It's getting closer guys (April 19)
What do you think is going to happen?
It's getting closer guys (April 19)
What do you think is going to happen?
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imagine counting the days for this. wtf is wrong with you, how bored is the modern man, how do so many people find so much time to kill
Whoever wins, we lose.....
1. Two people who have a lot of money already are going to make a lot more money
2. They are going to talk past each other
3. People who are dumber than both of them are going to write unreadable reviews where they repeat how much smarter they are than both of them
4. Stupid people are going to make stupid memes
5. Same old
>Imagine conceiving yourself as some ahistorical god looking upon the zeitgeist
Chill buddy, you're not Hegel
I'm just going to write my own.
Zizek vs. Taleb
>Certainly. And do you know why I am so interested in this? It is not for some petty foolishness, like a new way to contribute to the critique of political economy, but to think about how we have fallen into the phantasmagoria of eschatology. We have become its realism. And not just ironically but unironically. We are the victims and perpetrators of this gleichschaltung. Much like the Jewish political authority claimed sole possession of the term 'anti-Semitism’ they have also claimed the right over the term 'holocaust’. There is some sick joke in this. Too sick. In Stalinism one could easily make a joke of the horrors, gallows humour was possible there - but democracy makes it an impossibilism…
>People have now forgotten the Holocaust and joke about it online.
>Yes, but more than this. They also joke about all tragedies and horrors. After Fukushima everyone joked about Godzilla taking revenge for Pearl Harbor as some kind of mass-American double agent, as if the Japanese deserved another atrocity… And no one acknowledges the true possibility of Fukushima because it is too much to think about. It may be that there will be six billion people killed. We’ve gone from Holocaust Comedy to Eschatological Comedy. And it is all down to democratic thought. No wonder everything has descended into conspiracy, it is all an impossibilism… an impossibility. I don’t know why I keep saying that word. Maybe there is something to it. Maybe there is some group out there calling themselves impossibilists who have all the answers. But my point is this, perhaps no one will wake up from all of this until all of the dead rise from the Holocaust and come to terrorise democracy. Not just the Jewish living dead, but also the Nazi living dead, all of the African living dead, and the democratic black ops living dead (both). All of them running through neighbourhoods and destroying America. Hahaha. And staring into their smartphones watching eternal Youtube loops of the Hitler meme. The ultimate runaway of democratist lunacy. A thousand times worse than Hitler, until the dead return to protest against the living and occupy their homes. Hahaha. I thought of this while playing Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies with my son; with Jaws playing in the background. I hope you enjoy the image.
Why don't they just have a fist-fight? That would actually have some consequence, everyone knows that they're not gonna change anyone's minds talking. It's all pretense.
Why do you care about the outcome of a debate between two pseuds?
Peterson is the lowest of the low and Zizek is not far behind.
Peterson is the DaS2 of Yea Forums: unfairly hated because of their threats to one's ego
>unfairly hated because of their threats to one's ego
Keep making excuses, you brainwashed monkey.
the jews win
Peterson is a whiny dullard who realized he could grift smelly, socially defunct teenage boys into thinking they're galaxy brains
Have a big test the day before, so this will be fantastic with a alot of weed. It's fun to remind yourself about the 2 greatest thinkers of our times, visionaries without equals in the history of Western thought, both popularizers and ADVANCERS of all great works to have come before and since.
I second this
>Do you think logically?
>You will.
>What do you think is going to happen?
cringe galore desu
Peterson is McCarthy and Zizek is gonna wave the red flag in his face and read the fine print. It’ll be educational cuz I have yet to see someone engage in an intellectual discussion with Zizek. Will Self was kinda embarrassing
t. lives in bumfuck nowhere
>They are going to talk past each other.
Absolutely spot on. The same thing happened with the Sam Harris debate. Peterson's an expert at spending 20 minutes talking about meaningless nonsense, then when the other person tries to counter them, he spends another 20 minutes re-wording what he'd already said so that the other person sounds dumb for not understanding it.
I don't know much about Zizek apart from his unfortunate and unbearable speech impediment and his being a communist, but I'm hoping he'll call out Peterson on a lot of his bullshit, especially on global warming.
Peterson would try and be as magnanimous and gentlemanly as possible and Zizek would kick him in the nuts, claw out his eyes, and bite off his cheeks like Hannibal Lecter. Would love to see that.
zizek is a patethic fool amog marxists, but even so he'll be success
Peterson will verbally rape this commie B*lko-T*rk rape baby pseud desu
>so that the other person sounds dumb for not understanding it.
i think your contempt may be motivated by something else
What do you mean?
impeccably crafted.
equally impeccable, but sincere. unfortunate for you.
If you genuinely believe anything Jordan Peterson said in the debate with Sam Harris was meaningless word-salad spoken to confuse the listener, post the clip/quote and see if other people agree with you.
>JP: individualism, just say no to marxism, god in the jungian sense
>Zizek: here I am Lacanian, "coffee without milk", montenegran earthquake joke
>JP pockets $100k in ticket revenue, none of which will go to charity (too collectivist)
>Zizek gets the rest, along with a % of the merch sales, which he accepts IN A *sniff* VERY CYNICAL WAY
>clash of the two most insufferable fanbases to ever exist
I've already asked for the day off work.
quite nice
The level of autism in the room will reach peak frequency and go nuclear.
>there is such a thing as an autism bomb
My body is ready. Hit me with it.
It's going to be embarrassing to watch, no matter the outcome. I don't think these two can even communicate on a coherent level.
Zizek doesn't have a "fanbase" like Peterson.
Peterson has a cult following.
Zizek has people who like his stuff.
Zizek will ironically over agree with peterson
Itt people dont know that zizek claims to be a postmarxist and is not remotely communist and reps the likes of the authoritarian lee kuan yew, so any critique of communism he will gladly accept and then some
So you mean that Zizek wishes he could market himself like that.
90% of Zizek fans are basically libertarian -> commies -> "oh I need to read something new" -> Zizek pipeline creations from hell.
I bet this conversation will hold them down for at least 3 weeks
What will be evolution of this form?
Zizek and Peterson are around archetypes, not people. They don't have views, they represent their internet bubbles. It means nothing that Zizek is not a Marxist when tons of people calling themselves leftists will gladly listen in and talk about how awesome and amazing he was, when he PWNED Petepete
>Peterson has a cult following
I disagree. Of course he's popular but his fans hardly seem to identify with him like a cult leader, they seem to collect under the whole "intellectual dark web" movement umbrella.
I agree i just think it will be more interesting than a critique of communism. Just hoping for prime zizek obscurity and pete quoting j campbell.
soon the day of the fire ceremony approaches where I will remove the water crystal around my neck and begin wearing the crystal of fire for the season
I think my respect for both of these men will, impossibly, diminish.
>2. They are going to talk past each other
It's the only reason Peterson agreed to do it.
Zizek explained the structure of the debate in RT's most recent Zizek Birthday Special, released a few days ago.
He said that both him and Peterson would get 30 minutes to deliver a speech, directed at the audience, without engaging with the other person. After both speeches, they would get a chance to ask questions of one another, with a neutral mediator policing the discussion. After that, they will open up Q&A with the audience.
Zizek said he asked for these terms for two reasons: firstly, he recognises that Peterson is probably a better speaker than Zizek, and he was worried that Peterson's rhetoric would overwhelm Zizek's substance, if it was simply an open discussion. Secondly, he said he wanted a chance to speak to Peterson's audience directly, so that he might actually win some of them over to the Left, by appealing to some of their shared grievances (anti-PC culture etc.).
Pretty smart move of Zizek, I think. I don't think it'll be quite AS much of a shit-show as some people in this thread are predicting.
not a cult leader? are you literally fucking blind?
lmao imagine believing this
>rightists: Commies (all who don't suck hitlers dick) are BRAINWASHED CULTISTS
>lefties: Nazis (all non marxists) ARE BRAINWASHED CULTISTS!!!
>centrists: SJWs (all who don't uphold status quo) ARE BRAINWASHED CULTISTS!!
Literally you should all kys
Let me guess but anything marxist/leftist with similar following isn't cultist, it's just common sense, right?
ok hes got a cult, for what purpose?
So why does Yea Forums like Zizeck so much when he is defending Marxism?
midwits with reasonable opinions are not allowed itt get out reeeeeeee
>thinking SJW's isn't the status quo
People get a false feeling of revolt from calling out SJW culture and from being the SJW culture, but just enough of a revolt so they don't leave the status quo and with that the security and protection of it. They get meaning from this revolt without actually having to accept the dangers and consequence of a revolt.
Peterson is literate. He's read the classics. He can speak on them at length and has. He wins the Yea Forums thread by default, even if Zizek wasn't an abomination.
> confirm with the black people into he audience that he can call them "my neeger"
>quote a philosopher/political commentator word for work and pass it off as his own
>spit all over the first two rows while trying to speak
>spout off about the gulag archipelago and how he would have brought it about had he been there within the first 5 minutes
>start crying when talking about the beauty of an enlightenment idea or institution
>say dostoyevsky was deeper than nietzsche but wont talk about either of their writings
>start crying when talking about the beauty of an enlightenment idea or institution
You don’t know Peterson at all. So much of his project is dealing with the problems the enlightenment has caused, as is the case with every serious thinker since that time.
We need a Yamaguchi for this event
>What do you think is going to happen?
Probably another shooting
i think žižek will be nice and play along but peterson will be a stupid prick until žižek gets fed-up and completely obliterates the stupid fuck
Fuck lobsters
This is some really nice bait. The part about dude weed lmao was a nice touch
Is it going to be livestreamed or is it just going to be uploaded later?
My depression has increased.
I’ve felt my castration anxiety rising immensely, concurrent with much firmer erections and less eversion to taboo pornography.
I asked my psychiatrist for Wellbutrin to complement my antidepressant attack as per doctor Peterson’s advice.
I just stocked a closet full of military grade assault rifles and have prepared a bunker in case the apocalypse is coming.
Smells like victory
I hope to someday be able to write like you, sir.
masterful, you have read Schopenhauer no doubt.
One can only hope. It's probably not gonna happen, Zizek is way too charitable.
What about him is cult-like?
He isn't though. He admits Marx's theories have not played out the way he thought.
Zizek's vulgarity is definitely in his favor.
I hope Zizek mentions his fisting bit.
I don't care.
I will probably be busy having the sex with some qt or reading desu.
this. stop bumping this sht thread
Oxford style debate
2 opening statements then Q and A. No argumentation will go on. This is better for zizek.
why does nobody in this thread see this and keeps spouting bullshit, when this is the 100% what will happen.
just saw this post
Trying to hide a boner
I don't agree that he has a cult, but he has one thing going on that's typical for cults.
He's a psychologist and not a bad one. He fixes peoples lifes through manipulating their psyche and during the manipulation he implants his ideology. And the people with now fixed lifes will percieve the ideology as a critical component of their new identity, which they value highly since without it they would regress into their earlier state. It's your usual preying on the weak, but again it shouldn't be considered too negative because "victims" will indeed get their shit together.
>he implants his ideology
liberalism and milquetoast christianity?
He also mentioned that they will only have 10 minutes each to ask each other questions, hopefully they rearrange it somehow or just steal Q&A time again
two civilization destroying faggots debating?
fuck. right. off
How the fuck is Peterson civilization destroying
>I've already asked for the day off work.
So Zizek is illiterate to you?
taking boomers seriously
if it doesn't end up in a sword fight or at least in a fist fight I will be very disappointed
>video game analogies
i am a born and bred zizek fan. i would even go as far as to claim i'm his biggest fan. i would wear it on a t-shirt: "zizek's #1 fan"
i stopped fapping the day it was announced and I am holding out until
Too much yang energy. Psychopatic. A harm to others. Stay away.
I preordered my lobster pullover which comes with inflatable lobster clappers.
Going to be #Epic.
Do you smell bad?
They will give a 30 min talk each, they will discuss 10-20 min and then take a q&a. These are the conditions zizek wanted, he said this in the new RT 1hr interview
As you would expect from a marxist. No interest in debate. He pretends to be interested in a discussion so he can proselytize.
You don't debate with flat earthers, you just make fun of them. Same goes for Capitalists.
What I REALLY want is a Trump-Zizek debate, minimal moderation, no subject, maximum cocaine.
Hey that’s my birthday
Hey, zizekstak. Did you figure out this meme yet?
The Pervert's Guide to the Taste of Ziocum.
Zizek will "win" despite no one ever changing their minds and Peterson will spout even more Nazi propaganda in the form of blaming "cultural marxism" for things.
why do you always assume people are me? it's really weird to see my beloved nickname thrown around to any tom dick or harry that can put together the phrase ontological incompleteness. anyways, glad to see you are still pushing the pomo memes user, godspeed to you
Zizek will flame him!!! Ahahahaahahahhaahahaahahahahahahaahahah!!!