Is she /ourgirl/?

Is she /ourgirl/?

Also, best literary youtube channels/videos/lectures?

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three arrows, cuck philosophy, and the minotaur himself

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He's an AGP hon monster
also most youtubers are shit, spend the time reading instead

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Can any hegelian geist specialist explain to me the dialectics of Yea Forums's movement between right wing and left wing politics?

Is that him on the left? Wow he looked decent as a man. What a waste.

He's a guy, and a mind filled with degeneracy.

Yes. His discord has swarmed this shithole for months and now owns the jannies.

>this has six replies
>my thread still at zero
get on it you fucks

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contrapoints will be a welcome contribution to the 40% suicide rate soon enough

Contrapoints is the leader of the tranny discord? Wow, the lore just keeps evolving and evolving.

'Contrapoints' is a psy op of vice media the alphabet agencies and the managerial gynocracy designed to 'de radicalise' you and make you subservient consumer unit totally beholden to the globohomo leviathan panopticon machine. I am afraid you are yet to 'break through the programming'. Try watching sam hyde vertical videos from 2012-2014. and then read up on cybernetic governance, DARPA MK-ULTRA and OFTEN, links between 'lgbt activism' academia and the state department. Also get a gun.

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in all fields

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Is this from the new Nick Land?

this is the faggot who said new zealand was because people didn't take "alt right" memes seriously lmao

can't wait until he joins the 40%

of course he's our girl, what creature more appropriate than something maudlin commies and tranny pseuds cherish.

Right-winger here. Anyone else notice that all the lefty YouTubers are well-read and articulate while the right-wingers are just charismatic, inclined to sensationalize, and not particularly well-educated? Is this a coincidence or do right-wingers tend to be anti-intellectuals and pseuds?

Lindsay Ellis actually makes videos about literary topics and Jenny Nicholson does 90 minute lampoons of bad fan fiction. They're both more relevant to this board than ContraPoints.

these are actually the best answers itt

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link me up

>Why do I want to lick Lindsay Ellis' asshole? I know how bad it would be. She's much fatter than she lets on in her videos. I know it would be terrible. I KNOW Lindsay Ellis has swamp ass. I know it. Yet I also know that I would sign an immutable contract to the effect that I must eat Lindsay Ellis' asshole or be destroyed. I know that my future self, in the time-stream, would rue my signing. I know that all of my hopes will be dashed the instant she hikes her fat chunky legs up onto her desk and I behold the dimpled cellulite of her thighs. I know that as I begin to approach her crotch and anus I will realize my mistake. I know that she will have swamp ass and it will smell unfeminine, and the task will become my prison, with no way out other than its completion. But I would sign that contract. I would sign it in my blood.

It's easy, we all want to stay left but the contemporary left makes it impossible (say e.g. by demanding to also denying statistical facts and makes it a career thread to talk about them.) The consequence is the Hegelian bargaining you see and the result is fringe associations with left-right edge riders like Nick Land's accelerationism.

Gradually gets worse. Contrapoints production value is good but the transition anxiety that makes 100% of the videos about word redefinitions just has other trans folks as genuine audience.
>No, Ben Sharpiro, you are. In fact. WRONG! (Because I redefine "worman" to allow for men transitioning to be a woman all along) Instead of just taking on new terms, Constra and this gang have to demand redefinitions - otherwise they couldn't cope with their feelings.

Spencer strikes me as well read? Also the Distributist.

I like Cuck Philosophies cinematography even more than that of Contrapoints - and I'm jelly that his smirking act probably gives him tons of pussy.

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Yea Forums is a TERF board

daily reminder that cis lesbians > trannies

Hello fellow right-winger, yes I have noticed this trend, have you also noticed that they seem to have better ideas on economics, politics and sociology? You, I and our fellow right wingers are sure having a hard time of it to argue against these intelligent people who have much to offer with great conviction to the discourse on the former subjects.

Quite so.

>(((Right-winger here)))

rate my pro trump march outfit fellow right winger

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Can't help but laugh about a dude that wears drag and pretends to be a woman while claiming he hates liberals.

Contra Points doesn't claim he hates liberals though, where did you get that from?

it's a recoil, at first away from immediate degeneracy (right), but, through a deepening of the immediate degeneracy we see that it is only immediate in it's nascent form, that is, as a reaction, but in this negation we come to the new notion, that is, the movement of degeneracy as the force of Capital. This brings one into a form of mediated degeneracy (left), that is, an acceptance of degeneracy not as an ill of society but as a symptom of the movement of Capital. Now we see that this movement was not a real movement at all, nor is it a recoil, but rather these are sublated into the larger whole that we shall call Reaction.

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From some excerpt I watched, I guess. It's a common trope among trannypol in any case.

She's heavily critical of middle-of-the-road normie liberalism, stuff that focuses on "diversity" and other superficial shit rather than actual societal revolution.

I mean I've tried turning to our favourite pundits (our as in we, the right-wingers) on the subjects I've made mention of: Tucker Carlson, Sargon of Akkad, Amazing Atheist, Ben Shapiro, not a single one of these people I've in former times looked up to as light houses standing upright on the headland of knowledge shining forth the home welcoming beacon of reason and wit in to the sea of the discourse, but now I begin to doubt myself. I watch fox news every day and I'm despondent, how are our fellow right wingers so inept in the face of these hot new "e"-celebrities on the internet website
It makes me regret deeply voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, his image has curdled and gone off in my mind like food left far too long in office. I feel so guilty.

>actual societal revolution
you must not read what tankies have to say about her, she doesn't even advocate punching TERF's

>Yea Forums used to be a sharktank of deconstruction, tearing apart all ideas from all parts of the political spectrum, subcultures, artistic movements, and philosophies
>Yea Forumserati used to concede to liking what we like despite Russian lit being "melodromatic russian soap operas", free-verse poetry being "for talentless fags", right wing being for LARPING fags, left wing being for actual fags, Nietzsche for spergs, Stirner for NEETs, Marx for retards, Hegel for autists, Christianity for anti-intellectuals trying to evade suicide, new-atheism for smug anti-intellectuals who don't actually read, books in general for fags, being alive in general is lame and gay. overall it was a good time.
>every year after our top 100 chart reddit would migrate over and get their shit pulled apart, giving Yea Forums the reputation of being weird christian misanthropists
>tumblr "invaded" for like 15 minutes, giving Yea Forums the reputation of being alt-right
>/pol/'s right wing occasionally invaded and got BTFO, giving Yea Forums the reputation of being left wing commies
>that was actually really a really good summer in retrospect, /pol/ got fukn rekt
>/pol/ ends up on the news as an alt-right clubhouse
>Yea Forums is now guilty by association but most oldfags left so the usual robust good-defense-by-good-offense is not nearly as robust

there's a lot of other shit but this post is long and i'm tired of typing

we didn't "move" right or left, you're just too much of a reactionary dipshit to get an accurate feel for the demographic because you've surrounded yourself with individuals that agree with you because you're weak. feel free to leave.

contrapoints is good when she's good but her strawmanning is anything but infallible. honestly my biggest gripe is her video entitled "Why I Quit Academia" or something like that, and the video is about why she dropped out of college.
"quitting academia" means you worked for academia, then quit. she dropped out of school.
i have a hard time looking past distortion of the real narrative but i wasn't really that invested in the first place

She tries to present both sides of the show and add her pitch, contrary to the stuff like "SHAPIRO SHREKTS LIBERALS COMPILATION 13535" .

>Tucker Carlson, Sargon of Akkad, Amazing Atheist, Ben Shapiro,
Gee, fellow right winger, those are some pretty far right extremists you've picked out here. You should moderate your views and start following more reasonable voices.

>She tries to present both sides of the show
t. brainlet
also >she

the medium is the message twitter and youtube are pretty much designed to banalise the level of our political discourse and neutralise all threats to the reigning order, that is globohomo and managerial liberalism . Sure most right wingers are idiots, gamers, yahoos, don't worry much about them, anyhow, I have reasons to believe the left is the real threat to All We Hold Dear(tm). That doesn't mean leftists are smart either, most comitted leftists in the first world are illiterates- redditors, furries, pathetic beta males, trannies, self satisfied 'ethical' consumer lemmings who haven't read a page of Marx in their lives. The real scum of the earth are those leftist ringleaders, an incestuous groupthink clique of 115IQ managerial parasites with no concept of the sublime, they are not actually 'well read' beyond their pre vetted and pre digested college syllabus, twitter hivemind brain control and the occasional wikipedia article. media people, academic apparatchiks, journalists, woke personalities, Google's HR department, brooklyn faggots, no independent thinking at all just conformity, ressentiment and craven carrerism. Contrapoints and leftube, the DSA, and your favorite represent the low end of that spectrum, their job is to provide prolefeed ZOG-a-ganda to the reddittors.

I am not 'transphobic' by any means, but the fact that trannies are mentally unbalanced and should be actively excluded and made to feel unwelcome in any community that appreciates the principles of self determination and free discussion, stands as something completely self evident to me. Why do transgender individuals always happen to highjack and subvert every space that doesn't actively go out of its way to exclude them? every fucking time. I mean, theoretically I might understand that 'gender dysphoria' is a legitimate sexual fetish, that these people go through a lot of pain, but every last one of them just happens to be completely insufferable. it must be a coincidence, surely.

is this a false flag or? the irony levels are all fucked in 2019. Poe's year.

The racket has descended into lunacy.

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