Post your ideas for a book

post your ideas for a book

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Scientists have found the cure to death. All of a sudden, life on earth changes drastically. The story would follow the life of a 20something college kid as he has to deal with things like overpopulation, food rationing and eventually his snotty great great great great grandkids.

A book about coping with disabilities, helping others with disabilities and how to use disabilities to your advantage.
I sure as fuck probably won’t write it but I’d read it if I saw it.

A Nietzsche (mostly style) inspired philosophical prose work of post-ironic hyper-self-awareness.

250 pages of bullshit and then i can be like "yeah im an author i wrote a novel"
fuck fiction

In an alternate universe, all beings are genetically embedded with the ability to harness energy in different manifestations. I.e. fire, water, electricity, sediment, etc. Gods are merely eternally youthful beings that can manifest their elements with greater intensity, volume, etc.
We follow various soldiers, leaders and commoners who watch/participate in the warring and colonizing of more and more land, eventually extending to a galactic autocracy which comes into direct conflict with the gods themselves.



Karate Kid but yoga

Angels and demons fighting eachother. Humans and aliens are caught in the crossfire. Very epical.

One in which I expose Deleuze for the hypocrite he is. Deleuze philosophy is autonomous legislation, the creation of the superior forms of what is; it is not speculative comprehension



A well-educated Louisianan cryptozoologist joins a commune of bayou-dwelling rednecks in enacting low-intensity warfare against Sasquatches, with chapters intermittently told through 3rd Person Narrations and excerpts from the manuscripts of the main character's planned autobiography.


>tfw i share the same IP as some spammer from Yea Forums and I keep getting banned because of him

Not really a novel idea but more of a manga/light novel idea and it's really just a very rough draft. You have your average MC who one day meets the 3 daughters of friends of his parents. They drop them off and tell the MC that he has to take care of them for a few hours. The 3 girls are your typical hot anime babes and the MC thinks he'll get to do your typical harem comedy hijinks but he soon finds out that the 3 are severely mentally retarded, being biologically in their late teens but being closer mentally to 5 year-olds. They proceed to drive the MC insane by drawing all over his walls in crayon and permanent marker, eating up everything in his fridge, throwing temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way, playing with their stuffed animals and crying and whining incessantly. At one point one of them will ask him to accompany her to the bathroom since she isn't yet potty trained. The MC is so mad and frustrated that he decides to rape her in the bathroom and attempts to do so until the girl pisses herself in fear and he gets grossed out. The parents then come back at this moment, find out that the MC tried to rape one of their daughters and the scene changes to a courtroom where the MC gets sentenced to prison for trying to rape a mentally disabled person. The manga/light novel is supposed to be a deconstruction of the tendency of anime and manga to feature female characters that are physically developed but exhibit childish mannerisms/intelligence so the reader finds them "cute", and what would actually happen in real life if you had a bunch of physically developed girls who behaved like actual children.

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I can’t tell if anime virgins btfo or not


I write about dialetheism as a formalised set of logic with its own quasi-axioms

A doppelganger wanders around a seedy frontier town in an attempt to gleam anything from the on-goings of society.

>and what would actually happen in real life if you had a bunch of physically developed girls who behaved like actual children
That is real life.


ive made something out of this

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cringe but redpilled

Basically I would love to write a story in epic verse, where Its essentially the same timeline/story as the Aeneid, but I inject more tragedy into the legend by writing on behind the scenes events that roughly mirror the arc and themes of Metal Gear Solid 5 and Peace Walker, but in the context of the Aeneid. Aeneas is quite obviously Big Boss and Troy was like Big Boss's MSF. This way you can plausibly fleshout a reason for why the war even happened beyond
> hurr durr my whore wife left me, now I have to kill Troy

In this account of events, I'll have Troy being somewhat of a powerbroker for wet work & espionage across the Ionian. Troy becomes too much of a thorn in everyone's side so they wipe them out. Aeneas then is filled with the lust for revenge and sets out to establish the greatest empire on earth
... Outer Heav-... err, I mean Rome.

if I did that you'd steal it though...

This is fucking gold do it

i've got this really old DOS program called BABBLE.EXE. it mixes and randomizes text, to where it's almost comprehensible.

because it's very old and only runs under DOS there are some limitations with regards to memory use, but it wouldn't be that hard for me to run all of my text through it, and produce a huge stream of gibberish based on my existing works, and just pipe it into word and then run it through calibre to make an epub, and put it up on

i could keep doing this for a long time.

An artist obsessed with creating the most truthful real expression in his artwork decides to pain his canvas with his exploded brains. Part of the book would be the artist coming up with the idea the other part will be his manifesto on this new mode of art creation. Obviously, discussions of the "artist being dead" and the impossibility of it will be a major theme.

A man that looks like a pencil. He's tall, thin, and has a pointed head that erodes down when friction is applied to it. This is a horror story btw and he's actually normal, but treated like a prophet pencil when he's kidnapped by a cult.

First and foremost, I establish that the book is entirely in black and white. It starts with our protagonist, a good-looking French college student that wakes up with a cigarette in his mouth (he will always have a cigarette in his mouth) in 1970s Paris. He checks his voicemail and finds 50 unanswered calls, he listens to 2, one from his parents telling him his uni called and said he has been skipping classes and the other is of his girlfriend, complaining that he is neglecting her. He gets out of his apartment and heads for the banlieu on the train. There he wanders the streets, quoting Nietzsche and musing on his existential angst, when he stops and witnesses some racailles beating up and throwing ethnic slurs at a North African immigrant, the MC keeps walking while we see some graffiti that says "NIQUE LES JUIFS" on the rundown city streets while our MC sarcastically thinks "Liberté, égalité, fraternité". Then we switch to an empty church where our MC is sitting, then a random montage of WWII Nazi marches, video of dead soldiers and pictures of the Holocaust appear, and our MC asks a statue of Jesus why suffering and injustice exists, we get a close-up of Jesus' pained expression on the cross and a minute of silence. Then our protagonist sighs and quotes "God is dead" and leaves. Next scene, our MC approaches a brothel where some streetwalkers seduce him into coming inside. The we see our MC have unsatisfying sex with an anorexic prostitute with a black eye from being beaten by her pimp, and we get some voice over where the MC laments that even the short-lived pleasure of an orgasm can't counterbalance a lifetime of pain and how melancholic he feels that so many men are willing to seek and pay for the companionship of working girls to soothe their crushing loneliness. It's nighttime , there's lights everywhere and we see the MC has made his way out of the banlieue and is on the roof of a tall building, about to commit suicide, until he decides to postpone it and visit his parents before killing himself. He walks into his parent's house and immediately color returns to the world, we see the MC's parents and girlfriend getting ready to have dinner because SURPRISE, this isn't an arthouse film but a PARODY of an arthouse film. His parents chastise him for his angsty attitude, even though he has two loving parents, a loving gf, a nice apartment and a promising career as a lawyer. The final scene is our MC throwing away his cigarette, which symbolizes him dispelling his fartcloud of pretension and pesudointellectualism.

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you no give pige
i no give ideas


why do you keep talking about minecraft what is "your average minecraft"

Get off of Yea Forums you ESL.

current outline feels very heavy handed but could be solid if pulled off right. details when setting scenes will be your friend. unironically infinite jest does a great job of world building without always flat out saying "this is how it is." good luck user

i am not an elongated sex log, you pedantic pseudoscientific tartlet

tell pige you're ideas

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*saws your ass in half with my dick*
Now you are.


Keep going and make the reversal so excessively sincere it comes off as equally shallow and placid, then keep going past that and see what happens.