Know any books that can explain all of..... this...?

Pictured: a bunch of video game "speedrunners"

Attached: SpeedTrannies.png (878x724, 1.22M)

>transition any%.jpg

>Why, yes, we are in fact accelerationsists. How could you tell?


Did i miss the janny meet up?

>yfw the alphabets backed lefty trannies because rival great powers had already networked right-leaning populations

>Pictured: a bunch of video game "speedrunners"
Except none of them play any games.

But this thing is one of the best metroid and sonic mania speedrunners ever

Attached: Miles.png (109x220, 55K)

Attached: 51eXv6EhqKL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (313x499, 31K)


Read icycalm's essay on scoring in videogames (it also mentions spergrunning which is a form of scoring).

This image awakens deep thoughts within me, at first glance I might not have noticed anything out of the ordinary, ah yes, the typical american people I thought, but on a second look one quickly realises the true nature of this composition, is this not an example of nietzsches last man? Here we have a group of souls living in ultimate comfort, this.. this is the aesthetic manifestation of a life of worldly comforts, a life which main ethos is "don't face your fears, seek comfort, seek safety", most interestingly are the contents of the table, current philosophers affirm that the modern human is by all extents a cyborg, his second alma being the screen which he carries everywhere, but the reason, the reason is comfort, we see not only this glass display of instantaneous safe and curated pleasure but also the sugary liquids and the processed food filled with glyphosate and all manner of harmful addictive formulations crafted by doctorates, then you realise these humans are neither man or women, in antiquity the last man had no way of distancing themselves from the tribe, judaism had taken the circumcision and any other bodily harm was to drastic, not in modernity, today they are clearly identified, I wish them what I wish every human soul, nothing but a content life, even if I can't call a life without struggle something worth living, it is truly mad, the pictured are more plastic than human.

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Primo Levi - If This is a Man

Fuck me, the shitposting on this board really went into overdrive

Physically inferior people don't get certain needs met (social, intimate, etc) because physiology ultimately determines your position in society. They then turn to other outlets to cope with this dissatisfaction, but of course playing a video game really fast doesn't compensate for missing out on crucial properties of the human experience, so one ends up with this sort of pathological disaster.

>Swiss marauders
God I wish that were me

My fellow user you are not supposed to complain, that would put too much presure to our dearest jannitors, and we are here to please them, not the opposite.

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>Who had less sex Kant or Newton?
damm i really want to know

Trick question, the answer is you


but that's outside the question and doesn't settle my curiosity

Genuinely based, maybe even red pilled.


Attached: honklhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

One of the most disgusting specimens I've ever seen. Ugly people have ugly souls.

You sure do like thinking about trannies a lot

pure scientific curiosity