How come his books all suck but most of the movies based on them are great?

How come his books all suck but most of the movies based on them are great?

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The only one that's good is The Shining, and that's because the director made it his own.

what an ugly motherfucker

A better question is why did he write that child gang bang scene in the sewer?

Movies have to compress as much info into two hours or less, which is perfect for authors who stuff their work with unnecessary fluff and he doesn't care enough about how the adaptations turn out to meddle with them, so the directors can do whatever the fuck they want. The only director I've known he locked horns with was Kubrick over The Shining. King was so mad about that adaptation, he went and directed his own adaptation that nobody fucking knows about.

It's all the drugs and booze. Takes a toll on you.

This, i would never want to hear the thoughts of an ugly person.

Will they make a movie about the short story he wrote where a man is trapped inside a portapotty?

films based on based tings r gr8


I've done cocaine and it didn't make me want to diddle kids. Admit it, King is a pedo.

But it was kids du diddling each other.

Misery, Shawshank Redemption, Carrie (the original one), and Stand By Me were also good.

because you have a taste in books but not in films

I still think The Mist is by far his most intriguing work

it influenced half life, so therefore it matters.

Why? Its theme had been covered numerous times in other books, movies, and TV series. King brought nothing new to the table.

>>it influenced half life
No more so than thousands of other evil gubbament stories, novels, comic books, films, TV series, etc.

Is Pet Sematary worth reading?

It’s one of his better books, but considering the volume of his work that’s not saying much. It’s not terrible, but it’s pretty much airport literature — something to pass the time with and instantly forgettable.

Because you do not have to read his atrocious prose.

because the people who worked on them were actually good at what they did
especially true for Kubrick, who absolutely dabbed on King on many levels

>LOL people are the real monsters!!!!!!
but i actually love the mist

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Pet Sematary is shit and that killer-baby scene made me want to kill myself

The Shining is a perfect example of the adaptation improving from the original. King's version is linear and utterly predictable. There's nothing to interpret in it, there's never any doubt as to the demonic influence of the hotel on Jack's behavior. Kubrick is much more ambiguous in that regard. Part of what makes the film work is the sparseness of the dialogue, which invites the audience lend more importance to the visual storytelling in the film than they otherwise might. This has doubtless led to the various interpretations given to it over the years by fans, which, whether or not any of these interpretations hold value on their own, at least points towards an ambition to tell a story beyond mere denotation, something that is totally absent in King's novel.

I got blocked my Stephen King for reminding him that every single member of ISIS, Al-Nusra and the FSA who trusted him is going to die.

He lied to those people. He told them that they would be permitted to steal from Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian people. He lied to them, and told them that Jewish power would protect them. And it didn't.

Now those brave little leftists in the KPG are being forced to explain to their children why they are being executed. Now those brave "moderate rebels" in the FSA are being tortured to death with pliers, blowtorches and power drills, screaming for mommy Hillary Clinton to save them.

Why did you LIE Stephen? Why did you lie to those people and tell them that they would be safe? Why did you lie to the little Mexican Children who died in cages on the border, and tell them that they were welcome?

It is important that these people suffer. They must be made to understand that when a Democrat promises to save you, what he means is, "I guess I'll try when I'm done letting Tyrone fuck my wife." That must be the consistent message, and to hammer that message home, little Abu must scream, and plead, and beg for his life before being shot in the face, and fed to dogs.

For you, Stephen. He is suffering for you. But then, killing children for your convenience--that's part of your religion, isn't it. Thank God that there will never be more white liberals than there are today. Those children died because they trusted you--i.e., they died for nothing. The white liberal way.

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>watching movies

>Its theme had been covered numerous times in other books, movies, and TV series. King brought nothing new to the table.
Are you aware that The Mist was first published in 1980?