Holy fucking based. Is there more like this? Yes, i've read Larsch

Holy fucking based. Is there more like this? Yes, i've read Larsch.

Attached: flag.jpg (179x176, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Now that you've read Larsch it's time to move on to Lasch.

What to read after Lasch?


What is this nonsense?

Antifa retards trying to read

Core TLP reading (directly referenced by him and essential to his thought)
>Wittgenstein's Tractacus Logico-Philosophicus
>Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation
Additional TLP reading (not necessarily central to his thesis or something he actually read)
>Ovid's Metamorphoses
>DFW's E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction
>Kafka's The Judgment
>Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
>a pornographic novel of your choice
Required viewing
>The Matrix
>Mad Men
>True Detective
>various Louis CK routines

What is it?

>He'll never return
>He never wrote his book

I think our very own girardfag is just about the closest we have now. Moldbug was close too, like with his BTFO'ing if Dawkins, but I haven't seen him update anything in a while either

I forgot the consciously TLP-esque blogs
>Hotel Concierge
It hurts

He has probably published the so called book on 'porn' and we just don't know what pseudonym he used. If not that our best bet is that he dies and someone close to him publishes the text.

>I forgot the consciously TLP-esque blogs
>Hotel Concierge
Got links? I've been looking for something to fill that hole

I'd certainly suggest Hotel Concierge's most recent post, Shame & Society. Samzdat I haven't gone through as much and has more material, so I'll refrain from suggesting any post in particular--but if you look you'll quickly find something that'll interest you, I'm sure.

>the so called book on 'porn'
I think this is the real problem - he said "porn" - but he called the subject of his book quite a few other things on the site, if I remember right, and in any case, I think he referred to quite a number of things as porn in his posts, especially in regards to narcissism. Really, it could be about quite a lot of different things.

Thanks for the links, I'll check those out.

>TLP loses his domain in November of this year
I wonder if he'll buy it again, or if it'll disappear

Literally who?

Can someone just tell us what this is?

Read the fucking thread, and then look it up

Look what up retard nobody referred to anything in specific

I thought about making a tribute site to preserve his posts once the site expires, and maybe even dig up some from PO. It breaks my heart to see all his stuff relegated to archive.org.

I'd support that, if I could, in almost any way. There was a user on reddit who fit everything into a big shared google drive, but as you said, this is essentially an archive and not really a 'living' site.

This. Just answer the fucking question.


Attached: vlsN4yHS3J_XhcnwvP-is-3nwqIGluKkBGD_Y9A5YmM.jpg (594x480, 76K)

It's a blog by an author called Pierre Menard.


It would be nice to have an archive of Partial Objects, pastabagel also had good insights and clearer writing.

thelastpsychiatrist.com, as you could have easily discovered with a simple reverse image search. If the old Yea Forums-posting me saw me spoonfeeding you this hard he would probably cringe.
That would be amazing.
Now I've gotta find this link, I've been wanting an archive of the site for some time now.

Attached: 1442905445929.jpg (560x510, 106K)

>people still don't know about the built-in reverse image search feature on Yea Forums
fucking NEWFAGS

i make a thread about this asshole it gets deleted but this one stays up. fucking jannies.

Attached: 861672452121.jpg (720x696, 56K)

What about him do you want to discuss, user?