whats some good K-Lit?
Whats some good K-Lit?
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there is none crapitalist swallowed up any semblance of its culture. japan at least had that brief period of writers born before wwii who wrote good literature but after wwii there was no one with a literary soul because crapitalism destroyed its culture. korea is just garbage.
t. philistine
korea is the foremost country with respect to cinema and music.
Holy sameface
All that plastic
I have, at some points in my life, considered traveling to East Asia. I will never have such thoughts again.
Korea is discount tryhard Japan.
What a pathetic nation of plastic Chinese people trying to into american culture.
Kim Jong Chad should just roll tanks across the border and make Korea great again.
I wish I disagreed with you but you're right.
Their food is lit though and their cuck porn is unmatched
I've never seen porn (let alone of the cuck variety) from Korea. Where would one find it?
Go to hell
kim young-ha is really good. blackpilled and edgy
>Kim Jong Chad should just roll tanks across the border and make Korea great again.
Anyone with the slightest concern for the aesthetic condition of the world would endorse this course of action.
e hentai and search korean language
thanks it sounds pretty cool
his debut is pretty good too
also the adaptation of his novel memoirs of a murderer stars seolhyun from aoa
it's cool that someone who writes such dark and edgy novels is a literary icon on south korea. i feel like i'd get arrested for writing like him
All of them have been raped by Tawianese gansters and Yakuza btw
Hentai doesn't count. I'm asking what is the Korean equivalent of jav (I know pornography is illegal there)?
There must be a black market for that type of material.
Korea is the worst of japan, china and america combined
There's a lot on xvideos but most is amateur and short.
This but unironcially
Nah China and America are pretty bad
Is there really not a SINGLE good read to come out of this country!?
starcraft fanfiction
I think I remember reading a story about SK government's arts&culture branch making obtaining the Nobel for literature their long term goal b/c their literary scene is so painfully barren.
i like korea a lot. korea is like a less autistic and less perverted japan. you can't talk about korea on Yea Forums though because the weebs come out of the woodwork and just fucking shit all over the discussion
>less autistic and less perverted
i.e. japan but less good
(just kidding, as a weeb I have no ill-will against Korea, just wish they were a little less puritanical)
The Wings by Yi Sang, especially if you like Taisho/early Showa period Japanese lit.
30 :3
Soon the plastic will be replaced by gene editing, then all of east asia will be become Caucasian, quite funny
Why does K-lit have such a retarded name system?
It is so annoying and hard to follow when whole families have essentialy the same name and there is no way to distinguish male names from female ones.
Fuck korean names and fuck the translators of korean books for not localizing the text better.
koreans will be the first people to voluntarily genocide themselves because they want to be white so bad
>Korea is the worst of japan
now hol up there for second