>Oxford comma
Oxford comma
oxford comma is high class and more readible you fuckin retard. i always choose to opt for it in my essays for schools, or i notice it right away when it is not present in a writing.
it sounds, feels, and reads smoother.
it was literally made up for retarded Americans like you
keep crying, it is fluent, and elegent, retard
If you complain about the "ambiguity" of comma-lists without the Oxford comma, you are likely autistic (for only autists have trouble with syntactic ambiguities).
I climbed to dharamshala too
but contra was better, prove me wrong
I had a party with two strippers, Hitler and Stalin
I had a party with two strippers, Hitler, and Stalin
>grocer's apostrophe
The Oxford comma is the mark of a writer who understands that spoken language is the higher form.
Oxford comma is peak IQlet
>understand spoken word is superior
>add superfluous symbols to your writing
Wow thanks reddit for posting this same constructed example we have all seen multiple times. I already said that it's only the autists who have trouble with these ambiguities -- and I definitely advocate everyone to make their writings as impenetrable as possible to the autistic folks.
>not pausing for effect before the last item in a list when speaking
Oratorlets out
>Needlessly making their writings more confusing and less gramatically correct for a sense of superiority
Yup, looks like we found the real autist
Noone gives a fuck about an Oxford comma
Examples of this sort have probably already been assembled into a whole book of comedy. That any style manual recommends against the Oxford comma is simply a symptom of the stupidity usual in administrators.
Based, and, comma, pilled,
You place a comma wherever you pause in a sentence.
If you don't intuitively grasp the superiority of the Oxford comma, you're probably an inarticulate pleb who constantly stutters and uses "like" in the middle of sentences.
The song Contra is far better than the song Oxford Comma, but VW s/t is much better than the album Contra.
>serial comma
i ruined the whole contra album by doing chores and mowing the lawn while listening to it
get so nostalgic and i can literally smell fresh cut grass when i hear
>not; separating; each; word; with; a; semicolon
but modern vampires is this best :)
Oxford comma is a writing style choice, it has nothing to do with grammar.
Has anyone written a whole novel that uses semicolons instead of periods throughout? Sounds like the kind of thing some fag would have done by now.
>I had a party with a stripper, Hitler, and Stalin
see how retarded you sound
If I remember correctly the only thing that comes close to that is The Road where all dialogue is enclosed with
Good taste user.