Genuine question: Why stemfags are so arrogant?

Genuine question: Why stemfags are so arrogant?

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post more of her or fuck off

the rape and dethroning of the queen of the sciences by kant, who now rules as a false monarch

Probably has something to do with the Academic religious institutions (which is effectively what modern schools are, just churches of various forms of liberalism) promoting science as the 21st century deontological good, as well as promoting the scientific method and scientific institutions as the only valid form of knowledge.


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The IQ threshold to do well in STEM fields of study is higher than in most other fields so if you're at a school with a lot of brainlets the STEM kids likely are just smarter.

>smart and curious people prefer liberalism to traditionalist mumbo-jumbo and far-left just-so stories
Wow it's fucking nothing.

I went from rock solid to soft instantly.


Because they have no humility. They believe morals are for brainlets, but aren't smart enough themselves to see the laws that protect them and their arrogance are based in an absolute morality. stemfags are nearly all psychologically damaged and indoctrinated and predisposed against ever having a come to jesus moment.

Because there's a big tech bubble in the world right now and they're all too autistic to see through their own hype. The majority of STEM students end up as accountants or teachers being managed by an English or History graduate.

In my experience most STEM students outside of Mathematicians and Physicists can't handle the idea of a question not having an absolute truth value as an answer.

They're incapable of understanding what makes "good art". The most technically skilled artist isn't the best at producing art, which is contradictory to what they've been told and understand of their own field. Fidelity of art is a parallel and irrelevant pursuit to design (aesthetics) which is parallel and irrelevant to giving art meaning. To them, fidelity is the only scale on which art should be judged.

Believing in absolute morality is a major STEM thing though. Only incurious low-empathy people are inclined to believe in that, which describes STEMkids and religious fundamentalists pretty well.

See >In my experience most STEM students outside of Mathematicians and Physicists can't handle the idea of a question not having an absolute truth value as an answer.

Because they actually create things and have a purpose in life.

why her lips upside down?

They're not arrogant, they're content. Modern society requires a function to which they've (elected) their participation: monetary reward and social capital is the machine expression of the whole's feedback loop (imagine the rings of a tree express the (parallel) orbits of the solar system).

in other words: arrogant

Look at this faggot.

I am the guy who reads mathematical literature on here at times and this guy is a fag :3

>Believing in absolute morality is a major STEM thing though.
Maybe for some of them who were raised right, and I guarantee they are not arrogant.

Empiricists can't into metaphysics. Religion is a joke to them. Ergo, virtues like humility have no reason to be practiced, except perhaps when it suits their advantage: putting on the social norms of their professors and parents.

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>The IQ threshold to do well in STEM

A huge chunk of them are in CS which is incredibly easy. The vast majority of them will also end up programming boring business applications in terrible languages like Java until they're suicidal and inevitably replaced by an Indian that works for $0.25/hour.

I'm about to graduate with a degree in physics and even many of my friends are incurably stemmed. Most of the professors are clearly smart, well-rounded people, but few students actually get up to that level. You would think after learning how much of physics is just groping around in the dark with models they would grow out of hardcore empiricism, but a lot don't.

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what kind of "person" would restrict their reading material based on whether it was scientific or humanistic? brings new meaning to the term half-wit

Have you never heard of Sam Harris? He's all about absolute morality and is mainly popular in STEMlord circles.

Still a higher IQ threshold than getting a bachelors in the literature of your native language or studying "business" and Early Childhood Babysitting.

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

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Computer Science if you're actually good at it has such potential but most of the graduates just viewed it as a way to land a software developer job in some tech startup and because that's all they have they never progress.

Most successful guys I know in software did it as a postgraduate with a humanities subject as undergraduate and then transitioned into tech management where they can just abuse the fact that most if their competition are on the spectrum and have nowhere near he verbal abilities that humanties students do.

I am a STEMfag, how can you mock a STEMfag? What a grand and intoxicating retardation.

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>He's all about absolute morality
Sam Harris is a stuttering retard, the worst kind of empiricist who doesn't believe in a creator and refuses to engage with the subject at all except to make "funny" observations that are really just ignorant religious intolerance. I hate Sam Harris a great deal.

The second guy from the top down on the right side is such a good example of the entire picture.

>he believes in a creator
Oh wow so I've been wasting my time talking to you. Move to your containment zone in Mississippi at once if you aren't there already please.

>actually liking and defending Sam Harris

I'm clearly not defending Sam Harris. He's just as bad as theists. Work on that reading comprehension.

hahaha, way to prove my point stemlord. go join the ranks of the bill nyes and degrasse tysons

Why ESLniggers can't ask questions?

>tfw the only stemfag who's not atheist

im a stemfag myself

STEM has a self-selection process for people who earnestly believe that they can do anything if they spend enough time and put enough effort into it. If you've ever heard someone say
>I'm just bad at math
>my brain just can't understand numbers, but I'm good at writing!
This is just the kind of mentality of predetermined failure STEM filters out. The kind of imposter-syndrome that for whatever reason is hugely prevalent in women is, in my opinion, the largest reason behind the gender disparity in STEM fields. In the arts you can go your entire life without really, truly failing anything and it's a crutch for a lot of people.

high IQ people often come across as arrogant to normies and brainlets

You guys really like the term "ESL". Why are you so threatened by foreign speakers making small grammatical mistakes (when most Anglos can't even tell the difference between then and than)? Is this resentment due to being a monolingual retard?

>>he believes in a creator
Oh wow so I've been wasting my time talking to you. Move to your containment zone in Mississippi at once if you aren't there already please.

Ah, the 'nobody likes me so I must be smart' cope

Genuine question: Why are jezebel posters such niggers?

I don't know. I don't care.

Literal morons believe in absolute morality what the fuck are you talking about all the bugmen ive met believe absolute morality

Genuine question: Why do humanitiesfags always have an inferiority complex?

Because they will earn more money than you. I always loved languages and philosophy, but guess what- I am in CompSci because I am not retarded. I want to have income security. I can read descartes at home if I want to. But this knowledge will never earn me a living. Simple as that. Ofc job market security isnt looking too good for us stemfags either despite the memes. But I can live a kafkaesque life as an alienated excel slave someday. Still a better destiny than starbucks

He's a literal moron. Check this out

Because they're vain and equate success with income

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Having a high IQ and getting into STEM does not make you smart. It makes you good at getting into STEM. The amount of spastics I interacted with when I studied engineering was incredible.

Yeah imagine equating the ability to support yourself and a family with success what a joke haha.

never had this problem. in the literature department, they were usually pretty insecure about their field. i had to split my hour up between a makeup literature course and an orgo lab and the professor was mad because i didnt stay for the extra hour that i wasnt even scheduled for in the first place. he got defensive about where my focus was. the science department was actually pretty friendly, the one professor kept complimenting me saying i was doing even better than most of the bio majors in the class and she thought it was pretty cool of me to take interest in both studies. so i kinda like stem more now that literature. but you guys shitting on stem sound about as normal as the pseud "science fucking rules!" fags

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High IQ people can be spastics. "Smart" doesn't mean, "someone user personally likes and respects a lot."

Anyone who hasnt studied at least past the surface of every subject is an arrogant retard. f you are studying science, but only remember high school level history or literature, then you are not an educated person. Same for those who study history and literature.

Well when I think of describing someone as "smart" I never think of the spastics who are genetically gifted with being good at doing work with numbers etc.