Why Muricans cannot produce any good philosophy or poetry?
Why Muricans cannot produce any good philosophy or poetry?
America has a rich poetry tradition
also who gives a fuck about philosophy
Because Americans are dim-witted mongrels with a long anti-intellectual tradition.
>America has a rich poetry tradition
Do you mean mumble rap or country music?
because we live both instead of just talking about them
What is American Pragmatism?
Because they prefer to shoot and shit in the streets
Title of Trumpf's book?
Dickinson, Whitman, Stevens
Harman, Quine
The british are only slightly better
all anglos a shit
Pretty much all top philosophers of the 20th century were American. There's no reason to even think about you.
Literally who?
We're Chads
Go read Rupi Kaur and tell yourself poetry isn't dying due to commercialization and branding. If you don't think that various rappers could be considered poets then it's evident your experience with the genre is empty, abysmal, and likely limited to the pop garbage blared on radio stations.
>If you don't think that various rappers could be considered poets
>falling for such obvious b8
dawg it's not that serious
Literally all of those are memes, lmao
Whitehead is based tho
Whitehead is a limey
Unironically this. Poetry is for beta cucks
Nah.. Yuh di incels...
Leaving America doesn't make you not American. Okay fine, we'll play by your rules. Now Nabokov and Einstein are American
For the same reason the Romans couldn't, any why for 200 years England only produced economists.
>the Romans didn't produce good philosophy or poetry
poetry serves no purpose outside of mythologizing and getting laid. it doesnt get you laid anymore that's why we rap.
I like Rawls characterization of justice, his mental experiment really made me think.
"Blow it out your ass" is the most succinct philosophy ever written.
>various rappers could be considered poets
post examples
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,...
Oakeshott, Strauss
>good philosophy
ok, user
the fundation or explortation
Americans can't produce good ph-
>Why Muricans cannot produce any good philosophy
>blocks your fucking path
“I will be dead one day,” I explained to to my employees while holding my hand up in the form of the Yea Forums and ever so slightly wiggling it back and forth in rapid succession.
“I unironically believe that DFW, was a retard, and that those on Yea Forums are eho rip on DFW are basically him but differently, and that you’re as unaware as being him as he was!” You al fall silent, one girl ijn the audience scratches her nipple, another strokes her pony tail, some guy scratches his balls, half the room looks at me like im a retard.
I turn around, bend over, and squeeze the upper part of my sack like i was squeezinf my clit while i make the Yea Forums sign with the same hand. A few people laugh, most start booing so i turn around and squeeze my left nipple and doing the Yea Forums sign, while i donthe Yea Forums sign in front of my crotch and start jerking off, IM LOUIA CK, I AM LOUIS CK, and start stomping around like i had long legs like conan obrian and the crowd goes wild and then i drop to ththe foor on my stomach and start humping it and reach back to my butthole and do the Yea Forums sign and start playing with my butthole and i can go on if anyone wants me to.
young pablo meyers
Literally no country except like France and Germany has produced good philosophy
>Why Muricans cannot
Why does every anti-America thread contain the worst elementary grammar mistakes imaginable. And yeah, our poetry kind of sucks, but how would you know? You can can't even read it.