I'm about to go on SSRIs because it's the only way I can pass my final term of college...

I'm about to go on SSRIs because it's the only way I can pass my final term of college. Will this evaporate what little creative thought I have? Have any good authors ever been on SSRIs?

Attached: Cracked used to be the website i used to go _a9658289813eff1e22219ccb88c1265c.jpg (633x758, 157K)

If you can't convince your doctor to give you an MAOI instead (the superior class of drug), then you are low IQ and not cut out for school in the first place.

Only specialist doctors can prescribe MAOIs here (in the UK).

Why do you think that's the only way? Do you consume pornography/alcohol/drugs (caffeine and nicotine included)? Do you eat well and exercise? Do you get as much sleep as you need? They put me on SSRIs years ago, didn't do shit. I cut out the damaging bullshit (drugs and alcohol), started taking walks, I've felt great ever since. You would be amazed how these simple things can ameliorate depression. I sound like a soccer mom, and I hate that my depression was so shallow. But have you actually tried this shit?

I function on NSRIs and a dopamine killer and I'm on the schizo end of the brain problems cornucopia. MAOIs seem to work best for bipolar people, in my anecdotal experience.

Going on meds doesn't "destroy your creativity", really? It's more like your brain gets a new operating system installed and now you have to figure out how to do everything in Linux when you were used to your Macbook Air or something.

I'm trying to cut porn out, but I still fap a few times a week. I don't drink or do drugs, and I go to the gym at least a couple of times a week, but I'm losing motivation. I drink plenty of water and I try to eat well, but everything tastes bland and I have no appetite. When I try to sleep, it takes me hours to nod off and I wake several times during the night.

Only side effect for me was i couldn't cum. Could still get a boner though


Have you been checked for other medical conditions? Bloodwork, etc.?

No. I'm thinking of asking the doctor for a blood test, since my brother recently went and they said he might have anaemia.

men lose iron through ejaculation

Be aware that nicotine, in any form, limits the normal absorption of iron by hemoglobin

If you're living a healthy lifestyle but you aren't interested in eating and are losing weight, depression shouldn't be the first diagnosis. Unless there's obvious trauma, which I feel like you would have mentioned, you should be tested for things like anemia, particular hyperthyroidism, malabsorption deficiencies, etc.

>Will this evaporate what little creative thought I have?
It happened to me. They also decimated my memory and made me gain a lot of weight, but without them I wouldn't have been able to deal with studying something I hate and becoming a worthless wageslave.

I got off of them recently, and while I feel more alive, those parts of me seem to be gone forever. As I said before, I did need it, but there was a cost.

I've been on a bunch of them
They're shit
some of them did literally nothing for me, some of them caused dissociation, some made me suicidal, none of them helped with depression
It could be different for you though, it could also potentially work as a placebo
or you could follow the other user's bro science advice and get the placebo effect without all the nasty SSRI side effects
or maybe try ket
mental health is a meme anyways

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It's over for you.

The Burger psychiatrists should really slow it down with those meds



What impact does this hve

>deal with studying something I hate and becoming a worthless wageslave
Why would you want to be able to do that?

IF you go on MAOIs you can't eat cheeses, meats, and wines.
I'd honestly rather kill myself.
OP you're gonna be fine. Psychiatry presents some very simple pragmatic solutions to some very complex unconscionable problems. Let the engineers get you through this rough patch and move on with your life. It's going to be fine. There's no secret harm to them, they'll explain all the side effects and risks and you can always ask questions. You can also stop them at any time.
Personally I dig bupropion, but it's for the weight loss and focus (and boners). I'm not depressed, but if I was depressed this shit would help me the fuck out.

SSRIs, SNRIs, and buproprion have their place. Try them and see what works for you. Hopefully you can wean yourself off of them once you get your life in order. And if you think you can just pop a pill and not make substantial life changes to break out of your depression, then you're going to become a sedated NPC for the rest of your life.

>And if you think you can just pop a pill and not make substantial life changes to break out of your depression
but that's what all my favorite authors did

MAOI dietary interactions are overblown. Most wines are fairly safe; there are lists of tyramine content in various wines, cheeses, fermented foods. Transdermal selegiline (should be generic in another month) requires zero dietary modification in the lowest dose and higher doses relatively less gut MAO inhibition than orally taken irreversible MAO inhibitors. Even oral ones are safer than they are made out to be. They're not for low IQ people who cannot bother to do some basic research on what they ingest. I only prescribe them if a patient already knows what they are.

bro sketchy had pictures of the fucking sausage, cheese and wine. the mice were dying around the traps.
I do not give a fuck what anyone says. Nobody future me prescribes MAOI to is going to get away with any of this grey area bullshit.

go for a run, stop eating shit (that's not for you! that's for "people" AKA the cells of the battery of god's brain!), not ever-so-elusive-proverbial ""YOU"", idiot! YOU don't get the easy way out. LOL. If this were all a simulation, a test to see what you'd do, you'd have failed, asking a "doctor". Don't you know any better??? What's your problem. Longest way around is the shortest way home. Jeeeeesus christ kiddo. Start with MGTOW, you're not going to cure all your problems with something invented for the LCD, because all your problems ARE them! Get it? NOT FOR YOU -- go run, lift some weights, stop being a piggy. life sucks, dude. that's just the way it is. you'll gain 20 iq points growing up.

I've been on them for two years and I feel great. Much more alert, creative, settled and I experience more emotions. Before I was a zombie for over 10years. This morning I ate some fresh pineapple and I couldn't stop smiling. It was fabulous and gave me goosebumps.

The first couple of weeks on prozac were tough.

Late reply but it means that if you vape, smoke, chew nicotine gum, whatever - supplementing with iron won't fix your anemia. If the issue is anemia. Take a break from the nicotine.

because I was already in a.lot of debt and didn't want to screw over my cosigner.

>bro sketchy had pictures of the fucking sausage, cheese and wine.
I do not follow.
>the mice were dying around the traps.
And? Have you considered this was the design and intent of the study?
>I do not give a fuck what anyone says. Nobody future me prescribes MAOI to is going to get away with any of this grey area bullshit.
Don't worry, they won't. Psychiatrists know better than to Rx to people as dumb as you. I can tell by the piss poor claims in your post and reasoning that you're not the least bit bright.

>Psychiatrists know better than to Rx *MAOIs* to people as dumb as you.

Go to therapy, srs. Best thing I've ever done. And it gets hate but being from a poor family, JP's book really helped me pursue meaning in life. Before that, I strongly suggest reading Mood Therapy, a guide to doing CBT on your own. That was a pinnacle moment in becoming aware of my negative tendencies that most people with mental health issues have (as well as dealing with them properly.)

SSRIs are very dangerous to suddenly stop taking. When I was broke and couldn't afford my medication for a couple of days/until I got paid... it feels like you're being electrocuted at the base of your skull, over and over.

You can go off them safely, though. You just need to taper off slowly. I've done that as well.

I went through 3 courses of CBT with different therapists and it simply did nothing. It made no difference to how I viewed myself. I can't imagine what kind of person could need therapy but be so receptive to CBT.

I do not suffer from any mental disorders but I've always wanted to see a psychoanalyst. Old school Freudian sort. Anyone have any anecdotes?

im on my 7th week and feel like shit right now, but i did feel good a couple weeks ago

PLACEBO and placebo drug.

What do you do if you're a hard motherfucker like me and don't feel most emotions without drugs? I'm not depressed or mentally-ill, I just don't react much emotionally to things and haven't since I was a little kid. When I do drugs I feel intensely and even cry. I like not being a soft pussy but I also feel it beneficial to tap into this part of my humanity every once in a while and feel strongly about things for a night. I'm seven months completely /drugfree/ and things are good but I miss those moments of amplifying and succumbing to emotion. Is there any way to bring that out without drugs?

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If you don't know about sketchy you have not been to medical school.

>using a simpleton memenonic as a source
>dude trust me, it has colorful pictures, DUDE DEAD MICE DUDE WTF, therefore I am an expert in psychopharmacology nnnnn sheeeeeeeit. Trust me bro, I don't care what the literature or Dr. Stahl says, this meme guide said they were bad, so that settles it. Btw, you didn't use this meme thing in med school therefore you aren't a real doctor

33 :3

I hope you are not a medical student, or God forbid, a physician.

and most of them ended up an heroing

its a lifelong thing not a miracle treatment. i had lots of negative automatic thoughts and several other self defeating thought patterns. im not healed 100% but it helps enormously when i get into my paroxysms of anxiety/panic attacks. i currently refuse to take meds. finding meaning and not being a self defeating downcast member of society will lift your mind/spirits over time. the hard part is finding what, but you cant miss a target if you dont have any

Seconding this

Unironically stop eating wheat. I went gluten free for mental health reasons and within a few days I felt so much better. If you have any adverse sensitivity to gluten, it’s causing chronic gut inflammation, which wreaks havoc on your production of neurotransmitters.

I've been restoring my own ability to feel a little bit at a time and the only thing that's worked for me is cultivating sincerity in thought, in action, and in my speech.

It sucks to realize you're incapable of emotional intimacy with another human being without using drugs, but if you can still have those emotions, you can restore your ability to feel them naturally.

The reason I chose to put effort into this is that I decided ... I would rather live a genuine and occasionally painful life than stay "fully armed" and immune.

It's like being asked to put down all your knives, and you didn't even realize you were carrying them because your identify is the knife. You still have the power to pick the knives back up. But you have to learn how to put them down.

I grew up with a father who lost all his hair at 20 years old. Really destroyed him at such a young age as it wasn't socially acceptable at the time to be bald like it is now. Ended up having a hair system, I have memories as a kid going with him to his appointments where the glue would be cleaned then reapplied. Luckily later in life he got over it and now pulls off the bald look perfectly. When I turned 20 I still had all my hair but became obsessed with hair loss, would check multiple times a day, spending hours making sure no recession was happening. Like father like son. Started to really ruin my life until one day I noticed the hair on top was a little bit different than it was as a teenager. Had a serious panic attack, felt like I was dying, throwing up and getting nauseous. You know that feeling in your stomach when you are about the hit a drop on roller coaster? That was me 24/7 for like a month. It was worse than death. Was given 10 mg of Lexapro and within a a couple of weeks the feelings went away. My literal perception of my face changed when looking in the mirror it was surreal. Placebo or not it worked for me, although I dealt with some side effects like my libido dropping to zero

This happened to me for about a fortnight because I had a skin cancer scare.

Now I think I'm actually better for it, but I will say the recession of my hairline might've begun around then.

lol i graduated college on SSRI

To argue that this makes you intelligent, is further proof you aren't. Almost any simpleton can get an undergraduate degree these days, brainlet.

no, it means I'm super intelligent because even a drug that lowers your IQ and your thought process didn't do shit for me. if I wasn't on SSRI i would had aced that shit.

If you're so intelligent, then why did you not convince the doctor to prescribe the superior drug class (ie MAOIs) in the first place? Or was such knowledge yet in unawares?

not that guy, but I don't know anything about MAOIs nor have I taken either class of drug. what makes MAOIs so much better?

Don't take SSRIs.
>t. guy who once took SSRIs.

If you don't feel like listening, you can always learn this lesson the hard way though. Good luck.

>one term
Cmon dude just finish that shit up. Also, why would it get easier after college. Ur just going to get addicted

I’m on setraline; fuck this gay earth

This has been my experience as well. I took antidepressants for about 7 years. About 4 years into taking them things started to get really bad - I started to experience periods of disassociation, started having chronic pain, and I was miserable to be around. It almost destroyed my personal relationships with my fiancé and others. What's worse was that I was so out of it I didn't know how bad I was. After around 5-6 years of taking them I became convinced that they were hurting me. For example, I would get brain zaps within 12 hours of missing my dose and after doing some research I learned that the physical symptoms and psychological symptoms that I was experiencing were known side effects of the drugs.
The drugs never helped with the panic attacks and feeling of impending death that had led me to the psychiatrist in the first place. It wasn't until I found the right psychologist with the right treatment modality that I started getting better. But even with the right Dr. The anti-depressants were holding me back from making progress. You see, these drugs prevent you from experiencing and connecting with your feelings. And if you aren’t connected to your feelings and emotions therapy will never help. So, I decided to get off of them. My psychiatrist didn’t know how to do a proper taper off the drugs, so I had to tell him how I wanted to get off of them. I committed to going to my psychologist at least every two weeks and I mad huge progress, to the point where I am 80% back to the person, I was 10 years ago.
The first three months off the drugs were the worst I had brain zaps constantly. I would cry at anything that might bring an emotional rise, pretty much any kind of stirring music or movie. The amount of pain I was experiencing reduced by half and I was able to do things I wasn’t able to do before owing to the panic attacks and anxiety – things that the anti-depressants were supposed to get me back to doing. After nearly two years off of them I’m still doing well. I haven’t been able to see my psychologist since my insurance ran out, but I’ve got through pretty well without him or the drugs. I STILL have brain zaps daily, mostly when I’m tired in the mornings or getting into bed, and they flair up and become hard to bear when I get a sever cold or flu.

It’s crazy how little psychiatrists know about these drugs and how willing they are to prescribe them. Few of the modern anti-depressants go through clinical trials for more than six months and yet doctors keep their patients on them for years. It’s funny when you consider that most depressive episodes spontaneously resolve themselves within a few weeks to months, it’s no wonder people think the drugs are helping them even though most studies show that anti-depressants are about as effective as a placebo. The side effects are real, a quick google search will reveal a lot, yet doctors down play them or shrug when you describe what you are experiencing. I could go on… Whenever someone tells me that they’re thinking of taking them I want to say something, but I usually hold back. If you say something bad about anti-depressants people treat you like an anti-vaxxer.

BTW most of the time I was on SSRIs I was taking Lexapro or Cymbalta.

I'm not entirely anti-psychology i think talking to someone can help but don't take the drugs or if you do take it in combination with talk therapy.
There are studies that show a lot of psych meds basically have the same effectiveness rates as placebos.
It's a cliche but you should try exercise and meditation too. You don't want to be on drugs for the rest of your life.

Can depression be source of creativity by itself?

only when you're out of it

buy some ketamine

No, you're too unmotivated and tired to create anything.

Those shits don't work and no-one is gonna make me believe otherwise

I've had depression since I was 15, I've been prescribed pretty much all the SSRIs that exist in the market and none of them even made me feel slightly better. Just dumber

Finally it was another drug that helped me (Provigil) because I came to realize the depression had a lot do to with lethargy

Idk. I think it's all a conspiration m8. And I've heard bad things about that all around, rarely a good opinion ("they really helped me") or smth.

But you do what you do

Pretty much all of the "good opinions" are posted by paid shills, Big Pharma needs its slaves.

t. samefag larping premed
get through ochem then we'll talk lmao

>There's no secret harm to them
Except there is and it's called biopolitics. Why is there so many ardent defenders of psychiatry on a literature board today? Lost Bot? Efficient shilling? Docile Anglos?

>another depression thread
The ride of acceleration continues.

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amen brother

I went off the NSRI I was put on at age 14 when I was 18, and initially I felt better, but from 18-23 I fell right back into severe depression. I went back on them and got better again.

However, in my case:
>suicidal since age 7
>severe neglect/abuse for most of childhood
>only parent died when I was a young teen
>adult onset schizophrenia hit at age 25

My brain is fucked. People like me - the ones who started trying to kill themselves before puberty, the ones who start to hear demons talking to them - are the ones who "need" meds. I would never tell anyone else that they have to take them, and for most people I'm pretty sure they're unnecessary. I made the choice to commit to taking them because my mental illness hurts my friends and the people I care about, ultimately. I can survive without medication, but it's not much of a life.

Don't fuck around with SSRIs, think of them as a last resort.

>Can't pass college while smoking weed, doing acid, eating fistfuls of DPH, and getting drunk at parties
What a waste.

Sure sounds like a good situation to start taking drugs.

They usually work pretty well, user, despite being reviled by the essentialists (my usage here is abusive) on this board. A mild-to-moderate dose of Sertraline or a similar med is unlikely to zombify you, alter your personality, or relegate you to dependency.

With that said, be aware that many docs will consider "my symptoms haven't been 100% eradicated" to be a green light for doubling or even tripling your dose, which is seldom warranted. This is a very inelegant approach to treating a behavioral health problem. I spoke "off the record" with a well-respected psychiatrist who admitted to routinely putting her harder cases on 300mg/daily of Zoloft, and of /always/ recommending against tapering down.

>"Teehee! Don't tell the FDA! :))))"

Out of curiosity: Do you have Irish blood? I've noticed that Irish-Americans have a much higher propensity for whatever it is you're suffering from. I don't know enough about your condition to give it an exact label, and probably wouldn't try to even if I did.

Anecdotal: I am the only one in my (very very Irish) family without a debilitating mental health issue of some kind. For us, having healthy kids is like playing Russian roulette (and the gun has five loaded chambers + a wadcutter). It's become a kind of in-joke among my relatives: one of my sister's baby shower gifts was a little straight jacket knitted by some aunt with a sick sense of humor.