Obscure requests thread

Post a music, film, painting, image or whatever and get a BOOK recommendation :)
What are some books with this aesthetic? youtube.com/watch?v=OWij9sTnAEc

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Anyone got a pic similar to this one but with bare feet?

Fear and Trembling

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This one but not Paradise Lost or the Divine Comedy, I have already read them

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Gerusalemme Liberata

Narcissus and Goldmund

no Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost, please. Something that tries to describe an environment similar to this. Obviously fiction.

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A Rebours
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Blood Meridian
At The Mountians Of Madness

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Mountain of madness, Lovecraft generally

I had a feeling about this. Will try, thank you.

I am still open to hear of newer examples.

i want something very very sad. I feel lonely

my diary desu
american psycho
Ring der Nibelungen

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Misery, Stephen King

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Favorites are Among His Tribe, Happy Colored Marbles, and The Argus.

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White Noise
Kafka on the Shore
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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My heart is too heavy to carry on bros

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>Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
>Infinite just
>Closet Full of Coke: A Diary of a Teenage Drug Queen
>Frag On: A Counter Strike Story

I'm looking for a book that contains obscure conspiracy theories,cults and secret societys or a story that involves around secret cults And secret societys that is'int Pynchon or Robert Anton Wilson.

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Foucault's pendulum

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The Hobbit

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The Devil in the White City

Tender is the Night

Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm

Perfume by Patrick Suskind

Snow Crash by Stephenson, hell i could imagine this song blasting during the climax.

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some neil degrasse tyson book

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Humpty Dumpty

This Jack Vance?

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What's the 24 ball mean?

Rolled 5 (1d6)

funny gaff, friend
like 4 like?
need to up my Yea Forums social credit so I can get access to more hot perkz


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"The Dunwich Horror" by Lovecraft is even more fitting I think

can anyone give me recs on books that have a "most beautiful girl in the world" type character who is almost otherworldly, makes people go crazy or immediately fall in love with her? Like in One Hundred Years of Solitude or the shepherdess in Don Quixote. Also I have read Infinite Jest so other than that as well.

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the great replacement by brenton tarrant

Looks like April Fool's is making Yea Forums look even more like Reddit! :D


Give me something to prevent me from blowing my head off from the thought that I will more than likely die alone without experiencing true love

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The sorrows of young werther
The most beautiful woman in town

Not a book but the ending scene of Nights of Cabiria.

Just wanted to say great taste user, I love the caesar demos!

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this'll give wings to your growing heart

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Faust II
Daphnis & Chloe

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Goethe the sorrows of young werther

The Indian in the cupboard :3

The Thirst for Annihilation

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books on subscriptive government or similar ideas
something like this
"The idea is you pick a politician/political faction to subscribe to and they will decide laws, arbitration, etc and will arbitrate in the case of conflicts between you and someone else.
So if you subscribed to Ron Paul you wouldn't be forced to pay for universal healthcare but also wouldn't get access to universal healthcare. And people who want it can subscribe to Bernie Sanders and get it."

The possibility of actually finding true love. You idiot human being who think you know everything desu

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"Heather, the Totality" by Matthew Weiner

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Gass The Tunnel


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Nothing cliche, please

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just sand, user

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Poetic Edda

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gibe buk pls

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this picture annoys me so much it almost hurts.

Well, maybe you should go cry about it, faggot.

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The Woman in the Dunes

Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus"

Remarque's "Nothing New on the Western Front"

Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye"

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Easy: Suskind's "Das Parfum"

Yes quite, I just posted an article on my blog about the picture and my hypersensibility to some textures and sounds. It already has a like and I know for a fact that it's not my mother since she's asleep at this hour (I would have seen her online on Facebook Messenger if she wasn't (she always has a Facebook tab open)).

If you're looking for something a little different but still having to do with this archetype then check out

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Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier

That looks interesting, thanks.

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a confederacy of dunces
welcome to the NHK

James Joyce's love letters

So what's my book fellas?

Being and Nothingness

Bound for Glory: The Hard-Driving, Truth-Telling Autobiography of Woody Guthrie

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The Baphomet

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Starship Troopers

based wizard poster

Germinal by Zola or Hard Times by Dickens

Something with a similar aesthetic to any Phil Elverum music, The glow pt. 2 is my favorite by him though.

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Maybe Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis