treating a girl like the madonna isn't the same thing as whiteknighting
Kevin Gray
Stop seeing everything through modern times lenses. That will make you mush happier...
Wyatt Sanders
yeah, it's even worse
Liam Edwards
It’s a Yea Forums term referring to anyone who isn’t a misogynist
Brandon Ortiz
whiteknighting is misogyny. if you value women's independence and individuality you won't give them special treatment, in fact you will treat them coldly and cruelly cause the world is cold and cruel
Austin Peterson
>be (Goethe's) Faust >make a deal with the devil >acquire knowledge >knock up a minor out of wedlock along the way >cannot be bothered to give a rat's ass about Gretchen >Gretchen is driven mad How is any of that whiteknighting?
Sebastian Morris
have you read part 2?
Noah Barnes
you are hereby banned from this board. get the fuck out and don't come back
If you think Faust is white knighting, I think you don't understand the story very well. I asked Mephisto to like and subscribe to this message. Let's see if it works.
Dominic Jenkins
>knock up a hi >Force her to abortion >Whiteknighting Geez Im not sure I want to know your idea of mysogony