Right-wing uncle culture. I legit think the suffering that happens on this board stems from toxic whiteness.
Hi, Yea Forums...
>What do you mean by this? How do we generalize virgins?
W*men perpetuate the "incel" meme
Kill all white people. They only exist for the destruction of humanity.
Is there anything more lame than referring to yourself as a "femanon"?
Stop larping. Every woman on the internet is a man until proven otherwise.
You are reading twitter too much, user. In real life women don't know or don't care about virgins or "incels".
sex and character by otto jewlastname
god PLEASE be in London
If you really are a girl then why are you reposting a photo of some random chick from somewhere else. Tits or gtfo.
Feels good that the subhuman races still are butthurt about not being white
There was a girl on my local Bumble who said "no fuckboys or creepy stalker incels" on her profile. Stop.