How can I force myself to read more? I waste so much time watching stupid documentaries and looking at memes...

How can I force myself to read more? I waste so much time watching stupid documentaries and looking at memes. I want to form a habit of reading, but for whatever reason, I struggle to do so

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God. How do I raise a son to be like this? ):

Disconnect from those things and you’ll have all he time you need

I'm in my early twenties and am realising how much short my attention span has become.
Social media's instantaneous reward system affected my brain.

So I kinda turn off my wifi while reading. I get an ebook version on my phone as well. And I don't have mobile data, so when I'm using public transport or in bathroom, I get to read books.

Downloading/borrowing books with illustrations also helps me, because it feels like after I finished some pages the pictures are nice little rewards.

Also after i finish a book i get to add it on my goodreads account's read list.

I listen to ambient sounds while reading and also read out loud with different voices and accents to make reading less monotonous.

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just do it fagogt

Thank you for your genuine response. I can't remember the last time I've started a book and actually finished it. I lack discipline.

How do you feel about audiobooks

There is no freedom if you're controlled by pleasure drives. You're stuck. Pizza and sex. What a waste of a life. A slave.

I saw the OP image and opened Pornhub and masturbated and closed my incognito tabs and read this image before anything else and smiled smugly.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

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find books you like
read them because you like them


Good answer, thank you

Only listen to audio books when reading is an impossibly (e.g., when you're driving) because listening is, like watching those documentaries, a passive activity. Reading, by contrast, is active and demands your attention. You don't sit back and let the words come to you as you do with audio books and podcasts.

Case in point.

Good answer desu fampai, but I have one question. What sort of position or posture do you read in? My biggest issue is that my back or neck starts hurting.

What does this picture mean? Is that the mother and the pizzaman? Why are they doing that? What relation do pizza and mom's have? Who would ever make such an emasculating meme? A son, watching his mother be treated like that by another man? What was the overall message of this? So many questions, I am totally confused...


no, the son is showing his gratitude to her for buying him pizza by making out with her and fondling her ass

second thread really necessary?
also these are /fit/ or /r9k/ questions

The son is a slave to his senses as is the mother. They've done nothing. Their lives only consume. They are not free.

No, that's affection, one of the last real human sentiments. Ass-grabbing is perfectly normal when two people love each other.

It's a deeply oedipal meme my friend
The mother figure provides food and isbreqeded with sex don't you see?

It's a fucking meme you retard, go larp somewhere else

Its a carnal impulse. As is the drive to stuff your face with pizza. A rejection of our humanity and an embracement of primitive drives shared with animals. Worse because it's perverted and used for purely hedonistic ends.

carnality is normal and human, humans are also animals. go live in a monastery you cuck
>muh hedonism
not everything is a philosophy. people just like touching each other, you autist

Struck a nerve have I?
Something in there reminds you of yourself? You just want to go on with your mindless memes, mindless pleasure; no bad thoughts, must feel good! This makes you uncomfortable because it shows that all of this is just a distraction. Go ahead and stay hopelessly anesthetized.

Imagine being this much of a bugman.

>-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.
Tell that to 15-year-old me who spent £150 on theology books most of which I left unread because I turned to agnosticism not long after

>troubadour poets were bugmen
>renaissance poets were bugmen
imagine being this much of a keyboard crusader

I'm no slave. This image doesn't turn me on. I only want a girlfriend who loves me unconditionally and maternally, forever. Every day I snuggle into her neck and she pets my head and coos to me in a gentle and encouraging voice, making me feel like I've been a good boy that day. At night, we sleep beside eachother with her as the big spoon and my hand held inside her larger one, a mirror of our bodies. She gives me many quick kisses on my neck and cheek while in that position, which help me to calm down and transition into sleep. She's still up after I've fallen asleep, because children fall asleep sooner than adults, and she spends the time slowly rustling my hair, reflecting on how much she loves me, how good of a boy I am for her, and how she wants to protect me forever, until falling asleep herself. In the morning I wake up before her, and, realizing that I've drifted a bit from her over the night's course, immediately realign myself with her skin. My head again against her neck, herself now lying supine. She feels me touch her and wakes up, happy to find her sweet one having found his way back to Mama. We sleep for a bit longer now, this time with the renewed remembrance of our presence beside eachother. Later, we wake up and make blueberry pancakes, her feeding me and I feeding her. If I'm not at work, I'm in her arms. The two of us, spending as many seconds together as we can.

That is so random. What the heck? What relation does any of this have to any of this? Pizza, moms, kissing and fondling? Anyways that's bad and you shouldn't do that. Inc*st will ruin your life if you attempt that for real.

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>if I group myself with these people it means I'm not a bugman y-you keyboard warrior.



every single decent poet in the entire history of western philosophy had a mistress or two at any given time, many throughout life. by your definition, these are "bugmen". that's fuckin stupid yo

Pick your battles friend, or you'll soon become a one-dimensional person, completely obsessed with fighting their natural instincts, even in situations where instinct benefits. Sometimes balance wins out, and the occasional instinctual indulgence can save you a couple years of life from the stress-reduction alone.

You keep talking about being free, but you should be careful or you may become a slave to your own rules and guidelines that forbid you to indulge in instincts.

Is the point you're trying to make that nobody is free? If so, true, freedom is subjective and can be perceived as non-existent, but then why do you appear to be striving to hard to achieve this impossible freedom?

Pick your battles. Be strategic. Don't make catch-all rules for yourself or you limit your independent thoughts by making your own psychological cages for yourself. If your game is to lord some 'free-will-awareness' advantage over others, then actually use it to your advantage - deny indulgence when you can see that it is being used maliciously, indulge when you know that you are above being trapped, and when the trappings of others prevent them from enjoying arbitrarily hidden pleasures. Enjoy the best of both worlds, because you are above them.

The stoic is honorable but unhappy, the hedonist is happy but ignorant, the human is aware of both dynamics and uses them both to his advantage, having the awareness of the stoic with the fulfillment of the hedonist, so that the trappings of either extreme cannot take hold on his 'freedom'.

>tl;dr: who gives a fuck nigga just fap to what you want and eat what you want, as long as your will is above addiction/necessitation, you're aware of what is healthy and keep balanced, and don't let any one ideal consume you.

>western philosophy
western poetry*

you seem kind user, but it seems you're psychologically stunted to a much younger age than you are, and this is not good for you at all. i don't want you to have your dreams crushed and to become more miserable by it. try and seek counselling or something user, i mean that in the kindest way. the relationship you want might be very hard to actually obtain, and it's not good for you to be an adult who still sees himself and women as a child would, even though i believe you're sincere in doing so

Platitudes and useless generalities.

seconded, he seems kind yet set-up for sadness if he continues down this road

Oh, I see. You were 'baiting' us for the 'epic lulz' by making vast over-generalizations and over-simplifications of semi-relevant matters, then denying them afterward.

Good job, then. You were only pretending to be retarded, and you fooled me.

No. Your post was of platitudes and useless generalities. The only retard here is yourself.

mommygfanon is a national treasure

Nice insults, friend.

But honestly, if you're being sincere, and maybe you're having trouble actually understanding what I'm specifically talking about: You're limiting yourself, and I'm trying to lend a hand. I'm sad that you are too trapped in your own philosophical bubble to see out of it, to consider multiple perspectives on the human condition.

Instead you seem quick to hand-wave even the universally beneficial perspective of meta-cognition (as a way of adding many philosphies and perspective to your practical tool belt), simply because it doesn't fit the archetype of your already-held philosphical belief system. Of course meta-philosphical-cognition doesn't immediately make sense to you, and just sounds like flowery platitudes: it's too big to 'fit' in your philosophy, because your philosophy is just a smaller part that fits into it - yet your one little philosophy is consuming your whole person!

This is what I'm talking about. There's more to perspective than "one at a time". Even taking in "wrong" perspectives, or the "other side" of every philosophy, can only help to strengthen your repertoire. Like the tool belt analogy I mention - having a hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver, and the knowledge of how to use them to solve most problems is good - having many different hammers, different wrenches, different screwdrivers, and the knowledge of how use them many different ways to solve more problems, is better.

So now let's get specific if you don't like general, big-picture ideas: The incest and the pizza. If the thought of someone grabbing their mom's ass gives you a boner, so what? Blood started going to your dick, you already lost that game, so what are you actually trying to fight? "Hedonism"? "Degeneracy"? What does it mean to you to be a hedonist/degenerate, without thinking about other people? If you're too worried about what other people think of degeneracy that you find yourself actively fighting against your nature, then who are you living for? If not yourself, then how are you really free?


Wouldn't someone who is actually free fully acknowledge the biological reaction, note the causes and effects of it, and since it happens outside of one's control, accept THAT is happens, and learn WHY it happens, so that they may make the best of it? A trapped person would fear their reaction to the overall thought of incest, and, in confusion, try to attack the desire itself. The desire is innocent, it has no will of its own, nor does it take your own will into account. The trapped person would fear that the thought of incest would lead to the act of incest, because the trapped person, not realizing that they are in control of their thoughts and actions, is not in control of themselves or their thoughts. The free person knows themselves, the nature of themselves, the fact THAT it happens and WHY. They also know that correlations do not equal causation, and that thoughts of a topic in general do not reflect one's impetus to perform actions related to that topic (most people like movies, few wish to film their own). The free person can jerk off to the hedonistic thought, laugh at their biology for making them get sexually aroused by it, note their own repulsion to ever comitting the act themselves, note that their attraction actually stems from the voyeurism of seeing others performing bizarre or unthinkable acts, and simply make this outlook a new tool: Now the free person has a new fantasy that helps them relieve themselves of sexual hunger more efficiently, they understand themselves better, they gain more control over their lives, and they understand the effects of the topic itself on people better, so that they can protect themselves from anyone attempting to use it against them.

Don't care if no one reads, I alread wrote it so I'm posting it.

You insulted me first, doubly so considering you botched my post.

just fucking read

What I do, Is just read multiple book at a time and try to read 20 pages a day. go at your own pace. Take breaks if its boring and go for a walk or something. Oh and coffee does wonders.

documentaries are kino though user, especially stuff like Werner Herzogs.

kek newfag

What if I was the one buying pizza for mom?

This thread was here first, lad

The only difference is you're just a bug man, not some great poet

He actually described very well how most Yea Forums types function.
I don't think the needs of an adjusted mentally healthy adult are different than his. He just has them very unfulfilled and needs higher doses of affection than normal

Actually, nvm. If reading more will turn me into THIS, I'd rather stick to my documentaries

Are you sure? I think his psyche is very unalike to an average adult's and that reality unfortunately doesn't match his ideal of it. Most guys are fairly dominant, and want a girl at least their equal or submissive to them, while he wants to not only be below one, but to engage in a permanent child-parent dynamic with them too. I don't think it's either healthy for an adult male to see women as being such kinds of figures to them, nor likely to find many who would be. I worry for that user.

What he wrote reminded me of the way Peer Gynt talks to Solveig at the end of the play. Many Yea Forums types are like this. Also external behavior is deceptive: user may be introverted and submissive but he's essentially not different from the dominant misogyny of Hemingway.
Both positions have the same origin and are dysfunctional. Extroverts will end up alcoholics with 3 divorces, introverts end up writing novels

I also like the books with pictures
but I always skip straight to the pictures :(

Proof you can have depth without clarity. You're blind

t. fool professing himself to be wise.

I don't like pictures, they're usually placed in such a way that they derail my reading cadence.

I know that feel.
At that point expecting the problem to solve itself seems futile.
Try to reduce the time you spend with electronical devices with advanced light sources such as Smartphones, computers, TVs. Go as far as possible, don't limit yourself in that hindsight. Now I need whatsapp for an important part of my social life and workplace, otherwhise I would have bought a simple phone. I find smartphones to be much worse than computers. That phase where smartphones seems necessary all the time is going to fade at some point, it depends heavily on the social circumstances.
In my case it is so bad, that even most documentaries bore me. When I'm stressed and loaded with workload I imagine reading something fun or interesting but when I have the time I don't do it.
Delete all games you play for skipping time, install leechblock and allow news, social medie and similiar stuff only in the evening for less than 2 hours. Try to spend more time with people who are interested in more than netflix & chill and read a lot. You will adapt to them.

What, incest fetishes don't have anything to do with voyeurism.
Fucking incoherent, the guy was criticizing someone for compulsively masturbating, that's what he's fighting, because he values self control.

Always get turned on by the thought of fucking my mum but then i see her in real life and get disillusioned because she's kind of unattractive and dumb.

i can only read by going to the library. my room's computer desk always sucks me in to get on forums or listen to music, and most of my time is spent on the computer when im in my room so my brain goes straight to that when im here.

and the library is always a fun novelty for me, its part of our college so i always get to people watch while smoking outside of the library which is a great break every hour or so.

I don't "like" anything. How do i get into books then?

>start with young adult plebshit until it becomes easy to read
>go onto high school tier stuff: catcher in the rye, slaughterhouse 5, animal farm
>easier good books like early joyce, Greek myths/odessy/iliad
>read philosophy starting from the Greeks and making your way forward chronologically
>intersperse philosophy with classic literature after having read the relevant philosophy for each book

forgot to add, when you start philosophy I'd suggest reading the history of western philosophy by russel, just as a roadmap and an introduction

Is this a elaborate larp to make me christian? Because your entire worldview is more cringe than the catholics here

>Downloading/borrowing books with illustrations also helps me, because it feels like after I finished some pages the pictures are nice little rewards.
F*king lole'd

>not knowing the, arguably, best pasta
god, how many newfags ITT

I know that feel all to well.

Please don't gatekeep. This sub is already inactive enough as it is

You guys would have alot of time to read if you spent less time being misogynists.

start with mlp fanfics and work your way up from there

based and likepilled

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well reading will give you the mental fortitude to act the way you want because you will the reasons to do so. there is a quote that puts that better, but I'm too lazy to find it for user.

Perhaps you imagine yourself struggling moore then imagining reading in a way that works good for you.

Imagine yourself reading in the best possible way on a daily basis, not struggling, you already know how to do that.

why would you force yourself to do something you don't like?
If you don't want to read, just watch a movie

have a son when you are 13

Turn off internet nibbler just for a couple days

I became an avid reader like three weeks ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on Yea Forums anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are like 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read like 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

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This nigga right though

Fuck that's hot. Any stories where the son doms the mom?

Download 'How to Study in College' (11th ed.) and restructure your life accordingly, ironically the title is misleading as a vast majority of the advice given and tools used can be applied outside of a college setting - if you're doubting any of this just look at the table of contents and you'll be convinced - the entire thing is golden but two come off the top of my head as relevant to your situation: 1) the chapter on interest and motivation, 2) the chapter on reading; after you get through this textbook and implement the steps accordingly you will no longer struggle with any of this, I'd also recommend getting How to Read a Book by Adler, read this after the textbook, you'll be able to use what you've learned on it - but also because it's pretty dry though useful.

>how to form a habit of reading?
>read these books on reading

user I appreciate the genuine advice but I think he wouldn't bother to read these books.

Letting the negation of pleasure rule your life is just as bad as the inverse.

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me like

Are you, filthy nigger, even aware that what you're describing isn't some sort of a "middle ground", but the exact slave mindset you claim to have a recipe to be above while not overdoing this? This is how every single failure in life thinks. "You know, I will indulge in a bit of pleasure, it won't hurt!" What you have the next day is you get hooked on the pleasure drive allowing yourself a set period of time for degeneracy or whatever. And when it ends, and it's time to be the person you want, you can't. You are addicted.
