Is there a kingdom of /literature/ or similiar hierarchy among book readers as there is among the gaming community?

Is there a kingdom of /literature/ or similiar hierarchy among book readers as there is among the gaming community?

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I'm a PC Main and I dont understand PC superiority.
Console games are more fun desu and I wish I could play them instead of PC games but I don't own any.

Video-games are toys and should be treated as such. No man should be proud to hold the title of "gamer"

Yeah I dont play anymore because PC sucks and I dont own a console.

People who read hard cover books that they bought new who shit on people who use the library or read ebooks

>No man should be proud to hold the title of "gamer"
Imagine actually believing this

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Whatever, thats just your opinion. There is nothing that inherently says that it's bad for someone to enjoy playing video games.

Get a real hobby like woodcrafting. You millenials are all failures

>Now woodcrafting, THAT'S a real hobby

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I don't think anyone does this. Realistically everyone on this board is thrilled they found someone else who reads shit.

I believe this desu. Proudly saying your a gamer makes you a retarded consumer who defines himself based on his consumption habits.

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That's the same as being a reader though.

This looks like something that lots of people would have found funny in 2007

There are some video games which are deeper and more metaphysically impressive than some books in the western canon. Gaming is the nest step in media and the newest medium for how we as humans tell stories, and it's easily the most popular form of shared culture humanity has right now

Books are a thing of the past. Vidya is a thing of the future.

False equivalent you retard. Games really have fried your brain

I would argue LITERATURE is fundamentally different from vidya.
At least you produce something in woodcrafting.

But it's being a consumer and defining yourself based on your consumption habits

Not the same thing. Literature is an art, not just another product.

yeah literature is old and boring
vidya is new and exciting and engaging.

I'm a proud pc BANDIT. I pirate everything and haven't spent a fucking cent in over ten years.

It is just another product, just because you feel like you get more out of it than other types of products doesn't change it.

>implying vidya isn't art

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This remind me of Socrates, who believed that the written word is for plebs.

This is whole thing is stupid. Let people enjoy whatever shit they want. Your grandchildren will have some crazy futuristic shit, and you'll start shitting on them talking about how Fortinite was a truly master piece.

>genre fiction peasants
>literary novel orders
>short story and theater nobility
>poetry monarchy

Classic Novels: Monarchy
Novel: Nobility
YA: Shit-Eating Plebs
Genre Fiction: Criminal Underclass

> the holy non-fiction emperor

low brow

>multiplat monarchy
retro chads are the true monarchs

>There are some video games which are deeper and more metaphysically impressive than some books in the western canon.
Give some examples and please explain.

You are too old to have experienced the rigor and discipline that competitive League of Legends instills in young men.

I shat on scrubs every day of my teenage life by pressing all buttons at once as Garen and stacking black cleavers, that game has the rigor of a plastic ruler

Kentucky Route Zero is an exploration of addiction and exploitation in a magical realist setting, I'd definitely say it's an example of art. But most videogames don't even attempt to be art. It's a medium that can be used for art, like writing: not every book is art.

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>There is nothing that inherently says that it's bad for someone to enjoy playing video games
Your own conscience. Listen to it. It's telling you you're a pathetic manchild and need to stop. Do what it says.

1. People who read both
2. People who read non-fiction
3. People who read fiction
4. Normies who haven't read much more than harry potter or game of thrones.

I bet you don't even rise up like true gamers

I believe this. No man should be proud to hold any title, for starters.