What do I think of this guy?

What do I think of this guy?

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He is legit.

I like the guy

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Tbqhwy I’ve been listening to him for ~5 years now. There’s a lot of content and he actually knows his shit, focuses on interpretation and not opinion. You can disagree with him but if you do on everything then you are probably Wittgenstein or just don’t understand philosophy.

I sincerely hope that in a couple hundred years it is revealed that Sadler was actually the greatest philosopher of our time and not all these well known flavor-of-the-day philistines.

Literally the embodiment of the contemporary philosophical zeitgeist, though I don’t think he is perfect, no one thinker throughout history really was.

>I sincerely hope that in a couple hundred years it is revealed that Sadler was actually the greatest philosopher of our time and not all these well known flavor-of-the-day philistines.

Please God this

What are his best videos? Where do I start?

He's not produced any truly original additions to the canon though? He just goes over what those before him have said he's more like a historian of philosophy.

great guy, love his videos

True and a decent one.

he's great, currently watching his videos on plato to accompany the dialogues as I read them
one thing I don't get is why he's often passive agressive when replying to youtube comments, seems out of character for a man of his wisdom


It’s just a boomer thing I think

The man is holding back decades of repressed rage.

Why does he always mock and fight with the people in the comment section? I like his videos but he seems kind of mean and has a hair trigger temper.

>fifty passive aggresive "Thank you!!"s after genuine compliments

I don't think he does it intentionally

isn't he adopted or something? probably went through a rough life and now spills all the rage into youtube faggots. he has a whole series about "understanding anger", it's clearly a big part of his life

Young Sadler:
>Well built
>Demolished people in algorithms
>Martial arts master

Sadler since becoming Christian

From my understanding of him, he can read and consider texts in French, German, Latin, and English. He has worked to get out of or work proximal to the university, a rotting skeleton of its former self, and has uploaded hundreds of hours of well-considered, in some cases extremely detailed, guides to key philosophical texts for free. If he only ever uploaded his 30 minute Hegel series, he'd still be extremely worthwhile. But he's done a lot more than that and he's very generous with his time. He's also written what I think is some pretty good stuff on Hobbes.
In essence, he's what a public intellectual actually is or should be. This doesn't mean he's perfect, but to deny he's in some sense other than a net positive would in my view be a bit of a bad faith argument.

That's just a boomer thing, he also goes out of his way to say thanks to everyone who express their appreciation for his videos

That's what makes him good. He tells it like it is without adding his own politics like other youtubers do.

>he can read and consider texts in French, German, Latin, and English
He has also talked about Greek and reading Aristotle in the original language

His series on Hegel are by far the most fruitful

He's live now and already being asked a bunch of unrelated questions