Do y'all listen to audiobooks?
Where do you get them for cheap?
Do y'all listen to audiobooks?
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leech my torrents plz
>Where do you get them for cheap?
youtube tomp3
Audiobooks are useless because listening to them puts your brain in a passive mode and in this respect it's no different than watching TV. Because your brain isn't actively engaging and interacting with the information you're receiving you don't retain all that much watching documentaries and listening to audiobooks. If you're listening to them while working out or doing other things you're retaining even less so they're just a big waste of time and effort.
>active/passive mode pseudoscience
you have no understanding of contemporary cognitive science my friend. if you don't like audiobooks, just say so but don't couch it in lies.
Since I'm not just mistaken but actively lying to people, why not prove me wrong? Don't let me get away with that.
just signed up last week :)
invite only torrent sharing forum, there are several (abtorrents, bibliotik). the exclusivity protects from leeches.
Pretty much how education has been since forever. A disciple listening to a master.
It's not the same. Have you ever wondered why teachers are constantly asking questions?
[citation needed]
I use audiobookbay
its very good imo
Here you go
>read this entire book (336 pages) for the sole purpose of verifying a post a Polynesian stopmotion entertainment forum.
yeah, no. all you're trying to do is get out of a discussion
What you think is not important to me.
You better seed goys
why try to convince people online of your way of thinking if you dont care what people online think?
I put it out there for the people capable of making use of it. I don't care what you in particular think because based on your responses I think you're an idiot.
>ur too stupid to take my word as fact
Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
>336 pages
wow it's fucking nothing
The fact that you think that's my argument confirms my suspicions. I'm only willing to spend so much time with idiots.
Librivox or Audible.
Why do onions people all write in this coying manner?
>I put it (it being your position with no citation) out there for the people capable of making use of it.
here you are saying that only smart people have the ability to take your word as fact
I didn't actually, but okay.
If you understood the author's argument, you would be able to put it in your own words and state it concisely.
The author of that book isn't making a relevant argument. In the first few chapters especially, she talks about various study methods and why some are more effective than others and she cites the relevant research in the endnotes. I'm taking the information contained in there about passive and active engagement and applying it to other things like audiobooks. I'm not going to go through the book and find the specific research necessary to support my opinion for two reasons. It won't matter and I don't care enough about what people like you think.
Why'd you bother citing a book that doesn't have a relevant argument? Just cite the research.
Jesus dude. I just told you why the book was relevant. Am I speaking Spanish?
welcome to the fold, my friend. I’m just getting started with private trackers as well!
It's simple, just once listen to a book on audio then read the actual book, it'll be obvious (at least it was to me) that audio books are fuckin' shit
>I'm not going to go through the book and find the specific research necessary to support my opinion for two reasons. It won't matter and I don't care enough about what people like you think
you really sound like someone with no proof whatsoever. you can't honestly think we're all going to buy a book we have no interest in and the guess which passage in it you mean just to save you the time of finding the right page
This is some laughably stupid shit. Audiobooks are a fantastic way to get your reading in if you're an adult with shit to do. Ignore this moron.
You don't have to buy the book because the active/passive brain theory is one of the most popular and accepted theories in psychopathology.
The library. Libby is useful and cool