I’m a healthily literate intellectual and philosophically educated man but it pains me so fucking much to “follow...

I’m a healthily literate intellectual and philosophically educated man but it pains me so fucking much to “follow my dreams” or to “do what makes you happy”. I simply can’t fight the grander scheme of things
>be me
>smart enough to realize life is a game, life it once, no regrets, do the most
>i feel most happy when in a basement with 4 friends playing magic the gathering

What the fuck is this man. There is raging turmoil inside of me telling me BE HAPPY RETARD, EAT JUNK FOOD AND PLAY CARD GAMES WITH YOUR BROS. and then the devil on my shoulder says “ah ah ah, think of the consequences, think of your future, invest in stocks, you should take care of your body”

Why am i condemned to essentially hell one earth. I am in hell, i AM hell, it’s raging inside of me. Pic related its you’re mom on my face

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This is a pretty silly thread and I'd feel bad about posting in it, but you objectified a woman to attract all the men on this board so I guess you're gonna get replies anyway and I won't have to feel guilty for bumping this thread with my statement :3

i’m dying over here man how could you :3post in my serious thread

Why be happy when you could be interesting?

Man, you left the trip on. Now you've ruined it.

Oh you silly boy.
Also, you're only in this thread because OP attached a vulgar image of a woman to it, so you proved my point.

Not me :3

not "you"? and who are "you"?

The one.

Get out of here Slavoj, can’t you tell tho is a /soc/ thread?

How is it objectifying a woman if she's the one who took the picture and dispersed onto the internet?

good thread

>i'm a manchild
>is this Yea Forums?

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user, have you ever tried balancing things out?

love is the only thing worth aspiring for user. dont buy into the retarded cynicism thats fashionable on this board.

Listen to the basedposter

imagine the smelle...

I hope you're talking about platonic love between friends.

platonic love is noble... but avoiding romantic love because youre afraid of damaging your masculine ego and losing self is pussy shit. living for any reason but platonic/romantic love is pointless... unless of course youve found love thru spirituality (few can)

I'm sick of all the imposter butterflies doing bait posts.

I don’t understand the point. They are saying retarded things the original butterfly would never say while using my emoticon. It’s the stupidest thing ever :3

I know. You found out that ‘the one’, the man raising consciousness itself, is the one who butterfly is in love with. :p

Women posters should be banned immediately. Kicked out of this board for weeks, if not months.

Ok. The only kind of love I have ever known is platonic, I'll stick to my "pussy shit."

Procrastination is an attempt to escape the current unpleasantness by immersing oneself in a pleasant state. To forget about your chores while you are lost in the realm of feeling, be that browsing the internet or playing video games. But when you inevitable return from that world of escape, back into reality, you suffer again, now also from guilt. If one is to escape suffering, one is to also escape joy.

What is being bored? It is longing for a comfort/joy that you can not right now attain. If you are simply aware of your current lack of comfort, and are simply waiting, observing it, you are no longer bored. You are peaceful.

What is being impatient? It is longing for a joyful state that is coming, but that you cannot control the arrival of. This expectation of a pleasant state is what creates the frustration of not being yet in that state. If you do not expect to be immersed and engulfed and swallowed by the coming pleasant experience, there is in fact no difference between being aware of its absence or presence. You are always simply aware. So there is no expectation, and therefore no impatience.

What is being lazy? It is the desire to be immersed in a pleasant experience, in order to get to which, you must first be immersed in an unpleasant experience. But when you are simply aware of those experiences coming and going, you do not desire to be immersed in a pleasant state, nor are you afraid to be immersed in an unpleasant state. Thus you escape both the unpleasantness of idleness, and the unpleasantness of the chore that was keeping you idle.

Have you ever experienced an awkward conversation, and in an attempt to escape the awkwardness and anxiety, said things you didn't want to say, or didn't say things that you wanted to? Stuttering and squirming, saying things without thinking, just to let the awkward conversation end sooner. Escaping the awkwardness by shutting down your awareness of it, letting your body take over the conversation (poorly) while your consciousness is drifting away to comfortable oblivion. I used to think that the way to fix that problem was to train your automatic mind to such a degree that it could handle a conversation while your conscious mind was comfortably disengaged. And I even got somewhat good at it. But the solution was to simply let the awkwardness happen, being aware of it but not immersed in it. I could now say things that were uncomfortable, that had to be said. It it was not a matter of courage at all.

About courage, willpower, motivation, discipline, those false paths to beating laziness, boredom and cowardice. Those are simply ways to trick or overpower yourself into being immersed into unpleasantness, leaving the state of joy, so one may have more joy in the future. I used to lament my lack of willpower and discipline, disappointed in my lack of motivation. Turns out, I didn't need them. I no longer need to trick or force myself to leave the state of being immersed in comfort in order to do an unpleasant chore. Comfort and unpleasantness simply come and go, as I observe my body now experiencing them.

The vinegar indeed tastes neither sour, nor bitter, nor sweet. It simply tastes like vinegar.

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wow, gay.

Don't think this semen slurping board is for me.

hey who the fuck said it was your emoticon. Anyone can use it. :3

Violence against women is ok as long as it pleases Alah