>destroys the western civilization
Destroys the western civilization
Is Derrida white?
no, he's a jew.
race is a construct
This. So much this. Also white people are the root of all evil
Viola means rape in Spanish
butthurt /pol/lack detected
check your irony detector
I can believe this list for everything EXECEPT the homo(hehe)sexual homocide statistic. Where is the proof for that?
/pol/ turns jews into white people when we start talking about achievements
Nobody killed the West, it’s dying of natural causes. Stop getting angry at others and accept our fate.
how can one man be so based? remind me why im supposed to hate him again, Yea Forums
Okay. But is he white?
If all someone had to say was "lmao language is fake," to destroy western civilization then we definitely needed something stronger anyway.
>wah la
derrida knew more about western civilization and its philosophy than any of you ever will.
That's Voilá (see this in french). OPs pic says viola. Hes talking about the instrument.
and just like that my bait worked. wah la
\: damn. h. Touché go fuck yourself now.
That knowledge made him quite adept at destroying it.
You shouldn't talk about subjects you don't know
le /pol/ boogeyman
why jews care about preserving Jewish tho? Heidegger was right about saying that the blood and soil ideology was a child play compare with the Jewish preservation that has been going for thousands of years.
reddit stopped using that in like 2011. you can quit using it now
hes basically an arab
according to that social construct, would he be classed as white?
this. as long as whites don't make babies, no philosophy can save them
Where do I start with the postmodernists?
>restores western civilization
back to the abyss frenchfag
How has he embraced the meme so much?
Because for him it's not a meme, it's the truth. He thinks that the behavior of lobsters count as evidence for the hierarchical nature of existence.
Basically he's a retard
Huh. Thought this was completely bullshit but I was able to find sources from pretty comprehensive studies for all the claims.
Because Jewish people are just as capable of being retards as other people are?
I remember reading that before Derrida died he was depressed that his peers stopped calling him a fraud/charlatan. They instead considered his work lazy, stupid and démodé.
In reality he was both. Anyone who likes Derrida is a pseud.
Go back to philbook you retarded tranny
not an argument
The point isnt that lobsters have it, the point is that every animal has it even animals far removed from humans