Can someone redpill me on Catholicism? Is it good? Does it suck?
Can someone redpill me on Catholicism? Is it good? Does it suck?
It has been co-opted by evil child sodomizing psychopaths. No Aquinas quote can justify the monstrosity that the church has devolved into
But it was always that way
Kate Bush is Catholic. All you faves are Catholic.
Your local church is likely full of chilld and loving people, ignore the cringelords above.
>child loving people
In the religion business, Catholicism has the monopoly of the truth.
it's ok as a social activity, larping as a catholic is fashionable in some sites and the principles are good on paper.
You can't really make a statement like that without backing it up
She is secretly straight for me, don't fall for her tricks :3
There is a reason she still browses this site so much. We are basically what she's used to. She's trying to be a rebel. :3
The fact that there are friendly and well meaning Catholics (and there are) doesn't excuse the corruption in the church.
Is this just one person or are there multiple posters in on the whole cringe butterfly lover thing
Mods got mad I was pretending to be that guy so I think it's just him now.
Fuck you, mod. I have DID and this is discrimination. I need to pretend to be someone I'm not!
The less the better!
Pick someone nice.
I go to a High Latin Mass every weekend and occasionally go to a Ukranian Byzantine rite Catholic Church. I love it. I would join a monastery at this very moment if I wasn't so overwhelmed at the amount of options and the prospect of committing to something for my entire life.
this is how i feel i think aquinas was ruined by his obsession with memeostotile and thereby the whole church
Haha so cute.
She is obviously interested in me.
Also on a macro level we are in a cycle that's breaking down as well. She starts admitting that she's interested in me very soon.
Spend some time in catholic academia. Aquinas is their God
i followed some catholic guys when i had a twitter it was bad. ive read bits and pieces of the summa on a topical basis and i really dont understand the appeal unless you're trying to fill in the holes left by the scriptures and then turn off your own brain.
i prefer chad orthodox plotinus readers but im pretty ecumenical when it comes to calling someone a brother in christ. catholics, we can be friends but stop beating me over the head with your awful apologetics and babby-tier 'logic'
I'm unfamiliar with Orthodox intellectual circles so I don't know how insufferable they are compared to catholic intellectuals. Oh, and acknowledgement of digits
He doesn't back it up because he cannot back it up.
>I'm unfamiliar with Orthodox intellectual circles
desu its cuz there really arent any. thanks for checking.
Dugin doesn't count?