So many pretentious intellectuals on here. A lot of you need to go outside and do stuff with your hands and be active. Sitting at home all day and reading Pessoa isn't healthy for you. It's just intellectual masturbation. Read books that actually change your life for the better and inspire you. Spend more time outdoors putting your beliefs to practice.
So many pretentious intellectuals on here. A lot of you need to go outside and do stuff with your hands and be active...
Fuck off mom
Some of us have jobs to do, it's not a matter of fucking around inside or outside.
You're the fucking pretentious faggot here, worse than the NEETs
But I don't read Pessoa.
I'm not a NEET, and writing your novel that will never get published for 15 years isn't a real job.
Too bright out there. Also there are girls!
I go to college, i have a job, i walk outside and socialize, i go to the gym everyday. Still, i feel like shit and Pessoa resonates deeply with me.
>everyone on Yea Forums is a 'writer'
lmaoing @ ur life
>Too bright out there.
Depends on the time and place.
>Also there are girls!
Avoid thots.
t. bugman with no literary soul
>Read books that actually change your life for the better and inspire you.
Like which books?
You like watching me champ don’t ya? You like how my brain works with my sexy body? My intellect is indeed mighty and I have a large penis to compliment it and I know that makes you feels inferior. These posts won’t change a thing.
I‘ m actually preparing to move to an isolated location to live out of the land. Just like a descent human being, and not wagecucking like 99% of the population. I'm going to break free of modern society.
12 Rules for Life
The Bible
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
The Power of Now
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Is there anything more pathetic than depressed NEET losers who say "Pessoa resonates with me"? Fucking cringe.
Is your job fulfilling? Walking outside isn't good enough, you need to find an outdoor adventure that satisfies you. Avoid socializing unless it's with people you enjoy being around.
>i go to the gym everyday
You fell for the cult of iron too, eh? Gym is shit, get your own weights and work out outdoors, because the gym is a sterile place full of homosexuals and thots. Do physical work in your free time that is both fulfilling and not lifting a piece of iron and putting it back down 50 times.
Reading is great, but locking yourself inside with books isn't the way to go.
Bhagavad Gita.
You're already doubting yourself.
Based. Godspeed.
>you need to go outside and do stuff with your hands and be active
Took OP's advice and became registered sex offender. Thanks a bunch,
anti-elitists are such whiny fags
people who bitch about the aforementioned NEET on a Cambodian daguerreotype hub
I miss being NEET :(
No thanks I'm having more fun being a neet and staying in my room I am convinced being a neet is the best thing to be in today's world. I tried having a job and being useful and it is cancer everything outside is boring and the people suck being useless is top tier ngl.
Also Pessoa is the GOAT he was 100x the man you are, literally.
I was NEET for like 8 months. Now I'm going to college and I'm pretty much normal right, I even have a gf and everything, and its good, but being NEET had its own charm. Just being inside all day being a parasite isolated from everyone was hell sometimes but now I wish I could just cut up all contact and become nothing again.
You can actually suck my cock, whiny bitch. You just here to piss people off by acting retarded? You understand absolutely nothing, you are not even close. Stop flaunting your retardation as if it's a badge of honour.
>The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
I read it but it had little to no effect.
>Some of us have jobs to do
Shilling on Yea Forums doesn't count, desu.
but Tao Lin pays me
define pretentious
this is a pretentious post
t. whiny fag
No, I don't, you stupid motherfucker. People do not need to define every fucking word.
t. tough guy
chill the fuck out!
In 30 years all jobs that are done by humans will have been replaced by AI. The only humans that are irreplaceable are the losers and utter degenerates, the highest form of life.
define 'stupid motherfucker'
An adult who repeats a joke that was told a minute ago, expecting people to laugh at it again, like children sometimes do.
I know and I’m going to and I hope my Yea Forumsbros do the same
pessoa was a child
>some self-help 100 iq wojak memer is telling me to stop reading the greatest poet of the twentieth century and thinks his shitposts are worth anything from your dumb shitpost i can tell you have no literary soul get off my board.
yes you're right, now go back
I go outside
>Tfw doing manual labor for an elderly man on his beautiful 10 acre property while listening to Kierkegaard lectures.
>Read books that actually change your life for the better and inspire you.
Pessoa is inspiring
Pessoa has changed my life though
Op is right y'all know that right?
"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live" Thoreau