Ask anything to someone who's well over 1000 books, Yea Forumstard plebs

Ask anything to someone who's well over 1000 books, Yea Forumstard plebs.

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wanna suck my dick?

Bold of you to call that a dick.

post goodreads

whats well over 1000 books mean?

Because that faggotry is now mandatory if you plan to read or...?

every intellectual has a goodreads


Out of those thousand books, which did you decide were worth rereading once, twice, thrice, etc.?

That wasn't even me dude. That's how shit your concept is.

Cool larp, I guess.

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As for novels
One hundred years of solitude, Les Mis, Brothers K., C&P, Demons. Ivan Ilich, War and Peace, The Dead souls, Nabokov and Steinbeck complete work.

Also Borges, Sabato, Kafka, Joyce, Neruda Baudelaire, Orwell , Defoe, Poe and the thre philos. of ancient greece.

As for non fiction authors i reccomend their complete work:
Bakunin, Chomsky,, Sartre, CAMUS, Kant,

Have you written a book yet, I would have expected you to have written a book by now.

One and scheming a second one. Both about the ongoing political conflict in my country. Not an english native tho.

But mostly monthly articles about Law and ocationally essays.

What country are you from?

Lets say a white (mixed? ) one, religious, and with good taste for wars and it's not the goddamn Israel.. Not gonna say anymore about that though.

What are the names of the last 6 books you read and describe them in a small sentence

>claims to be a well read aspiring 'artist'
>Won't even name his country out of some strange inferiority complex.
Shame on you. I have no respect for people like you. Go look for a gun.

Chomsky Deterring Democracy: about the US interventionist policy towards the end of the cold war, especially in South America. 9/10

Chomsky For reasons of state: US political and military concepts and actions during the Vietnam War. anarchist bases of Bakunin and celebrates the student protest. 9/10

RImbaud complete work: Utterly shit. 4/10

Abaddon the exterminator: Not the best of Sabato, but utterly a good read. loose chapters about his political stances. 8/10

Structure of public power in ..(my country) : is alright. 8/10

Engels Origin of family, private property and state: Mid historical revisionism, mid communist propaganda (obviously) but quite informative and complements Morgan researchs 8/10

Why the fuck would i claim to be a fucking artist? i'm a lawyer, if it wasn't clear.

Yeah bud, did not name it according to my plan to piss you off.

Give me Meister Eckhart recommendations, pleb.

what seems even worse to me than his work is that he was not burned by the Pope.

If you throated Chomsky any deeper, you'd be biting his testicles. Maybe you should've spent some of your time thinking, instead of just reading.

Lol youre from Israel

Not him, but from your grammar I imagine you are from Russia or some ex-soviet country.

you seem ashamed of who you are

especially about the manipulation of media, but it doesn't mean that I idolize him. Better to take what is good and it serves to devise correct social notions that allow the functioning of the State.

hehe i thought it sounded exactly like Israel when i was writing, but not a chance. I think it's even worse but not more hated than Isr.

Mostly as i'm typing fast, not on purpose.

Wondering if you're an "artist" of some kind.

Most entertaining? best novels

Most thought-provoking? best philosophy

What "ideology" or stance do you take or what approximates your position best?

I wonder why you are ashamed of where you live. What a weird thing.

> Sartre, CAMUS

Disappointed in you OP. I read B&N, La Nausea, His play and the roads to freedom trilogy. Hes basically a pop-author for edge frenchies- Cioran called him an entrepreneur of ideas- rightly so imo. He doesn't have much unique insight philosophically and his prose is flat and uninspired- exactly as most pop prose is.

Camus is just a disgrace. Cioran said he had the culture of a substitute teacher and i agree again. More flat fiction and trite AF philosophy. Albert seemed like he read 4 or 5 thinkers and thought he had better answers than them and spewed out TMOS which the post-war french were desperate for. Anyone could have said that shit, he just happened to be shameless enough to publish those thoughts and make money out of peoples naivety. The Rebel is where is mediocrity just gets completely out of hand. It amounts to

>be a liberal

Rebellion my arse, cowardice and hiding in popularity, football and pseud levels of thinly veiled hedonism.

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>i'm a lawyer

Pack it up bois, no need to give a fuck about philistines

Les Mis twice? I doubt it. The book is awesome for about 200 pages, and then it's 1200 more pages of shit. Marius is a faggot and doesn't deserve Colette. I can't believe I read it once. Who the fuck would read it twice?
Most of the others you listed, I have read twice.

Op btfo'd
You literally name-drop all the worst french authors in The Cannon.

OP I will admit that I came to this thread to make fun of you but it looks like the average Yea Forums poster is impressed by you

Is that really "a lot" of books? What age did you start reading? My count is probably ~3k by now.

Not OP here.
The average Yea Forums reader is in high school, unfortunately, which is why this board sucks, and also loves Pynchon and Ulysses so much.

Do your parents know you're gay yet?

so true honestly. I wish I was as well read as you guys.

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fucking read then dick head

how do you like your steak?

I don't know how to stop reading out loud in my head and imagining the book as a play, thus I end up reading super slowly, it sucks

Better hang yourself while the noose is warm

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