Summer is in two months

>summer is in two months
what are some good books to read in the summer while everyone is outside having fun with their friends?

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Rei best girl.

Misato best girl.

Gravity's Rainbow

the only good answer

Shinji best girl

>tfw no asuka gf

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my guys

its the only non-pedo answer

t.mommy issues retards

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t. didn’t get laid during adolescence feeble faggot with small dick




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Kaworu best girl

Calm down, cuck.

I really love Walden. It doesn't get appreciated enough on this board. I always get a little sad when I see it misunderstood

This but unironically.

>tfw I have friends who are willing to hang out with me this summer, even friends in other states who are willing to meet up with me, and I'm ready to forgo it all in favor of staying inside and reading and writing and watching old movies until they realize I'm not worth it and slowly cut contact

why do I do this to myself?

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I wish I had friends. I'm jealous.

You only say that because you want to hear once in your life 'I love you'. Even it if it comes from a weirdo alien demigod.

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Yeah and so I wouldn't be alone when I practice piano.

I wish you did too, user. You'd probably treat them better than I treat mine.

>tfw no qt pianist Yea Forums bf

don't worry, people are absolutely useless and a waste of time. Stay home, watch movies, read books, and rest easy knowing you aren't wasting your time on people.

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I'm gonna finish the rest of Dosto's great novels - Idiot, Demons and Brothers Karamazov.