Anyone here into Satanism? Is this the real shit?

Anyone here into Satanism? Is this the real shit?

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Take the O9A pill my brother christvs is but the god of the weak, the original sjw. We have to destroy all traces of slave morality and the christian vision of man so we can build a galactic aryan imperium. Its not ironic or post ironic or sincere its initiatic. Initiation goes through transgression to the foulest and most debased atrocity returning to the purest light the inexistent light of the Black Sun.Connecting with dark forces of the acausal realm so we can realise impossible dreams. Hail Satan

Honey it's bedtime, want some milk before I tuck you in?

You're not one of us larper

Have you ever been so dumb you made up your own religion based off of the popculture beliefs of another?

Read the Kybalion, pleb. Occult literature isn't about being an edgy fag all the time, it's about free thought.

no, but i am quite interested in knowing more about o9a

ONA is becoming one of the more genuinely dangerous groups. They are everywhere on /pol/ and /x/ (and on here sometimes). Anytime you see someone posting "read siege" stuff or the fashwave propaganda with skullmasks, they are either an ONA puppet or ONA. There is a thread over on kiwifarms documenting all these guys. It pisses me off that they've been relegated by the media and the left as nazis foremost, when the ONA have done similar stuff with islamic terrorism like myatt. It's only a matter of time until the ONA switch things up and start attacking under the false flag of some other extremist group like antifa, which ONA have said they may do. Such a tactic would work in riling people up.

I read somewhere they've allegedly been planning on staging jihadi counter attacks to the New Zealand incident

Attached: ona.jpg (1024x620, 49K)

Books are 2 and 3 and not considered particularly important and you would be advised to not post anything with Micheal W. Ford's name attached to it if you want your larp to be more authentic.

start with the greeks

what's their endgame

improve humanity and colonize space or something

Unless you're rich or making inroads to be a rich/influential/famous person being a satanist is pants on head, buttfucking retarded. You're basically accepting that the bible is true (it is), and rejecting god in exchange for material wealth from "the god of this realm", satan. I can understand why lady gaga is a "kabbalist", what about you user? You're probably a fucking loser. Really think about these things, don't take them flippantly. If you want to be the next Justin Roiland you're going to have to work for it, and you're going to have to fuck a kid on camera. And you're going to go to hell.

also be as edgy as humanly possible to channel the acausal

Spread autism beyond the stars

Nick Land on the ONA

ONA isn't ignored, as far as I know they're considered a terrorist organisation

Their language is often quasi-Spenglerian, but Myatt credits Toynbee more. They see civilisations as an organic process that rises and falls and gives way to the next in cycles. They believe that our current civilisation or aeon has been irredeemably perverted by the alien religion and values of the magian - so Christianity and Judaism. Their response to this is to try and simultaneously accelerate the decline of this failed aeon while producing the advanced guard of the next and to act almost as midwives to the birth of the next civilisation, which they assume will be extra-solar. Their program for achieving this is through an initiatic path influenced by the Hellenic conception of suffering as a teacher and a Jung inspired approach to alchemy as a primarily psychological and spiritually transformative doing - one in which the use of satanism and extremism is emphasised in the early levels as both an integration of the shadow and an invitation to suffer and not a necessary metaphysical, truth so to speak. This structure insures that the lower levels are full of edgy violent low impulse control tryhards that can be used as pawns with the full expectation that they will be pleb filtered sooner or later.

The satanism element has actually been downplayed in the last few years in favour of a more "dark-hermetic" aesthetic with a strong penchant for pre-Socratic philosophy, with satanism having been seen to be past its use by date, a product of the cultural environment of the 70's occult revival and the 80's satanic panic. It has only come back to the forefront after the temple of blood infiltrated the siege-kid discords a few years ago.

Why is every poster here so autist?

dark galactic imperium

Warhammer 40k without the denial that the emperor draws his power from the same place the gods of chaos do.

Sounds based to me. Sign me up

how do i get involved?

Absolutely based

> he (mis)read Nietzsche

Attached: Rusalka_smug_Laugh.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

initiate yourself and become cannon fodder

John Cameron Denton pls stop

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>There is a thread over on kiwifarms documenting all these guys
please provide details, genuinely interested in this if true

Start with the demons

A lot of this stuff was used during the Cold War in some fashion, and sometimes that backfired spectacularly for both sides. That's a story for another day, but it gets pretty weird. I'm sure you've heard of MKULTRA, the CIA's little journey into New Age ideas, Project Gladio, but what most actually know of the projects is merely scratching the surface.

Even today, while NATO has tried to handle it the best they can, the internet hasn't helped this problem, it made it easier for them to charge their sigils and hide messages within layers of code.

The One = Aten = Black Sun? It's... hard to tell

The CIA was also often linked to Neo-Nazi and Satanist groups, which were in turn closely linked to each other much of the time.

Satanism is for plebs, read Crowley instead

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I really don't understand why anyone would want to be a Satanist

wtf is ONA

awakening, wisdom, psychic power

Satanism is to religion what anarcho-capitalism is to politics.

As a long-time occult fag (Michael W. Ford is a cringe lord who couldn't maintain eye contact with me) just read Nietzsche and Might is Right. Anton Levey was a Semitic charlatan that stole the concepts and repackaged them to get shiksas to sleep with him, and to avoid having a real job.

You'd be better served by starting out with Magick In Theory and Practice, by Crowley. Listen to Manly Hall lectures, not EA Koetting. You'd literally get more out of the Kybalion than by any Leveyan "Satanism" (which is just anti-christian larp for atheist Jews). It would be better to larp even with the Simonomicon than with """"""Satanism"""""".

Get busy.

Or Siege, if you're mostly considering political anti-egalitarianism, anti-christian/liberal principles (though Mason was only significant for rejecting conservative liberalism as a Right Wing actor. Trotsky or Bakunin never had any illusions of arm-crossed moral indignation at political violence.)

Carnal power. The real WOKE shit is Luciferianism though.

based and siegepilled


>ever reading manlets

awakening and wisdom?
psychic power?
how are these things not just self serving values that inevitably lead to self destruction? what about community and love?

What's the name of this VN

Dies Irae. It's as stupid as it is fun.

It's also long as fuck
It took me like 2 months to finish all of the routes

For me, it was all worth it. Due to recent developments, I doubt we'll be getting any more. Did you read IkaBey?

Attached: dies_Irae_nutshell.png (1276x714, 1.21M)

No, I haven't read IkaBey. I don't think it's translated and I'm EOP. I did listen to the OST on youtube though.
Dies Irae was pretty fun to read but it did get pretty tiring at times because of how long and drawn out it was. Rusalka was best girl and I wish that she got her own route but at least she got a good ending so I guess that's something.

literal 8D chess (or star game)

You might be happy to hear that IkaBey has been translated into English. It's available on Steam and of course it was on the high seas hours after release. Also check out the anime OST; the remixes are the only good thing about it.

t. Jew

I just checked vndb and you're right, it is translated. The last time I checked was sometime last year and there wasn't anything so I just assumed that nobody had translated it yet. I'll probably pirate it and read it sometime soon.
I listen to the anime OST all the time actually. Almost all of the tracks sound better (the only track that I liked better in the original was Einsatz). I've only seen a few clips from the anime itself and they looked like standard low budget adaptation garbage and most of the reviews that I've read on the internet say that the anime is exactly that so I didn't have any plans on watching it.
How did they even adapt it? There's no way that they could adapt all of the routes in a standard 12-24 episode anime.

the anime is bad

Tarrant's manifesto and other stuff is packed with o9a symbolism, especially the atomwaffen stuff (which we now know from the last year or two was an o9a operation). One big thing the media misses is these o9a guys aren't fascists for the sake of being fascists. They are fascists for the sake of being extremists, which is why there is also the other stuff about ecofascism (which is another thing o9a having been pushing for awhile, along with the North Korea stuff, which the manifesto guy had visited). The major reason for these idiots jumping all over the place with this extremism, which is exactly what he does in the manifesto, is because o9a are a satanic group who want to bring back the true horrors of satanism. If you read the o9a manifestos they talk about this stuff. They call groups like nazis, ecofascists, etc. as having "sinister potential" to cause war and horror. They are vehicles for satanism.

Absolutely no one in the media, or anywhere else, want to talk about this, because it sounds crazy. People will be like "haha, it's not satanists, tips fedora."

>There is a thread over on kiwifarms documenting all these guys.


i´m a beginner when it comes to magick, this week i tried all day evoking the goddess Astarte to help me with astral projection, good things can come if you work with this 4th dimensional beings, i´m fucking sick of normies shitting on me, that´s why i turned to magick


literally who

There's not what magick is for

I asked God for the activation of my soul.
Well i couldnt handle it. This world is low frequency.