Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Lmao dude who giveth a fuck about gender-distinctions when you can celebrate the wedding-hymn of your right hand to any person you want?
Fuck off my thread Diogenes
Liking traps because they are traps is gay
Being a trap is gay
Liking a trap despite the fact they are a trap is not gay
Assuming there is a glory hole, and you don't know whenever a man or a woman is on the other side, is it gay to stick your dick into it?
Follow up question.
If after the act you go look in the other room and see it was a guy. Was it gay before you knew it was a guy? If you were certain it was a women and simply went home would it have been gay?
Shit like this keeps me up at night.
It depends on if you are hoping for the dude and if you were happy it ended up being one. There is no inherently gay act (you aren't gay if you get raped in the ass), only gay intentions.
damn OP posted some real shit...I don't even know what to say
I have to admit Aristotle's theory makes more sense though
It's full gay no matter what dudeth.
At the conclusion of the day you did sex upon a man
So you can have anal sex with a man as long as you are roleplaying that its a girl and it wont be gay?
didn´t read lol
But you care enough to post? Interesting
Gay doesn't exist. It's a social construct.
It’s going against the will of God :3
The aristotelian position is the stonger one, Plato was always a faggot it seems
God doesn't exist. God's a social construct.
>Houses don't exist, they're a brick construct
Yeah okay bud
Yes. Houses are subjective to the observer.
Stand aside, pagans, and let me show you how it's done.
Whether fucking a trap makes one gay?
Objection 1: It seems that fucking a trap makes one gay. For a trap is male, and fucking a male is gay. Therefore fucking a trap is gay.
Objection 2: Further, while a trap may possess feminine qualities, it also possesses a penis, which is the primary sexual characteristic of the male. Therefore a trap is more male than female.
On the contrary, it is written: "Traps are not gay" (Anonymous).
I answer: "Gay" can be meant in two ways: objectively and subjectively.
Objective gayness refers to sexual acts between two males.
Subjective gayness refers to acts motivated by sexual attraction to males.
When "gay" is used to refer to a person, it is used in the subjective sense; a gay man is a man who is sexually attracted to what he perceives to be other men. Therefore a man who commits an act which is objectively gay but not subjectively gay is not gay.
Fucking a trap is objectively gay, but it is not necessarily subjectively gay, because it may be motivated by sexual attraction to the trap's feminine qualities.
Hence fucking a trap does not, in itself, make one gay.
Reply to Objection 1: The objective maleness of a trap affects only the objective gayness of fucking a trap, not the subjective gayness thereof.
Reply to Objection 2: Although the genitals are the primary indicator of a person's sex from an objective viewpoint, they are not necessarily the primary indicator of a person's sex from a subjective, human viewpoint, for whom they are usually not readily observable in any case.
>Thomas Aquinas taking sides with the faggots
I osberve that Kanye's LA crib is much nicer than some African mudhut
>the faggots
but they're not, that's the point
Fucking a dude is gay. Just because he got surgery to make himself look like a girl doesn't mean he is a girl.
Girls are social constructs.
no, because you know you're roleplaying.
Gay is a quality. Qualities are mere thinking-aides and do not exist in nature. No thing IS gay.
>Assuming there is a glory hole, and you don't know whenever a man or a woman is on the other side, is it gay to stick your dick into it?
You are gay for taking that chance
>If after the act you go look in the other room and see it was a guy. Was it gay before you knew it was a guy?
>not knowing during the act
And yes
>If you were certain it was a woman and simply went home would it have been gay?
Putting donger into male (male) is gay regardless of intent/knowledge.
Whoever did this knows his shit, I'm impressed
t.Larping Christfag