Finnigan's Wake

>Finnigan's Wake

What did Nabokov mean by this? Was he a pseud after all? (From Pale Fire)

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Wake

>Finnigan's/Finnegans Wake

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>Finnegans Wake. A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.

Finnigan's Wake* according to Vladimir.


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Who is Finnegan. Its Finnegans (Irish) wake (aka rise up)

That's a real quote. Maybe he disliked it so much that he didn't bother to check its name when he wrote Pale Fire.

>Finnigan's Wake's

>Finnigan'stve Wake'mstve

If the Wake is conventional then I don't know what Nabokov's novels are. You can pretty much call it anything you want except that lmao

It's probably the editor or publisher (Vintage), I remember reading Blood Meridian in a Vintage edition and the Spanish bits were a mess.


holy BASED

Odd because he considered Ulysses of the greatest of the century

With some reserve though. He disliked steam of consciousness, vulgarity and cliched jew figure.

>cliched jew figure
How's Leopold a cliché??

based & redpilled

A neurotic cuckold

>a heavy make-up

Finnegans Wake is an old Irish folk song that Joyce used for the title. The song itself was about a bar owner falling off a ladder drunk and dying, but ressurecting at his own wake after having whiskey poured on him.

Literally everyone
Nabokov is a fucking moron. No one cares about his work anymore.

By the way, I’m pretty sure Leopold is based off his father’s Jewish friend who was indeed a cuckold.

For more info's_Wake

Isn't a cuckold supposed to enjoy seeing his woman be fucked?

no, stop watching porn

Kinbote is a pseud.

I say the same thing and im retarded

FW is pseudery this is just a tribute

This is literally what he meant by it. NAB hated Joyce. Only thought some writing conventions in his most popular book were of note. That aside, he didn't have nice things to say. Some retard the other day said he wasa fan. He wasn't. Wasn't at all. Joyce was a pseud and everyone who likes him is a Pseud. When I see people singing his praises, or DFW's, I know they are undergraduate retards studying English/Literature (cringe) regurgitating what their professor told them. Fuck Joyce and FUCK DFW and fuck

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Even if I agree with him, I hate this guy already.

Dubliners and portrait are good