Is being a jaded loner Yea Forums?

is being a jaded loner Yea Forums?

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No, owning dildos and being on HRT is Yea Forums.

yes i am

what was he looking at in that scene?
I can't remember

my mom

That's /g/.

I think it was after an awkward conversation with the wizard

No, reading books is.

The pimps who were eyeing him up in the bar. Great movie. Too bad the “doomer” types seem to be latching onto it as of recently.

Same with Blade Runner 2049. What's with these movies and losers.

>as of recently
Where the fuck have you been? Taxi Driver has been popular with social outcast types for a long time.

an alka-seltzer

It is the doomer bible in film form. What is wrong with them associating with it?

Why anyone would want to associate an element of their personalities with Travis Bickle is beyond me. The dude is a totally inept loser. Sure, he spergs out and kills a few people toward the end, but it's really for nothing.

only if you reform somewhere in your 30s

Is it really possible to do a 180 turn at 30?

>want to
it's not a want; it's the unavoidable reality

I don't know.

But I can empathise with it. I find myself associating myself with narcissistic characters and feeling some level of connection to them. It pleases me to do so, but I know my and their narcissism is ultimately to our cost; at least we are told so.

It's not a 180, per se, as though you suddenly became a different man. as your life becomes more and more miserable, your indignation grows and grows until it collapses on itself and you realize that you got exactly what you deserved and all your life you've been a reprehensible person and never good to anyone including and especially yourself.

So then you jump off a cliff or get enlightened and take a different life path?

>why are movies that cater to disenfranchised people enjoyed by disenfranchised people?

t. privileged cunt

ideally you learn that not caring about others is plebeian and start on a path toward becoming a mature, responsible, fatherly adult.

Let me tell you a nugget of truth I got from No Longer Human.
Most depressed nihilistic egotists don't suffer from having much ego but from the lack of it. Needy overbearing parents are what made them like this. The key to caring about others is to care about yourself first

>straight, young, white men are disenfranchised

they're the epitome of privilege

how did you find your way here from reddit, roastie?

It's a cringe step on the way to being Yea Forums.

What's the fucking purpose of being jaded? To what end does it even help you? I genuinely want to understand. Why can I not be fantastically in love with the world and write about it? Why can I not write these atrocious tales of grand suffering while appreciating the depths of emotions that allow this poetry to wrench at the hearts of those who read it? Why must I be this jaded horribly miserable being as a prerequisite to express the machinations of my imagination?

What's the point of being jaded?
What's the fucking purpose?
How does suffering help you?

You can't really understand despair if you are a happy optimist. You can write about it beautifully and convince many people, but the real sufferers will know you are a faker

>y-you don't understand
What's the purpose of being jaded? What's the point? I suffered greatly, but I don't let my infant brother's death allow me to spite my father or catholicism, despite the excruciating traumas surrounding them to this day 16 years later. I'm 24 and I can't begin to move on emotionally, but I don't dare let that poison the world I see. I can list the dozens of traumatic events, dozen psychotherapists, articles of deceased, but that still wouldn't be enough for you.

What suffering is enough to write about? Or should I remain a bitter faggot as the crutch of any perceived literary genius alongside my alcohol and chain smoking? I don't understand the utility in being a prick if being happy gets the same result? Unless you only care for appearances, but that's surely projection.

You’re thinking of an entirely different breed of straight white men, honey. Doomers are typically lower class and suffer from mental illness. No privilege to be found.

>What's the purpose of being jaded? What's the point?
There's none. You think people choose to be depressed? They have a degree of freedom to behave in good&beneficial ways, sure. But if they have fucked up dopamine producing systems from early trauma and/or a weaker disposition that couldn't handle the difficult early circumstances, then they really don't have a choice.

>You think people choose to be depressed?
I chose to be depressed and do absolutely nothing to overcome it
>But if they have fucked up dopamine producing systems from early trauma and/or a weaker disposition that couldn't handle the difficult early circumstances, then they really don't have a choice.
I was torn from my mother's hands when I was 5. I grew up in the projects since. My brother died when I was 8 and he was 3. My father had that son with a girl he didn't wife yet and a son with one he was then wifed with. Everyone told me that my brother died in my arms bc my father wasn't faithful, to God or marriage. It was my duty to raise my 4 brothers because my father put my mom in prison to raise me, he went to work full time and college just to get a good enough paycheck to get off welfare. I was wholly responsible for my brother's death in my 8yo mind. God took him from me because I didn't do enough to make up for my fathers sins. I tried to kill myself with my fathers pistol at 8yo because I already fucking failed being a father just like I knew mind did. They wouldn't talk to him like that if he was good.

Keep telling me I have no choice, that I have to let hate or depression lord over me. I failed being a father before I was old enough to know multiplication. I failed being a family provider before I knew what a career fucking was. I was responsible for the child that couldn't walk being in the ground before fighting niggas over basketball was even a thing. I gave up, but I realized there's no point. Why keep living if life is just pain and piss? I tried killing myself, but I even fucked that up. After that, I saw my cousin swan dive off a fucking bridge. I have a million reasons to give up and only one to move on. I want to focus on the one.

same concept different aesthetic


How many more essays of my suffering do I need to write for you to get me? I focus on 1 in a million, not 999,999,999 in a million. One hand seems much more special to me than the other, it's the one I want to pursue.

> I have a million reasons to give up and only one to move on. I want to focus on the one.
Some people are so fucked that can't even see that one reason. Everything they try gives them no pleasure. Not even hope can light their night.
You can be an rape victim prison camp survivor and have better chance at life compared to an upper class guy that never faced any hardship.
>I was torn from my mother's hands when I was 5.
Coincidentally this is the time gap most psychologists agree 90% of personality is formed. You may have been blessed and you don't even know it

I'm so jaded I may just fade into obscurity

i'm just so jaded i might smoke a black clove cigarette

Sitting on your fucking computer in a thread wondering whether or not suffering is a prerequisite to an aesthetic of a certain subculture, however niche it may or may not be, arguing with a man who may or may not have suffered, certainly removes you so far from such grand suffering that you chose to ignore the reasons you have to live. You choose to drown yourself in the endless chamber of misery in hopes of deadening your senses from any additional suffering. Imagine that my loss of my mother could be an appreciation for people who act in a way I deem motherly. Imagine that my absence of a roof over my head for the past 3 years could bloom into an appreciation for things like a bathroom that works down the hall. I can piss and moan about all the shit in my life, or I can make shit from what I was given.
>Coincidentally this is the time gap most psychologists agree 90% of personality is formed.
I'm blessed honestly, but that doesn't have anything to do with anyone's actions.

I can keep writing all day, I have no issues with it. The problem I see is that you are telling other people they have no power over themselves. I can hate every homeless man that chooses to drink his life away and I can think whatever the fuck I want, but I can't tell him he's powerless to his situation. It's easier to drink, it's less painful, but you have that power to pick up that bottle or don't.

Only if you're lonely with a book in your hand.

If white men are ebil do not live in their countries. They will not stop you from leaving.

Christ, you're tedious.

I'm so jaded the Chinese would make a statue outta me!
No respect I tell ya

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No, it's the opposite. The most Yea Forums people are highly sociable, actively pursue spending time with others, both in the higher and lower echelons of society, learning about how they live, how they talk and communicate, how they feel and think and taste, etc. Jaded loners produce garbage and only garbage.

Sir, that's very mean. Travis isn't a loser. We all have difficulties. Imagine how much you would hurt him if he heard you saying this

>manages to score an incredibly beautiful woman for date easily like a chad
>takes her to a dirty movie like an incel
what the fuck was his problem

Travis didn't understand why this wasn't ideal, don't bully him please. He's had a difficult life

don't think so

No, that's /k/.
See above. Go ahead, make a thread on /k/ asking if he's, well, /k/. Travis is simply a /k/ommando finally going through with what he daydreams about. They all want to be the Punisher, but in the end the best they'd be able to do is be Travis.

major cringe bro

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Maybe if you had a mom to listen to your problems you wouldn't feel the need to write essays about your life on Yea Forums.


>Sophia at Betsy - unconsummated, Travis becomes despondent when attempting to consummate.

>Sophia as Iris - consummated, Travis becomes exalted when renouncing consummation.

>Travis then "consummates" the agents of her consummation. Palantine escaping being a Moral statement that power does not justify or consecrate anything, but merely enables it. The final shooting is also full of Symbol - the 3 "guards", ascending stairs, 3 empty camera shots of his gun's sound announcing him, the bird's eye view of the room, descending stairs, the crowd outside in contrast to the initial desolation and persistent silence, the music stopping right before the medics enter the building. Him letting Sophia go, despite Betsy's "how much was it?", shows that he truly did it towards unconsummation, not to try to justify or consecrate consummation with his newfound power.

>There's much more to it and it's a truly inspired piece in the vein of cruelly ironic Old Testament stories. Way too clever for Scorsese, by the way. His cameo as Satan is perfect.

Must suck being a nigger.