Gay literature thread. Recommend me some homoerotic literature, faggots. I know there's a homo-core chart floating around somewhere but I can't find it.
#bump #gay
>but I can't find it.
dumb idiotposter
Maurice, Down There on a Visit, A.E. Houseman.
start with the greeks
A little life by January Yanagihara. It's... ok I guess. And there's tons of homosexuality in it.
your diary desu
he was gay?
Yes but self hating
Absolutely read Oscar Wilde, user. He's the most well-known, I think, of all the gay classic writers. He has an aesthetic evaluation of male love that sadly is missing in contemporary gay lit.
If you're a sick fuck, dennis cooper's "the sluts"
Anything by Chuck Tingle.
I think I saw that book in my local library. It's like something out of De Sade but with tons of gay sex.
Bump. I've thought about writing a Southern Gothic novel with gay themes a la Truman Capote. Think it could work?
not literature, but watch pink narcissus. that one should make you think.
It's the only book I've read that I would put on par with Bataille's Story of the Eye, in terms of obscenity/depravity.
I don't see why not. Makes me think of 'Cat on a Hot Tine Roof'.
The whistling song by stephen beachy
I picked it up randomly in a book shop in chicago without knowing there would be gay shit all throughout it but i have to say i enjoyed it at the time
Just don't go Anne Rice on us.
Not sure I follow since I've not read any of her books...
I enjoy Tennessee Williams from time to time. My cousin and I both love The Glass Menagerie.
Interview with a Vampire is arguably homo literature, and it's extremely southern-gothic. There's a homoerotic movie you can watch with young Brad Pitt and young Tom Cruise.
After that she went off the rails, kind of.