Is it worth reading?
Is it worth reading?
ellis was trying to mock materialism by taking it to the extreme and nobody was their own person but instead who they knew and what they wore and where they lived and who they were fucking and what cream they put on their faces
he was saying this is bad but every man wants to be jason bateman
Is it better than just watching the movie?
why are you even on Yea Forums if "just watching the movie" is an option
It's shit. Fuck this book and fuck BEE
It's ok. but tbqh I was almost to the point where I was skipping the gore and porn and just reading batemen's commentaries on pop music.
movie is much better fag, not everyone is wasting their time reading about designer clothes and furniture.
Read it and find out for yourself. Also, check 'em.
It has no plot, it's performance art as a book, I liked it.
Instead of being pretentious pseud twat, learn to evaluate things based on their own merit and not their medium. On a literature board, it's really okay to just say, "Well, the film was better."
Bad post but nice digits so I’ll let it slide this time
Fucking retard lmfao, how does it feel?
Definitely worth a read. I think the societal attitude that it satirizes is kind of fading out with the end of the 90s but it still exists as a monument to modern day in incels IMO
why inflate the concept of incel? incel is simply being invol cel old boy.
maybe lay off the us politics
it's Fourchan's new favorite buzzword
a buzzword coined by reddit and now its constantly spammed on nearly every single board, anyone using that word should be perma banned.
fuck off nerd satan
if you like reading about eating dinner and wearing suits in the 80's then it's good, otherwise it's boring af.
you sure you're on the right website faggot?
Don't you have a retirement home to be living in, old man?
You seem triggered my guy. Sorry to break it to you but I don't limit my use to particular websites based on some neckbeard rules about sekret internet clubs. And I wont be staying out of your safe space. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Yes. It's a very good novel by a moderately significant writer.
It's one of the few cases where the film is better than the book. They're different beasts though. Do both.