Wanna enter a short story competition to start my career

>wanna enter a short story competition to start my career
>Read Stephen King's novella collections
>"Oh boy this guy is good".jpg
>Check out his Twitter to see if I can get some nice advice or inspiration
>Nothing but anti Trump shit

Why Yea Forums? Why?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I blame Hume and Gauss for this shit.

Same reason why most popular contemporary authors are flaming leftists: being successful or good at writing often has very little to do with being intelligent

Dude, the guy literally wrote an entire book giving writing advice. Why would you want his writing advice in the form of tweets?

What's it called?

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being anti trump is your key to the big leagues.

>everyone who disagrees with me is dumb

It's not even that he's anti trump it's just the politics in general being forced upon you

I could care less if someone disagrees with me. Though, buying into all of the slander and lies about our president in 2019 is definitely kinda dumb. And spending your entire existence in spite of someone you dislike is even dumber

It was a cynical business decision. Not that anything of value was lost -- his writing is pretty pedestrian Tbh.

>Check out 4channel to see if I can get some nice advice or inspiration
>Nothing but people complaining anti Trump shit

why Yea Forums? why?

Before trump it was just threads hating on John Green or someone similar. Nothing of value has been gained or lost

You seemed out his Twitter, it’s bit like he put it in his books

Nah that's bullshit. Pre-trump election had constant author discussion threads about writers like Borges or Flannery O'Conner, and reading groups on top of that. You missed out, but that doesn't give you the right to pretend it didn't happen.

I hope you at least apply that indignation to overtly political right wing authors like Heinlen and Rand

Never read much of them. My problem with politics in media is when it isn't connected to the media in any way.

Sure there were a few reading group threads, but let's not pretend that 80% of the threads on this board have been very unrelated to literature for quite a while

Pre-election and pre-/his/, you're dead wrong

>>Nothing but anti Trump shit
Trump sucks shit so you should fix your brain if this bothers you

Sure, Jan.


Because trump is a buffoon who appalls intellectuals.

Good writing take intelligence, more than any other art form.

He's not good. His prose is readable at best. He doesn't even revise his novels. He admits he hasn't even read most of his own books

>orange man bad

Trump threads should be a bannable offence.

What slander?

>He admits he hasn't even read most of his own books

many writers say that.

I wouldn't use him as a teacher, especially not for short stories. His popularity comes from his long novels you can read on airplanes, or when you haven't eaten for three days, and you feel like you can't think and all you feel equal to is lying in bed all day reading a bunch of Sherlock Holmes stories you've already read or reading a Stephen King novel. But the modern idea of a good short story is something efficient with a central clever idea, which King's short stories aren't. King has never come across any idea that could be called "clever" in his endless pages upon pages of writing. Borges is a good teacher for short stories that appeal to modern sensibilities and will probably win you a competition.

user, even if you imagined Trump to be a skilled, successful political operator with good policies (ha!) the fact that he's obviously an uncultured boor would still be enough to put off writers, artists and intellectuals.

upboated my brother

Thanks brah

Unless it's academic writing you are wrong.


King excels at short stories so shut your fucking face. You are clearly a mongloid so keep your shit eating opinions to yourself you fucking ape.

How do people come up with new short story plots all the time? I can only do this when writing erotica. Otherwise, I can make new characters in a good setting but it never goes anywhere. Any plots I come up with are derivative trash.

Me too.

Man have you read "The Dead Zone"... it's about a guy who gets a brain tumor that lets him see the future...

In the novel, a bombastic politician is running for office and he puts on these extravagant populist rallies making people laugh and acting like a clown (I remember him screaming something about hot dogs)...

The brain-tumor guy sees this populist is going to win in the future so he takes a rifle an assassinates him right before dying from the tumor... essentially doing one last good deed of saving the country

I like Trump but... WTF... in stephen king's head the resemblance is uncanny

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your favorite artists will almost surely have some dark secret that spoils it for you.
so either enjoy the art for what it is, or drop it.
no one is perfect; and some are complex, even difficult people. some are downright disturbing

not sure where i was going with that

anyways, keep at it op, you're gonna make it

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> the fact that he's obviously an uncultured boor would still be enough to put off writers
I'm amazed at how there are people here who genuinely like Donald. Even if you think he's a symbol of white identity or similar nonsense, he's such a massive cretin that he should be off-putting to anyone here.

Fuck do I ever hate your country. Americans politics have ruined this site.

>he says on a website made by an american for americans


>he says on a website made by american for wannabe Japanese

At least John Green is related to literature

Why are some boards 404ing but others aren't?

>Liking King
>Not horribly ashamed of himself
You're the mongoloid

Because he's against Trump and Twitter is a good forum to express one's political views. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.

He’s from Maine, retard.

Why are pseuds quick to anger?

I thought of that character when Trump started gaining popularity.

he's a memelord master of manipulating media. He's an American, a Christian, a patriot. He wants the U.S. to be the greatest nation on the earth rather than selling out his nation for a higher position in the global hierarchy. He's the best president we've ever had.


The sad thing is that you're probably going to be old enough to vote in 2020.

Its still the same

The irony is that the opposite of what he said would be reddit tier. If you actually look at all of the things our president has done, you will see that he has done far more good than any president in decades.

Stephen King is a meme around here for good reason; but his, book On Writing, is actually very informative. Somewhere in there is someone who actually knows what he's talking about. He just sold out a very long time ago.

Fine, let's have a look:
> cutting taxes for the wealthy and gutting federal programs as a result
> imposing worthless tariffs on U.S allies which economists almost unanimously say is good for neither country
> Left the Iran nuclear deal because Israel says bad
> brought back old-school neocon types like John Bolton to engage in regime change in Venezuela
> robbed emergency funds to pay for his retarded wall
And so on. But hey, at least he threw some spics out of the country so everything's worth it right?

>unemployment all time low

> because of an economy he inherited from Obama.

>put together an actionable plan to stop our countries growing and ridiculous illegal immigration problem
>has successfully negotiated relative peace and established communication with North korea, as well as stabilized the region
>Holding public schools accountable for constitutional rights such as free speech
>Has reduced aid to foreign countries, like pakistan, who turn around and aid our enemies
>has stopped refugees flooding into this country since the obama administration
>drastically reduced unemployment
>plans and legislation to bring money to poor and poverty stricken black communities
>prison reform
>legislation benefiting the agriculture sector

And that's just what immediately comes to mind

That's not how economy works user, like, at all. It could've been the case in the first year of his presidency not in the last months of his first term.
Oh, and also, venezuelans themselves want that regime change so they could you know, use toilet paper and maybe have that good old electricity back. But whatever, keep on with that retarded left narrative

The lack of self awareness is astounding, these people are fucking beyond obsessed with him.

>I could care less
Get off Yea Forums you literal braindead boomer. I despise SJW's but Trump is OBJECTIVELY a piece of shit

Yikes. When was this board infiltrated by hordes of people from reddit?

You're not fooling anyone, you're just whining at the table while the adults have a discussion.

Back to facebook grampa

>Heinlen and Rand
havent read their twitters

>I despise SJW's but Trump is OBJECTIVELY a piece of shit
This is what zoomers think constitutes political criticism.

The entire Russia collusion narrative.

We get it, waifu fags. Your 3DPD orange man is "special". Please stop telling us about him.

Don't you have some conspiracy theories to push bro?

>Stop posting about Trump in a thread about Trump

You know Daddy Trump will never love you back, right, faggot?

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Is this an epic new Facebook meme?

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I don't consider personal freedom to be the highest good.

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Stephen King is such a whiny little pussy on Twitter.

>these stupid pictures

Katie came into my room and drank my cum. I watched her do it. I am the one, Tyler, there is nothing you can do to stop people from being freely in love with one another. That is right, and that is justice.

You're upset because you made assumptions and you were collectively wrong and now you're scrambling for some order in the chaotic world we've left behind.

Someone find me ONE (1) thinker or artist in any medium that is actually good who, bashes Trump on a regular basis.

remove "good" from the sentence and i'd agree

>being successful or at writing

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based, fully agree now

>hurr durr you worship trump so your a slave XD
>hurr durr I worship zionist neoliberal fascists so I'm freedom XD

jesus christ dude you're pathological

It reminds me of a parasite invading a host and trying to use it to talk. I don't think he can be cured by anything but a bullet to the brain, and I've stopped trying to treat them like rational agents.

>blatant double standards
>blatant lack of introspection
Remember kids, you can ONLY maintain freedom if you vote leftist! You ONLY threaten democracy if you worship rightists! Right bad, Left good!

in what part of that post do you see anything even remotely political?

it's called "vote left" not "vote leftist"

Like I said - parasites. He sees a world that doesn't exist, he worships a leader that doesn't exist, he's screaming at enemies that don't exist.

Maybe in your mock kleptocracy, I actually have the freedom to vote something other than a government issued figurehead.

I am sure you can figure it out.

Literally what do either of those pictures have to do with politics

you're against grammar now?

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>mention trump
>reply with epic image macros talking about loss of freedom if you worship
>HUH what you mean? I wasn't talking about Trump at all XD
Not even pretending to be retarded at this point.

Good meme, strawman some more.

ur'E agseints Capitalizatsia now?=

1. The first one means "if you get mad, it's your own stupid fault"

2. You got mad

3. Guess what

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Disingenious lying faggot.

First one implies you did your own bed when voting for Trump and now you sleep in it. Obviously Trump did nothing wrong so far, so it is just bait and shitposting.
Second implies ebin freedom is lost because controversial president got voted in. Freedom actually does exist (for now), and the best example of this is how your corrupt neolib trollfactory dumped all their influence into indoctrinating people and still lost the election.
There was no third.

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I can't tell if this guy is ESL or just retarded

pretty cringe dude

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To be fair, this thread isn't about trump, it's about stephen king.

I can't tell if this is a parasite or just mud beneath my feet.


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Kind of like how trumptards are still talking about Hillary as if she has any relevance and are obsessed with AOC because shes >muh brown woman, right?
t. a centrist who is not fond of Hillary, AOC, or the DNC himself

Of course the Trump shill is a weeaboo. Of fucking course.

>in stephen king's head the resemblance is uncanny
democracies always give way to populists and tyrants

>commits blatant crime
>she's a woman! of course she can commit crime without having to bear the responsibility for it!
>receives millions upon millions of dollars from foreign states
>no one bats an eye
>Trump allegedly receives a little money (false)
>orchestrate 2 year long media outrage and brainwashing campaign to lock down the presidency
>have to gall to claim they are fighting for "democracy", "freedom" and "fair" elections

>slurps cum off the pavement like some antifa faggot
>browses anime imageboard
You can't make this shit up.

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I don't have any political opinions, I'm just bullying you for fun :3c

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i don't think you'll find anyone on this board who condone or even like hillary, mi familia

>literally preaching to the choir thinking you're original or something