Rupi Kaur

Would you sleep with Rupi to be featured in one of her poems? I heard she's a sub and into whitebois.

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Sorry I’m not into bestiality.

Im not asking racist incels

I would love to press my foot against her head as I plough that indus valley cunt.

No. Shit-tier poet who wants to talk about wokeness...I’m good.

I would impregnate her.

Do you guys think she shaves down there? I can only imagine the stench

This is going to be a fantastic thread

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yes. she cute

She writes poetry for really stupid people, which is the vast majority of the population.

So....good job ripu, good idea. I'm not going to read it, but mission accomplished, well done.

overwhelming smell of cumin

I'm not into swarthy poos

Why bother? I could just write a shitty poem about myself from the perspective of some vapid, rich, brown girl on how unnecessary I am.
It'd probably result in a better poem in the end too.

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based fuck cats

>she's a sub and into whitebois


she looks pretty trim and she scrubs up nicely enough for me
so yeah i'd give her a go
only if she promised to refer to me as Mr Clutch in the resulting poem though

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I would make her stop writing. She'd be a slave to the peen.

ITT people who have never smelled an East Indian up close

fuck no, shitskin pussy stinks


Would I fuck her to be in one of her poems? No.
Would I fuck her to get off? Yes.

The style is quite like a Brautigan short story.

Her work is faux-deep. She's young so I won't beat on it so bad, but it's so...vapid. I feel like she could potentially GROW into an interesting writer, but she needs to accept criticism and people should harshly critique her. As an artist I enjoy the illustrations used in her work, which is part of why I think people believe it's "deep" without realizing it isn't. Hopefully she grows as an artist and writes with more depth. But right now....she's sold over a million copies on bland teen internet "sadness." She would have failed my community college creative writing class.


Put half a sentence Here Emotional word Internet teen emotion Something about Disconnection Poetry

I'd bang her tho.

She, like most poo women, is pretty ugly. I'd still fuck her though because I'm an incel.

>I heard she's a sub

I unironically want to nuke India and gas every person of Indian descent after reading this.

i'd poo in her loo if you get my drift

Nice digits but it's just a meme user. Punjabi's don't eat dosa.

indian women are cute

>I, I, me, I, me
Of course you want to be succesful to help others. Sure you do.

How many sexual partners does the average modern woman have in her lifetime?

being indian myself, i would not. punjabi 'feminist' girls are fucked lads, don't go near them. her period pic still disgusts me.

Age butterfly? :3


What is with punjabi girls and doing this whole "woke feminist" thing? It's so fucking embarrassing.

India is a very oppressive country to women, I guess.
It doesn't translate to her since she's entitled though.

>India is a very oppressive country to women
This is a meme

>Im not asking racist incels
The absolute state of lit

Fuck you male apologist. I've watched VICE videos on it.

I think most of her work is shit, but this one is actually pretty good.

She has a line that is a loss is a loss is a loss.
I have a feeling she has taken this from Miranda, not Stein, though.

She already a slave to the pen tho

Rupi doesn't live in India and she holds very western values
Plus Indian feminism is very different to western feminism, in that it targets real problems and isn't based on self-righteous cuntery

Rupi seems like she takes herself very seriously

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This is the first time I have ever agreed with you.

a pewdiepie sub, that is

my poetry class of mostly women of color seethes over Milk & Honey
don't fall for the "enjoyment of this shit is dictated by race and sex/gender" meme

UH. why?

kek /thread
Why did you assume hes being racist?

That’s not her :3

Now it all makes sense.

Wtf is this shit, can't you fucking see when people are memeing and shitposting? Especially considering that she is lacking an aesthetic sense to the level where she could as well be a happy dog licking it's own ass. I'm offended by your autism. If this is bate it's damn well made.

I think the worst thing is that one can't tell if its bait anymore.

Fuck her until she understands the value of imagery and space and not everything being temporal sentimentality

>Im a nazi only IRONICALLY dude :^)

Why are you here? Of all the places to be on the internet why would you come to Yea Forums?

anti-butterfly poster, what is your wisdom?

Ok this is bate, because I don't think you can afford this amount of straw.

Sorry I didnt know this was le epic secret club for fascists

Go back to /pol/ with your 6D chess

Love this. Hope it's real

poopy rupi peepee kaur

definitely would if she was on her period

I’d sleep with her because she’s attractive and ask NOT to be featured in any of her poems because they’re shit.



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geez that's hot