Do you, like a true patrician, listen to classical music while reading...

Do you, like a true patrician, listen to classical music while reading? And I don't mean that cutesy Mozart piano sonata periodic shit.

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Pretty stupid thread, desu.

you can't listen to classical while reading unless you have absolutely no understanding of music. personally i can't listen to music while reading. multitasking is impossible. it's just half-doing two things simultaneously while deceiving yourself

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I, a true patrician, blast Xenakis and Schnittke at full volume simultaneously while reading The Unnamable aloud.

>mixing medias

>he believes he has to listen to classical music to look smart, like the true NPC that he is

I do but I just pick random playlists on spotify. I couldnt name very many composers or songs. Philip Glass is cool I guess

Read in silence or with very faint ambient music.

>underrating Mozart

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I listen to Mozart's Leck Mich am Arsch on repeat. Yes.

>not composing your own melody based on the individual book's line by line emotional impact
It's like you guys want to stay plebs


I unironically do this wtf

>listening to music while reading

>in taberna quando sumus, nid curamus quod sit humus

Good for learning latin.

*quid sit humus
Well done, you memorized a few sentences and you didn't even do it correctly.

why yes, i put on headphones and listen to VAPORWAVE on low volume when it's noisy around.
if it's absolutely quiet, i read in silence.

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I don't listen to any music when I read; I find it distracting.

Only when there's other distracting noises that are out of my control.

>not listening to bluesy rock while reading.

So much this.

Recommend me some dramatic classical music made by historical composers. Anything ranging from antagonist-like themes to tragedy to distress to mystical to mysterious. Something consistent or repetitive that doesn't require me to rewind every minute. Somebody. Anybody.

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Unkle adams

This is why I listen to repetitive electronic music or I put a movie on in a language I don't understand in the background. I can't stand silence I have an anger and agitation issue that's not helped by the meds I'm taking away.

>not listening to black metal while you read romantic era philosophy

>not Mozart
Mais ferme la abruti retourne jouer ta guitare folk et tes instruments de gueux

>dramatic classical music
You're looking for romantic music, not classical

>he thinks people mean classicist/classical era music when they say "classical music"
based retard

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How do I become well-versed in classical music, bros? I only know the major names and pieces. I listen to the local Classical station on the radio, and enjoy it a lot. But it's such a different world. I'm not sure how to become properly familiar with it.

I heard Franz Listz's "Liebestraum" earlier in the car, however you spell all that. It was so wonderful.

Eh. I put Philip Glass on in the background while reading sometimes. Not like it’s my first time listening to glassworks.

I listen Gustav Holts and Tchaikovsky on my headphones when everyone around me won’t shut the fuck up and let me read in peace like a true autist

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>tfw listening to the diablo 2 soundtrack while reading fantasy

Incomprehensible l'art pour l'art nonsense.
Just listen to Shostakovich

a) mozart is genuinely great and if you just think of him as cutesy background music you have zero understanding of music
b) i don't listen to music when i read because i don't want to split my attention between two things at once and try and make each take the character of the other

Mozart is the Beatles of Baroque music.

mozart isn't baroque
i hope for your sake that was a clever bait and not just you being fucking stupid

missed the point of my comment
When baroque was all there was, mozart came about and made dozens of songs in different genres of traditional music the way the beatles did with rock. He's like the catalyst of evolution on a musical standpoint.
The beatles invented metal as mozart invented classical.

carl orff carmina burana

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That's the least patrician thing I've ever heard. Reading while listening to music is disrespectful to both the author and the composer, whose works require your full attention. Like all patricians I read in utter silence in my soundproof study.

Strange that there's a wojak for this specific condition. Did you make this yourself?

oh that's a much better take than what i thought you meant

No I use ear plugs.

I see it's time to flex my barbarically large, and venerable 100+gigs (superior 320kps) music collection.

For reading contemporary philosophy and mathematics we have

>Brain eno
>The witcher 3 soundtrack

oh wow 100 gigs wow

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HOYL CRAP. i can't even imagine knowing so much music lmao

I'm this user here

Yeah actually I'll listen to piano pieces that match the atmosphere of the book

If I'm reading history usually turn on Baroque, if I'm reading fiction I'll usually turn on some romantic music.

f-fuck... you're big...

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You are a God, user. You must love music more than anyone you know of, huh? Probably feel quite lonely in that aspect, I imagine. I wish I could DL your knowledge of music into my head, pleb that I am. Can you give me advice on how to become acquainted with the world of music? Thank you.

I'm again user. If you could at least answer my Classical inquiry, I'd appreciate it dude.

Not that user but maybe go on youtube and type in Classical music or look up videos of Yuja Wang. She's my favorite. She's fucking hot.

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have you actually listened to all this?

some of it only once
some of it many many times

i'm probably older than you (35)
this is two decades of downloading and listening to music
some of it i end up listening to again and again
some of it i remember years and years later and go back to
some of it comes up on shuffle once a decade
some of it i expect i will never listen to again but how do i know what that will that be

Hey lol can you send me your Andrew WK, Dangermouse, Dan Deacon (if you have any album other than Bromst, Meetle Mice, and Silly Hats), DyE, Girls, Hot Chip (if you have any album other than In Our Heads and One Life Stand), Johannes Brahms, John Coltrane, and La Femme?

The user you're replying to here.

1. Is this .flac?

2. The vast majority of your library is utter plebeian trash.

3. My library, like the finest of wines, has been handpicked over a decade of scrupulous and exacting specifications, to comprise nothing but the best of the best of the best.

You insult yourself by presenting me with this swill not fit for a peasant.

I bet you don't even have ozric tentacles or shpongle.

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I love music more than reading, but this is absolutely true. The music gets too distracting.

Sometimes I might listen to some light jazz like Bill Evans though

it's definitely odd when I draw listening to music makes far more lucid in the task, whilst reading though it makes me agitated maybe they share the same part of the brain

a lot is flac
ok. i have wide tastes. at one youthful stage i was very snobby and elitist but as i got older i got interested in more things and less interested in being purist
good for you buddy
i'm sorry
no i don't but i will check them out because i'm more interested into listening to music people are passionate about than appearing cool

I'm just putting on the Yea Forums persona, man, it's all good.

But in sincerity the size of your library should be measured only in the album's and artist that you genuinely love. Music isn't about what you have or how much of it you've collected, it's about what speaks to you.

1tb of shit you don't care about isn't worth anything.

It is to me.
Put it on mediafile or dropbox and link me the albums I requested thanks.

i like a lot of things
i'm old by Yea Forums standard (mid 30s) and have listened to a fucking shitload of music
lots of that music i love even if i don't listen to i9t every day
everything else i have enjoyed and maybe will again

Ok well, definitely listen to shpongle. And ozric tentacles. Crystal method too.

Then try lights and wires by black sun empire.

A well balanced musical diet here. Solid jazz chops too. This is very similar to how I go about listening to music.

> Britney Spears
> Avril Lavigne

And what music is comprehensible?
>l'art pour l'art
And what music exists for something outside of itself and beauty, beside banal political music?

Classical was already "invented" by the time Mozart became notable.

Read some theory and history and dig around. Go to concerts too. Maybe learn an instrument, if you can. It's not some philosophy.

>cutesy Mozart piano sonata periodic shit
You reduced the IQ of everyone who saw this thread by 5 points.

Schnittke's music is neither pleasing or beautiful. Or comprehensible to someone with no musical education for that matter.

>not appreciating the sly chromaticism of toxic
baka desu senpai

If you don't like Brittany Spears, you're underaged.

i had 300GB of Bob Dylan bootlegs bucko

i love you dad

>Schnittke's music is neither pleasing or beautiful.
Well, the job of art isn't to be pleasing or beautiful anyway.
>Or comprehensible to someone with no musical education for that matter.
I don't have much serious musical education and I quite enjoyed what I heard of him. On the other hand, as I said, can we say that we truly comprehend any work of art, with or without knowledge of theory? How much does this comprehension really matter?

I'm a guy and listening to Britney really makes me feel feminine, desu. Uncomfortably so. I imagine AGP's and sissy's must go wild hearing her.

Or, you're an adult male that doesn't get most of his calories from Onions.

You're not an adult. You're a manchild.

Very elitist for someone whose taste in music is on par with a teenage girl's.

Teenage girls listen to billie ellish and that brown girl with the ponytail, not britney.
It's not 2009 anymore, daddy.

They're basically the same shit.


I guess music that doesn't require much attention would be great for reading, e.g. ambient, lounge (library music, exotica and space age pop could fill this label) and noise (specially HNW).

You should torrent this

Mixing media isn't patrician.

No because Wagner deserves my full attention you philistine.
