Imagine not being a Randian

Imagine not being a Randian.

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That's easy.

Be a Landian.

Imagine thinking that's not as dumb.

Ayn Rand was an ugly Jewish w*man literally two of the most evil things combined

You are called randroids, what's this randian bullshit

Jewish mysticist cultural corruption aside, their historic extolling of the science of banking is one of the most morally admirable traits for a people to exhibit. Only the Greeks are more based.

I prefer "Objectobot" desu

it isn't as much culture, the traditions of banking and sciences started when banking and doctoring were two of the only jobs city jews were allowed to do in presecular christian europe because christians didn't want to be usurers or mess with goods creations. with industrialization and a necessity to invest in machinery to make money, banking became highly useful to society but jews were still the main ones doing it because inheriting jobs was still prevelant.

Forget the political philosophy for one second
>All people are vastly different, and everybody seeks something unique in life
is something nu4chan types and redpill/blackpill people especially need to be reminded about. Just think about how many young, impressionable people come to sites like this, get flooded with detached irony-posting and self-flagellating doomer blogposts and end up denying their genuine, organic passions in favour of appearing artificially socialized and "attractive" to girls they never even met.

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and education is very necessary for doctoring so Jews eventually expanded into other fields

Can't tell if trolling, Jewish, or dick-snipped Golem

Pills are ridiculous. We need old school leeches.

is christianity the most cucked religion of all time or what?
>hey jews you guys wanna monopolize the most lucrative and intellectually-demanding professions around? yeah we decided they're sins lol idk
it's like they were trying to enslave themselves

Echoesposting is complete retardation.

>denying their genuine, organic passions
Monkish behaviour and denying passions is a passion itself. I know David Hume would contest to this. Embracing despair itself is also a passion, arguably as organic as any other.

The idea that Yea Forums is any more a corruptive force anymore compared pornhub, reddit, facebook or disney movies is extremely suspect to me.

>Hey we found a way to exploit people not merely off of their labor, but off of labor they haven't done yet
>morally admirable
I can't wait for the nuke to hit Tel Aviv.

I am a political animal who lives in a political community. I care about the integrity and welfare of my political community, therefore I care about the prosperity of the nation. I would much prefer an industrial policy that encourages the growth of productive enterprises while reducing the power of the financial sector, investment in infrastructure, and economic protectionism. I see no reason why one must adhere to the false dichotomy of classical liberalism and Marxism. Neither, taken to their logical conclusions, will set the conditions necessary for human flourishing.

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>Imagine not being a Randian.
howling at the thought

Man's unique capacity is to act and expand his interests long range but you want him back in the cave where it's range of concept-interplay can fit inside your boxed in noggin where you comfortably (read: stagnatingly) account for all your theory crafting's ingredients.
Exploitation the way you use it is a meme boogey word. With inevasive philosophic application and inopaque respect with your trader (which yes boohoo some with be your intellectual lessers) "exploitation" is ALWAYS moral.
[this is where you're argumentatively hard-mandated to specifically explains how this ^ atypical stance is an inversion of the truth if you expect to keep your postion]
You are disintegrating the interplay of concepts and refusing to acknowledge a simple grade school qualifier of transparently frank or opaquely deceptive.
>mfw trads/commies EVER open their mouths to talk economics in a meta-capitalists (Objectivists) presence

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What you point to is the source of all the nonsense you see on /pol/ and /r9k/. Their thinking is rooted in the denial of humanity. They don't see groups as being made up of individuals who have much more to them than the specific identity in question. They're just cells. To /pol/, Muslims are just the shitskin horde that's here to rape women and destroy Europe, nothing more. Women are nothing more than programmed automatons who thoughtlessly seek out "alpha males" to attach themselves to. It's sick.

>hates collectives forming collectives out of individuals
>blames this on individuals forming a collective

I love the right panel so much. Why can't this miserable virtual den see more wonderful emblems of optimism like that one?

They can!

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Replies like this are very humbling because I consider myself to be a fairly articulate guy but apparently I give myself too much credit. I believe that human beings are complex, with a core that's unique to them, with various collective identities on top of that - that's what the poster I replied to has spoken about. I accused /pol/ types of having the denial of human complexity as the core of their beliefs. A great example of this is the husband of one of the victims of the NZ attacks saying that he forgives the assailant, and /pol/'s reaction to it. The comments boiled down to "he's happy he can marry some kid instead of that hag"; "he's being paid by the media"; and most interesting of all is them attributing his comments to a supposed doctrine of deceit that Islam has. They cannot fathom that a man who is a Muslim can do something that's "unislamic" in their eyes. Another great example is their attitude towards women. They deny women any notions of romance and assert that women will seek out "alpha males" like some icy-hearted automatons who think of nothing but their material well-being.

Yet you once again treat the collective you personally despise as a hivemind.

And to add to that, you do not treat the individuals making these posts as individuals. They are, to you, representatives of a collective.
So all of them are responsible for each other's acts.
Wait, hold on, where does this thinking lead us to?

I'm livin' it and lovin' it.

Oh. Is that what that was.

How can one of you Butterfly faggots be a commie and one of you think Rand is swell?
Tell me what the fuck your dipshit discord server is or whereever the fuck you come from.

I'm living the life of a non-Randian

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Oh I misread your post. Good. Thought I was being rused for sec there.

>Women are nothing more than programmed automatons who thoughtlessly seek out "alpha males" to attach themselves to
this is true, but we call him Chad now, gramps

Because most of them are acting in the same way. If they're not, then I'm obviously not talking about them.

you surely are memeing here? You don,t see the irony AT ALL?

>libertarianism as a mechanism to ensure men are fundamentally free on a level that keeps them from being utterly consumed by a society that is ultimately a toxic morass, all without falling prey to meaningless ideological crusades

>lmao helping other people is EVIL

But she made it a moneymaking scam so of course Americans fell for it. Rand is Think And Grow Rich tier.

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I haven't read this book but the quotes I've seen from it seem kind of weird.
>The anarch is to the anarchist what the monarch is to the monarchist
Wouldn't that just be either nobody or some kind of aggregate of everyone living in the anarchist society?

>adhering to any -ism

Bad ones without depth you don't. Good ones, with the application of the indisputably objective if you can manage it, you do. This isn't difficult.
The supremacy of reason>epistemic subjectivism, and the Objectivist Theory of Concepts proves it.

Rand said nor implied such a thing and her only point was what ethical maxim should be treated with primacy. She makes the astute observation that since everything must begin with the individual and be birthed from said individual's ego, the development of that ego is what makes possible and gives potency to any act or goal one could choose to pursue, including helping others and including in a commual/social capacity. These are secondary and contextually relational (let's also admire one of her many discovered original logical fallacies: the Context Dropping Fallacy) Her point is that what should be treated with primacy is the happiness and interest of the self and not concept of the group, the environment man operates in, or the interplay of concepts within the social totality. A collective is only a group of given individuals and nothing more, and has no justifiable basis to be treated as anything more than that especially not a standard which to refer all your concepts to. This then consistently interweaves to her philosophic principle in politics of objective nature of rights and how the science of applying them should be performed, justifiable down through all the branches of philosophy and knowledge to metaphysics and the 3 objective axioms. Existence, Consciouness, Identity.
Her philosophy is a fully integrated system like no other. No philosophy stresses conceptual integration to the degree Objectivism does. Though Rand shit talkers seldom exhibit cognizance of anything but the ethics and politics of her system.
Eh another day another strawRand.

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>/pol/ shit
Fuck off and die

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An Objectivist hat along those lines would read "Give Reason Teeth Again" or "Make America Even Greater". Trump is a philosophic unsophisticate despite his one or two marginal admirable traits and he is more akin to a Gail Wynand than to any of our actual heroes. Written into Shrugged he could be one of the hapless bussinessmen lead by the nose by the statist villians.
Now that I've said this kindly fuck off to /pol/

Hoppe and Rand differ and I prefer the latter but they do have 100% overlap in certain areas don't they?

They aren't wrong. People including you and I are automata/animals in 95% of their actions, especially anything 'social'.
Your immortal soul and free will is for considering and building complex projects in this world, study of things outside the world and the praise of god.

american shit

Imagine people constantly misusing a meme and forever changing it's meaning.

Rand has an edgy quality to her. Something feminine in spite of having a 99% demographically masculine ideology. Also a romantic (important distinction) .
Hoppe is a manly Christian version of her without delusions of literary talent. He knows the world is supposed to be shit.


Your fortune: οΌˆγ€€Β΄_ゝ`οΌ‰οΎŒο½°οΎ

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Help others isn't evil; living as a slave for others is evil.

PS living as a slave means helping :^)

Christianity means faith (which is the curtailing of reason), the malevolent universe premise, and altruism. All corrupt.

The misuse?

>Also a romantic
Also romantic realism, an even more important distintion. One of my favorite things about Rand is her original aesthetic philosophy and different take on how the science of meta-art should be treated.

Pretending to be retarded is a sin, user

Arguments about corruption aside, the difference between those more popular mediums is that they are usually affirmative where as Yea Forums is becoming more and more negative ("don't do that, weirdo virgin"). Anything related to general lifestyle on this site quickly becomes unreasonably normalizing and dissuasive.🌈

Not an argument

Jewess are one of the most cute and well behave woman of today

I don't know if I'm Randian, but I am very randy

Lately memes like in thd OP make me just feel like everyone is bipolar round here nowadays

Very nice posts Randbro, your effort is wasted on this place. The fact that these got no answer at all is very telling.

This place is fine though, Yea Forums is a good mental whetstone.



should i read atlas shrugged?πŸ˜ƒ

Prose: 6/10
Sufficient to the task

Story: 10/10
Rand likes an integrated consistent whole for her stories

Characters: 8/10
Written purposefully as archetypes representing a given ideal, which is done well. Differing aesthetic philosophies will grade it as too unrealistic. Though well written, mary sues abound.

Philosophy & moral: 11/10
Best that has ever been.

Yes. Though I'll be the first to admit one reads this book for D'Anconia's, Rearden's, and (especially) Galt's speeches.

Is this bait? Stop posting if you're going to say one thing and contradict it over and over.

>Give Reason Teeth Again
Would wear, kino hat

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Huh, suddenly I have all perks but dino and spooky unlocked


The thought of not being an Objectivist makes me laugh tooπŸ˜‚

just watch Neil de Grasse tyson videos and post on Reddit until the end of fucking time

Shit like this is produced by bourgeois think tanks to make the middle class complacent while the rich steals all their fucking money and uses literal slaves in the third world to make their trendy glitter iPhone cases.




These people are trying to thought control you into passively reclining and injecting low-effort Mythbusters reddit filth into your brain and ignoring the dull ache of meaninglessness and consumerist overstimulation from inhaling high fructose corn syrup and salt all fucking day

"Optimistic nihilism" is what rich faggots pay slightly less rich faggots to convince lumpenproles to think they're experiencing when they work in a cubicle for 45 years to finance a lifestyle of watching proles modify Nerf guns and design "man caves". Turn off the Youtube and develop some tastes and moral preferences taht an algorithm designed by Amazon can't predict and use to predict your entire life befoer you've evn lived it you peice of fucking shit

Man I know this kind of commentary is kind of old hat now, but it really really captures something important about the modern world. Namely that it is and can only be, dare I say it, a "clown" world

I have an announcement everybody!!!! *HONK* Everybody, I have an announcement!!!!! *HONK* *HONK*

I have an announcement everybody!!!! *HONK* Everybody, I have an announcement!!!!! *HONK HONK*

*blows up balloon and makes a balloon dog* This announcement is gonna be monumental!!!!!! *sprays water from fake flower* The biggest *slaps you with rubber chicken* most amazing announcement *pulls string and bowtie spins like a fan* you'll ever hear in your life!!!!!!!!!

Here, just lean your head in closer to this sack of announcements and you'll hear it!!!!!!!



*presses a coconut pie into your face*

And there it is!

Here, just lean your head in closer to this sack of announcements and you'll hear it!!!!!!!



presses a coconut pie into your face

And there it is!

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Prose 4/10 lumpen and dragging, she has no ear for the rhythm or music of English, and after a few pages of reading it gets painful, however her prose is her strongest suit here
Story 3/10 thematically the story is done in 200 pages, then repeats another 1000 pages for no discernable reason
Characters 1/10 appalling, 2 dimensional caricature at best, they neither think act or speak like humans
Philosophy and moral 2/10 scientology tier nonsense. It's like taking the history in the LOTR appendix seriously

This is your brain on maymays

>"don't do that, weirdo virgin"

I'd argue the exact opposite. "Don't do that weirdo virgin" is the basis of all human socialisation, not just internet sites. You have to acknowledge that every affirmative duty someone encourages you to do usually involves an implicit negative duty.

e.g. "You should be kind to others" implicitly contains the negative duty of not being unpleasant to others. "People can like what they like, you should pursue what you enjoy" implicitly contains the statement that you should not criticise the actions of others, and perhaps even disregarding difficult tasks which bring pleasure in the long run.

I'm not saying these attitudes are inherently bad, you can debate the merits of them, but they're present everywhere.

This. Context. Context. Context.

In the tranquil niche of the world I inhabit, my neighbors and I conspire against the dangerous few who are conspicuously lacking in sympathetic imagination, without much regard to their rank, though with, quite naturally, sublime skepticism about the avowed motives of those who seek power. How this operates cannot, ever, be treated without the personal essayist's usual recourse to"subjective" accents of affection and loathing that accord with long and deep experience of particular, but typical-of-the-kind, persons. It is always possible to theorize history--biography writ large upon world events--out of existence in the attempt to clear the air of tribal biases or dogmatic legacies, but in doing so all that it amounts to is the conjuring of amnesia, which is most convenient to those who harbor implacable, and cunningly hidden, malice. We are, in this respect, objective beyond any objectivist's imagining.

