What's the point of really big novels...

What's the point of really big novels? I feel like anything over 400-500ish pages should really be multiple books in a series; one long story arc cannot be sustained over so many pages.

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Many old long books were published as separate volumes.

What's the point of really big tits? I feel like anything over a B cup is really a fat girl who is good a hiding her stomach.

it makes you notice a lot about the structure of books

>one long story arc cannot be sustained over so many pages

>Publish a chapter at a time in a magazine
>Get paid by the word
>Write a 1,000 page "novel"
>Wow look how long it is it's such a classic ;)

Who is this chick?

more like cow

Op never read a novel

you say that like it's a bad thing

>one long story arc
listen to yourself

if you put your wiener in between a girl's tits it feels really nice user, even nicer if they are on the bigger side

>over b
You accidentally put a backwards d m8

Some new ones, too. Circuits of the Wind was divided iirc into volumes by time period, 70s, 80s, 90s. And wasn't there another one, Skippy Dies or something

Oh, and Knausgaard of course

why would you know this lole

because I've done it

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post proof

i wish i had done it too, unfortunately the ladies don't like me very much

sounds awkward lel

Completely false. Big books are the best books.

>500 pages should be enough for everybody
t. bill gates

wasn't brothers karamazov published on a newspaper as a periodical story?

Agreed. Whether or not they are published in single or multiple vols

Do they still do this

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Crime and Punishment was

i wish a large-chested girl would nurse me so badly

The point of really big novels is to deliver really big literature. Not enough do this.

I’d rather pay 8 dollars over 5 120 page books than just 22 dollars for a 500 page book

In theory it really is, but in practice you are usually stupid with sexual gratification so you don’t really notice

normals get out

The best novels are under 150 pages.

name them

t. never read Savage Detectives

I think you have it exactly wrong. The best novels are the ones we're talking about: big enough to be published in volumes. And it only makes sense, you have to be good to pull it off.

Savannah Brown

name a book