Books about ancient egyptian life/political history/religion/language/philosophy/etc.?
Also interested in any modern/muslim lit related to egypt too
Books about ancient egyptian life/political history/religion/language/philosophy/etc.?
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Why did the Egyptians not produce an epic poems, plays, and philosophical texts like the Greeks, Sumerians, Indians, and Chinese did?
They did but we can't read their language.
Most egyptians were illiterate so I doubt much of their literary work got around outside of with the nobility who could read.
Are there philosophical sumerian texts?
Ancient Egypt David P. Silverman
>They did but we can't read their language.
the leisure of an egyptian official by lord edward cecil
>yptians not produce an epic poems, plays
Most were burnt by Julius Ceaser
>Shitposter detected
Monotheism wrecked them
But unironically what's up with Ancient Egypt? They seemed to be so rich with Civilization and advanced political structure, but it seems to be an intellectual desert?
>associated only with islam
Far longer history of native paganism and of coptic christianity than of pisslam.
>intellectual desert
They pretty much invented medicine and astronomy. Where did you blow over from? Rural alabama?
Hook me up with some Sumerian plays.
>Where did you blow over from? Rural alabama?
athens lol get rekt
Yeah, those are two separate questions retard. Ancient egypt. Islam.
Philosophy and art is not a feature of the Semites. It is abundant among the Indo-Europeans of Europe, Persia, and India. The Chinese are an exception, of course.
The Semites are much more concerned with practical matters, they are not lofty people. The Egyptians were obsessed with Medicine, the Jews with wealth, and the Arabs with cleanliness.
>Probably used Budge I don't know why they still publish his books.
You mean indo europeans all have the same philosophical problems because theyre just working out kinks in the structure of PIE, the chinese just have an elaborate morality they call philosophy, and mystical semites commune directy with god?