Why are Christians so half-ass about reading...

Why are Christians so half-ass about reading? Most Muslims have read the entire Koran before puberty (and when they first finish it, it is celebrated), but very few Christians ADULTS bother to read the Bible. And why is there no Christian jurisprudence? I know Paul said works of the law don't save, and the Council of Jerusalem nullifies many religious requirements, but it is clear God intended for laws and bothered to give them, a lot would certainly still be important to Christians, especially humane treatment of animals and periodic absolution of debts. Some will say Christianity abolishes punishment but that is wrong the whole purpose of rulers according to Paul is to punish wrongdoers on behalf of God

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I once quoted the bible to someone who said they were christian and they said the passage didnt exist. The quote was on my phone bible so I showed them it.
Feels bad man.

Christian literalism only started like 100 years back in America. Give them some time, man, they were only getting Americans to read it cover to cover last century, so it's probably another millennium before they have memorisation contests in the sects that treat it like the Quran

Most people who are "Christian" today are lukewarm
Even 50, 60 years ago for example, Catholics were very educated, well read, intellectual

Because the majority of Christians are only nominal or cultural Christians. Very few of them actually believe the bullshit in the Bible.

The average person is generally pretty averse to any kind of studying or intellectual stimulation in their spare time.

>Most people who are "Christian" today are lukewarm
They don't go to mass and if there is a conflict between Christianity and liberalism, they pick liberalism.
Among young Catholics, there is a certain percentage that is well read.

It appears to me that American Christians have a preconception of what "good" entails, pick up Christianity because it is a label for "goodness", then selectively use parts of the Bible to keep that hugbox around their head. There is no such thing as "righteous anger" for these people, there is never just violence, there is no good in treating people differently from another, nor is there any peace worth fighting for. It's become a brand not dislike iPhones, veganism, or Harley Davidson.
>t. Cuckifornian

>And why is there no Christian jurisprudence?
because Christian scholarship went into questions of theology instead. a lot more fiddly details were put in place in Christianity

niggers exploiting christian literacy
also immigrants who can't speak english
church should kick them out else we'll lose

> this is what /pol/luters actually believe

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>1000+ pages
no one actually believes in jesus that much lmao

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I am an unironic ethnat and black churches are amongst the last remaining bastions of true gospel. The weakness of whites is their need for material things to consume. Christianity merely becomes another label of consumption. That's why there is such a huge backlash to religious intolerence of homosexuality. The moment comfortable consumerism is met with the responsibility of faith, consumerism is chosen every time.

>Christian jurisprudence?

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>Catholics were very educated, well read, intellectual

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Nailed it, the bible to far too long and rambally. It reads like a hog in a sandstorm. Other religious books are long but not as long as the bible.

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Does anyone else feel really bad when you have to debate with Christians, and in this case have a clear upper-hand against them? I generally just feel terrible when arguments of mine crumble another's worldview however slightly, knowing that I've just made that person's day a bit worse and they're now somewhat sadder because of what I said to them.

Religious faith is a very personal area, and therefore delicate in nature, and it always makes me feel bad when I ask or tell a religious person something that might leave them feeling worse off than before I said it.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Should I just not be debating them at all? That's generally what I've decided now. But Christians are also often quite abrasive and rude to deal with in the first place, so I guess I myself benefit from this approach too...

You should help them develop a more nuanced view of their faith, or at least provide some direction for next steps.

>Most Muslims have read the entire Koran before puberty
Wrong, most muslims have never read the Quran at all, and it is mostly recited or sung instead

Does anyone else feel really bad when you have to debate with Christians, and in this case have a clear upper-hand against them? I generally just feel terrible when arguments of mine crumble another's worldview however slightly, knowing that I've just made that person's day a bit worse and they're now somewhat sadder because of what I said to them.

Religious faith is a very personal area, and therefore delicate in nature, and it always makes me feel bad when I ask or tell a religious person something that might leave them feeling worse off than before I said it.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Should I just not be debating them at all? That's generally what I've decided now. But Christians are also often quite abrasive and rude to deal with in the first place, so I guess I myself benefit from this approach too...

Frogposter makes a Christian thread on March 27 2019 on lit 4channel

Catholicism is the religion of the Irish, Italian, and Spanish people.
Not much of a modern intellectual heritage. Plus, structural coverup of pedophilia and rape so certainly not god's church anymore, if it ever was (considering the travesties they carried out against native people, heretics, women, etc.).
Also, look at all their gold, gems, victory imagery, ostentatious displays of wealth as a faith, and cynical manipulation of politics. Barely even christian.

>Catholic countries: France, Italy, Spain, Ireland
>no intellectual or artistic heritage

you serious mate?

I said "modern intellectual heritage."
These countries have been shit for centuries, barring a tiny handful cherrypicked examples.

My usual approach is to gently divert them by encouraging them to read CS Lewis and/or having a pleasant conversation about the rest of Christian apologia. It prevents things from devolving into shouting

yeah almost like we don't have to rely so heavily on ancient scripture now that science is more advanced in everything.

>le science as spiritual
Please go back to /r/popscience or whatever image macro shithole you crawled out of

What was the passage? If it's some obscure shit from the OT it's hardly surprising.

>Plus, structural coverup of pedophilia and rape so certainly not god's church anymore, if it ever was (considering the travesties they carried out against native people, heretics, women, etc.).

Pagans, liberals, and Freemasons all deserve to be burned.

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Most of the bible is boring hebrew rants, that's why. It makes more sense to read the important parts that are actually well-written.

t. Catholic

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>My Bible is the divine holy word of God
>But uhh hey ignore an entire book from it, it's crude and unnecessary

Typical Catholic contradictions. With the amount of mistranslations and inconsistencies in the New Testament, it only makes sense to go about your religion so haphazardly

Faith and the gospel is alive, I'm afraid you made an idol out of a book, user.

Because christianity has been on a cultural decline thanks to liberalism, the only muslims who are well read are those from conservative families, I know some muslims in my uni and they are your typical normalfags

You’re projecting an Islamic practice onto a wholly different religion that uses their books in a different way. Catholics and other Apostolic churches don’t merely read holy scripture, but have it encoded in the mass, the rosary, and other rituals

>Christians are not baptized into the Bible. Jews were circumcised and made part of the Covenant people before ever a word of Scripture was written. God revealed Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob some hundreds of years before Moses ever wrote a line.

>Christians may rightly see Islam as an ersatz version of Christianity – an attempt to create a rival to meet the peculiar needs and desires of the man, Muhammed. The Quran is Muhammed’s distorted idea of the role played by a “book” in the life of Christianity and Judaism. It is his attempt to create a rival. But this book, unlike any writing or utterance of a Biblical prophet, came with new claims. The Quran is what a misinformed desert preacher thought the Christian and Jewish holy books looked like. It is a poor substitute and a caricature of those writings. In this sense, the Quran is more akin to the Book of Mormon, a fabrication that tells what Upstate New York con-men thought an ancient religious book should look like. It tells us much about the mind of 19th century Upstate New York, but nothing about God. The Quran tells us about the perception of a 7th century Arabian merchant, but nothing about God.

>It is thus a supreme religious irony that such a misperception should have changed how Christians saw their own sacred texts. But, it can be argued, this is indeed the case. The movement from authoritative Church to authoritative book that occurs over the 15th and 16th centuries (the Protestant Reformation), should not be considered apart from the dialog with Islam in the two or three centuries that preceded it. It is worth noting that scholasticism in the West was largely begun in Andalusian Islam. It was not a natural development from within. Scholasticism was ultimately rejected in the Christian East.

>Martin Luther’s, “Hier, stehe ich!” (demanding that only a Scriptural argument would be an acceptable response to his position) would have been unimaginable four or five hundred years before. The “Bible” had not yet become a Christian Quran. Today, however, many Christians are indeed, “People of the Book.”

pretty sure Catholics don't see the Bible as the word of God, but rather a testimony of revelation. Some Protestant sects see it as infallible and divinely inspired, but still others preference certain books over others. To me, the Gospels and Revelation are the most important books, but you need at least the Books of Moses and Isiah to understand the symbolism behind Christ's sacrifice.

Only orthodox are christians (and non-thomist Catholics). These other "christians" you speak of are not much better than pagans

prots don't have a bible, you could just claim the bible you have read is the true bible, therefore you've then read the whole bible

Yes, they do. It's divine word. Christ's sacrifice contradicts the old testament because in the old testament, they specifically denounce human sacrificing.
Lol it's the holy word of God. The quran and old testament have zero flaws in translation and are unanimously the same across cultures.

Growing up in the 1960s, it was pretty much expected that you would have read the entire Bible, front to back, in order, by the time you were 12 years old (or so).
No skipping. No re-interpreting. Just read it, word for word. Front to back.
The bible I have now is 606 pages, excluding introduction, concordance, maps, and such.
10 pages a day, it takes 60 days or so. Not that big a deal.
the danger is those that will say, "Well, that's not what that passage means", or, "Don't read that part, we don't read that". Beware those that will try to manipulate the word of God.

Yes, OP is talking about Americans, not Christians. The KJV is much higher than the average American reading level, which is that of a second grader. Also, why would you out yourself as a subhuman?

To think that this board was filled with tips fedora memes. It seems that the trend of chrisposting is over.

>Most Muslims have read the entire Koran
Bull. Shit.
t. lives in muslim country (Germany)

It's not necessary to read the bible. If you think about it, most Christians throughout history had no real access to it. Most Churches throughout Europe didn't even have a complete bible to share among the congregation.

Modern Christianity has become a sort of buffet of values that Christians are free to choose from at their convenience. Its very much an arbitrary thought pool of "Yea, well regardless of the scripture, I think God supports X." It's moreso just a way for people to cope with death whenever they need it.

The child rapers are part of the Anti-Church.
The Catholic Church since the beginning predicted there would be a great Apostasy - St Paul warned of it, it's in the Apocalypse, the early Christian fathers and many mystics had the same thing to say. And it looks like we're living in it. Vatican II in the 60s took all 7 Catholic sacraments away, and replaced them with stupid, lame, invalid rites. Even the priesthood is gone - real Catholic priests are rare, they're all old, they're dying off. There hasn't been a real pope since 1958. The Chuch is in eclipse.

But like any eclipse it will end and the Church will come back.

Basically this.

>Most Muslims have read the entire Koran before puberty
>but very few Christians ADULTS bother to read the Bible
blatantly false and overgeneralized statements

>immigrants who can't speak english
Ah yes, English, the language of the Bible.

this conspiracy theory is very convenient for you and other fans of the real catholic church.

>Why are Christians so half-ass about reading?
Because the contents of the Bible are 2/3 ancient jewish fairy tale?

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Luckily the Catholic church hasn't been The Church for about a thousand years

Christianity is often a cultural thing, not a religion, in the west. And when someone is in fact religious it's often in some quite derivative form.

>Christian literalism only started like 100 years back in America.

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Most muslims are brought up reciting their scripture in Arabic without speaking a word of Arabic.

because they're not actually christian?

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Orthodoxy dates back to the 1500s, when the turkish took Constantinople, it's a mix of Christianity and Islam

This my friend. here in the south even only 30% of people go to a church atleast once per year.

>intellectual stimulation


I live in the Bible belt, this is only the people I'm experienced with, but most of the Baptists and the one Orthodox Christian I know have usually read the Bible at least twice and are usually well read after that, ie The Divine Comedy and other shit like that.

Muslim here. We read the Quran but in Arabic so few understand it. But we have mandatory religious classes in normal schools that are based around Islamic history and scholarly interpretations of the Quran. However it's very basic stuff and avoids all the politics. The teachers are always super red pilled though. I remember one time we were reading about the expulsion of Jews from Madinah after they tried to kill our Prophet and the teacher went on a rambling rant about how Jews always mask their crimes and cry out as they strike you.