Labors of Sisyphus by Źeromski
I hate this peace of shit book...

Memoires of Hadrian, or whatever it was called

Never knew why my father told me to read it


I was forced to read Paulo Cohelo's Alchemist in Highschool. The teacher didn't like any book-reports that implied it was naive and annoying.

Of the ones I read probably The Green Mile

what about the ones you didn't read?

i agree

it sucked, can't believe you had to read that in high school, either

James Bond Casino Royale

Bond acts like he's a god but he gets saved by other people and luck all the time. Also the story is average and the villain also does nothing.


I haven't read it, just dislike the nab poster

The wave by Todd strasser
i swear to god i wanted to golf driver his elongated Jewish cranium with a 9 iron after reading

That book was ass, we had to read it in middle school. The violent escalation towards the end feels so unnatural. I know it's supposed to be an allegory for Nazis but I'm sure there are far better allegories out there.


Notes from the underground is a personal attack for me

it reads like a bad fanfiction about high school musical written by an emo highschooler

naked lunch, what a load of shit


so random xD

That series just got worse and worse

The great gatsby