Has anyone outside the USA read Delillo?

Has anyone outside the USA read Delillo?

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Yes, why do you ask?

The opening chapter is about baseball.

I tried reading White Noise, was boring as hell.


I've read and thoroughly enjoyed White Noise.

I read Point Omega. I found it to be boring.

I read The Angel Emeralda, his collection of short stories. I liked it, but it didn't blow my mind. Enjoyable but forgettable.

Zero K
didnt feel too murrica

i like bats

Yes the prologue was very good but I got about 400 pages in and just couldn't take it anymore and put it down

the entire time i was reading anything past page ~100 i was thinking "who cares who cares who cares who cares who cares who cares who cares"

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You Russian?


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But the prologue is about baseball.

The only thing more American is mutilating penises.

I read White Noise a good few years ago and enjoyed it. I remember starting Underworld shortly afterwards but getting distracted and never finishing it. I still have my copy and hopefully I'll get to it at some point. I think I'd probably get a lot more out of it now.
Baseball is just cricket with less gays.

Okay? Baseball isn't a hard sport to understand

Italians love DeLillo.

Delillo also wrote an American Football book, which even as an American, I can't get into.

That so? I wish the Swedes liked him.

He is one of my favourite authors and I am Swedish.

Mao II is his best

Greetings from Germany

Make sure he gets a Nobel.

you fuckers posted him so much that I got that book for 100 bucks. (also got him because it was in Maximalist Novel)

I'm not in the USA.
pic related.

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Yeah, I made it quite far but lost interest waiting for him to start tying things together. Is it pleb? Perhaps. Still, I don't get why he has to be so obscure and vague about his message.

he does a great job with 70s America & his plots are always fun thrillers. "Names" is very close to the lesson of "Underworld", but so is "Crying @ 49 / Inherent Vice" in terms of the Underworld villian/FLOATING THOUGHT.

The opener of Underworld is aces tho. Sinatra & Gleason & (I forget) in the stands of the World Series btwn the Mets & Yankees (I think)

My favorite is Great Jones Street


>Maximalist Novel
Holy fuck, its's £76.50

Whoooooooooooooooo cares

Do I read Falling Man or Underworld next? Only read White Noise.

Same here, few pages into White Nose, one of the characters made a remark that wasn't stupid, but it was in the area of "who gives a shit" and I felt that more of them will come later on so I dropped the book.

britbong here. got a quarter to a third of the way into underworld before giving up. some of the peripheral/one-off stories - manx martin, the highway killer, the chapter with the guy who can never find the right word standing on a pier with his wife - were good, but the main storyline was pretty dull.

which delillo should i start with?

white noise is choice. once you hit undergrad you might ID the opening as grand: the kids are all hilarious & delillo's idea of "fake news" or basing facts on conversation goes with family dialogue. AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT helped me deal with many LOCAL PANIC events. Babette is OG THICC & the prose describes every girl I've ever sought in a masterful way

Nothing is better than Underworld's Aglet tho. What is the word for this. What is the word for this.

His later stuff can get very Beckett level ponderous. I've read it but not enthusisatically.

Falling man is shorter but also the one where (Cosmopolis I think) a guy is in a car near;y the whole time is a better NYC.
Do Underworld but get ready to settle in

The bank account cares.

> Beylikdüzü
You'd be better spending 100 bucks on moving somewhere else, also I hope you guys get rid of of Tayyip soon

I saw Maximalist Novel posted on here frequently, got the book. read it, found interesting. Realized that the concept of MMN is present in a Turkish novel more or less, predating GR, so I decided to write a paper on it, still working on it.

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>I hope you guys get rid of of Tayyip soon
Only god(s) can take him (away) now.

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this was meant to be a response to you:

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I'm English and I like him a lot. I know nothing of baseball but the prologue to Underworld was incredible in capturing how it feels to be part of something as an individual and as a crowd.

nigga I got the hardback for 2 dollars at a library book sale

translated in korea but nobody reads it

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what's the dilio?

Is this good? There's a certain place in my city with a beautiful old church in the shadow of a skyscraper built behind it. I've been captivated by that scene since I first moved here, I've spent hours and hours staring at it.

I'm a Canadian and White Noise was taught to me in High school. I had a great Gr.12 English teacher.

But yes, I read White Noise recently. The first two parts were great, up to the end of the Airborne Toxic Event. After that, it was a little dull.

This board is 18+ you know

How is Libra?

For some reason, that's the one that I feel most inclined to read.

>that pier chapter
>the guy discussing how his shits got worse and worse the further east he went in Europe on his way to the USSR
>mfw he kept following the smell on the pier because they reminded him of his terrible shits

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