Oops, your leaders beg to differ! Ever notice how commies seduce you to their cult by saying only liberals like idpol, but yet they coincidentally support it anyway?
Oops, your leaders beg to differ! Ever notice how commies seduce you to their cult by saying only liberals like idpol, but yet they coincidentally support it anyway?
Kamala Harris disgusts me even more than most public figures do.
Yes i've noticed this, i'm not sure whether commies on Yea Forums are being deceptive or are just in a bubble.
there are about a billion versions of what a communist actually is since none of them agree with each other on how their meme society is going to come into being
> Identity Politician supports identity politics
lol because her actual identity is being a cop
Its because it is literally a cult, just one supported by academic institutions. Once you're inducted then they program you to hate yourself. Thats why the tankies affect masculine demeanors. Its a ploy to lure you in
why would you believe anything the mentally ill say?
who is this and what do they have to do with communism?
It's almost like most politicians are dirty lying rats that are pursuing votes rather than justice or even any consistent ideology at all.
No, I actually haven't noticed that.
Everyone knows the commies are pushing idpol because their class warfare failed so badly.
t. Commie cult member.
What is this?
She's a fucking liberal. No commie in thread.
She's a cop
>Kamala Harris
She's literally just Obama with a cunt.
If a wealthy black woman tells a white prole to shut up, the white prole has to shut up.
Hence commies are idpol's bitch
wrong board
Please definie “identity politics.” I have a strong suspicion that you’ve also got a shaky grasp of what a communist is but let’s start with the term I know you’re abusing.
There are hues to socialism, yes. However, those on the capitalist side of the fence are fucking liars.
Haha nice try freak. Go poison minds in another thread. Gotta love the no true communist defense !
no how about you define idpol and communism, instead of beating around the bush
>kamala harris
First of all, wrong board. Second of all, come the fuck on. I despise communists but Kamala Harris is a corporate stooge to the fucking core.
The "Liberals" of yesterday have become "Progressives" which is a new flare of marxism that combines race struggle with class struggle
White leftists are completely delusional if they think they'll ever be in any coalition where they are respected with these people. What we're seeing is the rise of the "Oppressed", which I predict will stretch into the third world.
People don't know this, but the 3rd world has recently gotten full internet access. They're able to communicate and "educate" themselves, so they're able to build a global anti-white and anti-first world coalition. That is why we have seen 1.5 million South Americans flood right through the border since 2018.
>The "Liberals" of yesterday have become "Progressives" which is a new flare of marxism that combines race struggle with class struggle
No. All wrong. Just hope you realize this.
>tranny butterfly namefag
>No. All Wrong.
>No Explanation
Yep, that's the tranny butterfly namefag
Both of you are wrong. The left (low) has been assimilated by the liberal elite (high). The liberal elite are using the assimilated left to destroy the middle (white, WASP, working class; institutional relogion, tradition etc.); the liberal elite's only threat.
neocaterpillar has never made a good post, scour the archives and you won't find one
Communists are fucking doodoo
Remember to like this post for more content.
Communist is dogshit, but American progressives are simply a flavor of neoliberal. Also, this election is funny if you know Finnish.
Combing "race struggle" and "class struggle" is not a new thing. It's actually an old tactic. Divide and conquer.
You're right, but you're also wrong.
"Liberals" of which yesterday? In the wake of the Depression northern Dems adopted "progressive" (social-democrat) policies of the New Deal. Also got support from many Republicans. Southern Dems were a different story.
The Progressives where a splinter group created in the latter years of the 19th century to de-fang the growing socialist movement. It always put the preservation of capitalism above all else (Witness Yang 2020 today. A UBI is a Trojan horse meant to save capitalism)
Liberals and progressives use social issues, among other things, to distract. Always have. Example: The civil rights era. They allowed MLK to march all he wanted about racial harmony, but the minute he planned on staring the poor people's march including whites, they killed him. Note especially they integrated schools by race, but never by class.
Fuck your meme name calling
> middle
Do you think the W just stands for “white”
literally anyone in the d*mocrat party gets called a "commie" or "cultural marxist" these days, even the most shameless of corporate mouthpieces and spineless lobbyists. and yet it's ""the left"" that has been radicalized.
Does this trigger you? Snowflake.👌
Based and redpilled. MIGA
Remember to leave a like friend🐗
commies criticize idpol neolibs because they refuse to acknowledge that capitalism plays a prominent role in the oppression of marginalized groups.
Yeah man you come to the one website on earth with more than 1000 users who says fuck you little lying rat faggots so that obviously absolves the mainstream KILL WHITE PEOPLE message endorsed my globalist monarchies. Fucking retard. You're going to get yourself killed. You're a corporate stooge. Go suck up to your HR department you deluded, dishonest, nigger.
Wait, is she saying that 'identity politics' is anti-semitic phrasing?
Children, you're both trash in your own unique and special ways.
>Combing "race struggle" and "class struggle" is not a new thing. It's actually an old tactic. Divide and conquer.
Eh, we've never had an as explicit race movement as we have now, due to new travel technology.
>Liberals of which yesterday
Post-1965 liberals. I'm not going to delve into semantics here because political terms have completely different meaning depending on whatever time-era we're talking about.
I'm really not seeing your point about MLK though. Sure, the elite of MLK's day saw communism as a threat to some degree, but keep in mind they also took the side of the Bolshevik's in WW2 and sent them money/supplies. There are other examples of this scenario playing out as well.
But none of this has anything to do with the progressives of today. America has somewhat different elites now, and a somewhat different agenda now. The progressive movement of today IS demanding socialist reform and have disavowed captalism completely.
>UBI is a false flag!
Lmao, Andrew Yang is saying that capitalism is officially dead.
Take your meds discord tranny
Reminder that this is the natural outcome of rackets, and both the left and right are susceptible to this pathology.
>Once within the gang (or any type of business) the individual is tied to it by all the psychological dependencies of capitalist society. If he shows any capacities they are exploited immediately without the individual having had a chance to master the "theory" that he has accepted. In exchange, he is given a position in the ruling clique, he is made a petty leader. If he fails to show capacities, an exchange takes place all the same; between his admission to the gang and his duty to diffuse its position. Even in those groups that want to escape the social givens, the gang mechanism nevertheless tends to prevail because of the different degrees of theoretical development among the members who make up the grouping. The inability to confront theoretical questions independently leads the individual to take refuge behind the authority of another member, who becomes, objectively, a leader, or behind the group entity, which becomes a gang. In his relations with people outside the group the individual uses his membership to exclude others and to differentiate himself from them, if only – in the final analysis – so as to guard himself against recognition of his own theoretical weaknesses. To belong in order to exclude, that is the internal dynamic of the gang; which is founded on an opposition, admitted or not, between the exterior and the interior of the group. Even an informal group deteriorates into a political racket, the classic case of theory becoming ideology.
based but also redpilled
>Eh, we've never had an as explicit race movement as we have now, due to new travel technology.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Go back to whatever board it is you call home.
It sure as hell isn't Yea Forums
How do I subscribe to your channel?
Butterfly is a fucking pile of trash who should kill xerself
Remember to SMASH that LIKE button.
Kamala is a neolib doofus
jesus if butterfly agrees with me maybe i'm in the wrong here
It all makes sense now.
/pol/ is all redditers
Can you fucktards cut this Like bullshit out
Not me, bb. I never even had an account.
>gets rek't
>g-go to another board!
>shoots daily hormone injections into arm with tears falling into light stubble
This isn't the chapo trap house subreddit, butterfly tranny
How do we do that? I'm pretty sure that this is our Sargnagel.
>upset because no one likes his posts
>the "like" button is your future
>if you have one
Leftists believe that reality is determined by human power dynamics. So in trying to bring their ideology to fruition, the only thing that actually matters is exerting and gaining power. That means they can resort to means available as long as it will increase their power. The answer to your question is that they're being purposefully deceptive. When speaking with non-leftists, virtually everything that they say in a political discussion is a lie. They'll try to deny that certain problems exist, deny that they believe what they do, pretend that they have solutions that are similar to yours, etc. All of it is a lie and you should never trust what they say at any point.
>g-go to another board!
I imitate user in that
>shoots daily hormone injections
I don't imitate user in this
>This isn't the chapo trap house
Still not sure what that is.
None of that is unique to leftists, those tactics are ubiquitous in contemporary political discourse, especially online.
it is actually
Marxism was literally created by a Jew. Marxists ooze with the feminine lunar Semitic spirit. They will use semantics, gaslighting, and evade every question or accusation like a snake slithering through the grass.
The only thing they're motivated by is revenge and hatred for their inferiority. They don't care if everyone is upper lower class, as long as nobody is upper class. For the progressive, they explicitly want superior races under their brown inferior heel by any way possible or necessary.
If you can't see it then you've drank somebody's kool aid
I don't see it, because I see non-leftists frankly advocate for their own beliefs all the time, without having to obfuscate about it. Some might, but it's not a universal practice. The reason is that they likely don't believe that the ends justify the means. Their political beliefs aren't founded upon the same manner of thinking.
Not him, but it is present everywhere to at least some degree. You are not immune to propaganda.
I've constantly seen the American right change their mind about issues when their leadership/mouthpieces change their tune, and they defend their new position voraciously just as they defended their previous position regardless of if the two are contradictory.
The left and the right are both guilty of holding to their principles and abandoning their principles.
I'll use an example. This is what you'll normally hear leftists say about the border:
1. If you claim there is a problem with the border, they will lie and tell you there isn't one
2. If you claim that leftists want open borders, they will lie and tell you that they want to establish strong border controls due to the problem at the border and deal with the issue through immigration reform
3. If you say you want to establish strong border controls and want immigration reform, they're going to say this is wrong and that we need to be more welcoming and humane (they may call you a racist at this point).
Etc. The end point being that they know there is a problem at the border, support that it's occurring, and want to worsen it so that they can ultimately remove the border entirely. Will they tell you this? They'll speak about it among themselves but will not put it frankly in any discussion with others.
This is the universal practice that I have observed in every political discussion I've seen, on any issue. There's really not anything comparable to this type of endless deceptive argument for other sides, even if some people do at times. It's not universal in this way.
Changing and supporting a different issue is not contradictory. It's only contradictory if you support both at the same time. You're saying that people can never legitimately change their positions, and that people can never respond to new problems and political situations by finding new solutions. You're trying to do the thing I outlined above by conflating things and making it look like you don't do what you very well know you do, by pinning it on someone else. Anyone with eyes can see through it.
Not him, and I find no fault in your statement - but this effect is much more pronounced on the left than it is on the right.
>do thing
>someone accuses you of doing thing
>claim victimhood
how do I upvote?
I sincerely do not believe that there is a problem at the border. I live in Texas. I have not seen any sufficient evidence for this being true, and the leftists that I know don't do what you claim, at least not in front of me. I'm really not sure why you think there is a mass deception here.
All you have to do is look at the number of border crossings, you lying goon.
How the hell is Kamala a communist?