Literally me the book

literally me the book

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me too user, me too

i cried

You walk around towns making friends with yellow houses?

This one is literally me

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This one is literally me. Every thought and passage is one i thought about some point in my life

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This is so mee

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I can never finish this shit. Too boring.

is there any real differences between the different translations?

Me too but I like how it made me realize how petty it is to be angry at every encounter where I feel indignant

literally me

Not zorba btw

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>can't finish a 100 page novella
How's that tiny brain working out for ya?

litrally do talk to buildings

Literally me

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Becomes too much like a soap opera in the final sections

Literally me. I mean it, it actually is literally me.

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Knew the end from the very beginning.
Who hurt you, Fiodor?

We're all Dostoevsky on this blessed day.

It's one of his most optimistic endings. I thought it was nice


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