Nick Land threads

>Nick Land threads
>Jordan Peterson threads

Has Yea Forums fallen out of love with /our guy/?

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Could you focus on one of his books?

@bout time if so

Zizek is still /ourguy/, but crossposting kiddos can't be bothered to actually read and don't understand any of his videos

first good post I've seen from you tripshit

Is he going to use some Claritin before his debate or are the sniffles a strategy?

>Common side effects include sleepiness, dry mouth, and headache.
nice try, crypto Peterson shill


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I read his book Refugees, Terror, and Other Troubles with the Neighbors trying to justify my then-alt-right belief system a couple of years ago, but ended up rethinking my position.

>implying JBP and Nick Land threads are about their books


shut the FUCK up
look how fat and ugly he is, he can't possibly have anything worth listening to.

Commies go first on DOTR

Zizek was always a meme. We've just moved onto newer memes, Land and Peterson in question. Anyone with half a brain knows Peterson is controlled op and is just here for the fireworks.

do not reply to the butterfly. It is a succubus that needs your (yous) to subsist. A number of lit-x posters created it and it runs off of replies.

> my then-alt-right belief system
so what are you now?

Why would you want to justify your alt right belief by reading a book that challenges your belief system. But really good on you user, most people are bigots who won't read anything that challenges their ideology!

I haven't bothered to look into what actual systems I agree with, but something more along the lines of fascism/nationalism than globalism or libertarian.
Family, Fatherland, and Future are the only things that cannot be compromised. I still believe that issues arise when people are forced to associate with different "ethnicities", that self-segregation exists naturally (Chinatown, Little Mexico, etc.) and this isn't a bad thing. Bad ideologies shouldn't be allowed to exist because it spreads to the submissive. I don't believe that bad ideas should be quelled by force anymore, but they should be actively spoken against. If an idea is thoroughly evil or antithetical to ideal, it can be refuted quite easily through discourse and shouldn't have to resort to emotional retaliation. To work with the current system, however, we would need to remove these subversive forces before any good may come. Welfare should be finding the best work for a person, not free money. There's much more, but these are just vague overviews of some of the more important parts.

Would like to add that nigger culture is bad no good, no matter who does it, and "le based redpilled black man" is a shitty thing to thing. Against civnat because it ignores cultural and biological differences in people.

>Family, Fatherland, and Future are the only things that cannot be compromised
waht's the point in fascism then? if they are uncompromisable then what's the point in protecting them?
>I don't believe that bad ideas should be quelled by force anymore, but they should be actively spoken against
honestly user you sound like a liberal who wants to call himself a fascist because it sounds exotic or edgy or something

Those thread are only here to quarantine /pol/ children.
And no, they don't work.

Brainlet detected.

People shouldn't hinder those three for any reason is what I meant. These should be the most important, if not only things, to work towards. They are all cast aside as evil in the shitty state I had to grow up in.
>sound like a liberal
Not any that I've seen/heard/read.

I've fallen out of love with that guy and fallen in love with this guy.

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Mindless drivel
He killed the socialists of Russia, Ukraine etc., to solidify his power. Same as Lenin and Trotsky

>He killed the socialists of Russia, Ukraine etc., to solidify his power
He squashed anarchist rebellions sure. That's what he meant he said anarchists don't understand dialectics, anarchists do not understand that the state is merely an extension of class, its not entity in of itself. The anarchists were trying to overthrow and committing terrorism against a proletarian state. Such a thing could only help the bourgeoisie, and therefore the re-establishment of a bourgeois state.

Now kiss

for the moment
he has to redeem himself against peterson
even choosing to debate peterson makes me appreciate what a stupid base bigoted everyman moralist žižek is

I dont understand people who are like "muh fatherland" or "preserve culture". Humanity is about exchange. Differences are fractal in nature anyway (meaning the closer you get to equality the more minor difference we fight over)-My point is that the differences we are looking at are likely insignificant (infinitesimal even). 200 years ago a german would have been racist towards a french men. This line basically completely disappeared as europe started to cooperate- why shouldnt this be a global goal? Self-segregation is a clear misnomer. Sergregation is a two way street. It is partly self segregation but on the other hand it is also discrimination (wealth distribution, block busting, work place discrimination). Italo/german/irish-americans are a good example, they used to be discriminated against as well. Now they are completely homogeneously grouped as americans (they dont live in their respective ghettos anymore)- why shouldnt a chinese, a mexican or black person demand the same? It is a biological and psychological bias because they simple look "stranger". Thats all there is to it. Italo americans could play the meritocracy game and gain recognition, but the barrier of phenotpye makes this a less attainable goal for black people for example. Meaning despite having money, or a good career they are "still nigger". Ofc they wont want to play that game if they are met by this expectation.

>Meritocracy doesnt work because of nepotism
>nationalism isnt feasible anymore because of
increased interconnectivity

I honestly believe that people sense this development and that the rise of the alt right is the final nationalistic death rattle. Globalisation is scary but it is humanities only option

>inb4 jew

>Globalisation is scary but it is humanities only option
How would the radical differences between western, near eastern, and eastern cultures resolve? America/Canada borders dissolving makes sense, Europe makes sense, China/Japan/Korea/etc. can work, but Saudi and Slav? Mongolia and Mexico? How would these vastly differing cultures interact if forced together through a globalization? Genuinely curious.

Time will tell. To a roman a person from scandinavia would be a total savage. Now italy and sweden mutually recognize each other, they even share an identity as white and european (unthinkable not too long ago).

Forced is the wrong word, it will just happen- no agenda needed. The economy will be more and more entangled, now social hierarchies will become increasingly entangled as well. Cultural globalisation is happening and thinning out historically rooted tradition- disney has little to do with the eurocentric grimms fairytales for example, yet even germans now only know the disney version. Information and even entertainment will be globalized until a new global consciousness forms. I believe this will be a positive trend as this kind of cooperation has always lead to giant leaps in humanities developement. The thing most people fear is that culture gets replaced by simulacra of culture. Nobody knows what ancient egypt was like, yet casinos use the aesthetics of their hyroglyphs- in a complete cultural vacuum, devoid of their true meaning. This will happen to EVERY culture on earth. You will have to find an identity that is true to yourself when that happens. You wont be able to just root your identity in being german or korean if all that just devolves into empty signifiers and a vague aesthetic. This is basically what the alt right fears

Note: Iam talking about the distant future here

First, you give the concept of humanity an unearned significance. There is nothing about belonging to the same species that necessitates kinship in the same way nearly every other identity does. It should be the least important thing to cause consideration for someone else, and the post-war UN led concept of human rights is a perversion of decent evaluation.

Second, recent wave of immigration into the west have some meaningful differences from those that occurred between western countries in the past. One is that that the it is occurring during the post-colonial era, and two is that it is accompanied by the spread of new media. Past colonization in the minds of these migrants reifies both the concept of the west and their existence as the other. The tensions between these two and the poor life conditions of their original home (which was likely caused by the original conquest) cause them to seek dominance over their former colonial masters. "Humanity" as an identity is meaningless in comparison. At the same time post-colonial theory has been disseminated among the populations of western countries (practically every American child learns about the evils of Columbus) which encourages the their residents to subordinate themselves in order to fully accommodate these people.
They are aided in their quest by new media which makes their suffering ubiquitous in the daily lives of westerners who rather than seeing them for what they truly are, only see bodies in pain and wish to help. These new conquerors ride on the bodies of dead children like the mongols did their horses, but conquest through sympathy is far more secure than that through violence because it transforms resistance into injustice and evil.
>Globalization is scary but it is humanities only option
Then I'm rooting for global warming.

>b-but Jordan Peterson!!
pathetic. do you really think that's a good argument? it's better than jordan peterson? shut the fuck up

OP again: the alt right basically fears having to seek validation for their value as human beings, deriving value from being x-race and x-nationality is easier. Being validated as a birth right is simple- also the reason why this attracts mostly men and more often than not losers

You are very caught up in our recent history. Iam talking long long term. Also this is not my agenda or my wish for society it is just what I see as logical progression. Iam not making an emotional argument, it is just my study of history that has enlightnend me to the fact that there are some mechanics of cultural evolution that repeat themselves- just on a larger scale.Your "conquerors" will be an insignificant footnote in history. Many people before you thought the same but all were wrong. Romans said the same about germanic tribes. Calling them "hordes" and uncultured. This animosity is basically non existant now

Because France and Germany are now shitholes.

I don't know. Even if you are correct, I still think it is worth opposing. I just can't imagine how it feels to be someone with so little investment in anything around them that they concern themselves with what may happen centuries or even millennia from now.

Let's hope Bolsonaro can destroy the rain forest before your visions become reality.

why is it worth opposing? It is inevitable. Instead of pouring oil in the fire we should be diplomatic and find a better solution. As for immigrants it is very simple. you cant have proxy wars on their soil and expect no retaliation on yours. You also cant exploit the third world and expect them to stay there. So what is the big plan? Stronger imperialism? Gulags? Concentration camps? You will only doom your own people with pursuing these ideas

But as it turned out, establishing an authoritarian capitalist empire is what aided the bourgeoisie of the world the most.
Never trust a tanky

> How would these vastly differing cultures interact if forced together through a globalization?
violently, with a Pixar veneer of justice cast on top of them in the videos downloaded into the brains of the sad grandchildren owned by the global state

25 :3

Strong agree
Thanks for putting in text my opinions
I'd only point out that both yours and your dialectic opponents opinions are metaphysical finalism

But most people dont actually do anything of significant worth desu, its not just an alt right thing.

People cope differently, some become feminists for exemple, so that they have an Eternal Satan to fight with a bright Golden sword.


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>I just can't imagine how it feels to be someone with so little investment in anything around them that they concern themselves with what may happen centuries or even millennia from now.

21st century first world perspective.
Your ancestors devoted nearly everything they were made of toward the prosperity of their offspring and generations to come. You’re the consequence of millions of years worth of successful reproduction, it’s only these days that we have it easy enough not to worry.

For me as technology has shrunk the distance between remote places it’s obvious humanity will experience an entropic decline into something less complicated, with fewer languages, fewer ethnicities, fewer unique cultures. I value these things very much, they provide meaning to peoples lives and are worth conserving. If the alt right were in power they could conserve them, but the alt right could not stay in power forever. This is something Nrx understands well I think. AR wants to succeed like fascism as a populist movement with reactionary elements, but not replace the system as a whole.
If democracy ended and we all Balkanized thricefold I’m not sure how to sustain that level of decentralization but it would definitely be more resilient to the eroding forces of global interconnectivity. Small states have a low tolerance for excess rifraff, especially when they don’t solicit votes

terrible post

t. Billy bob mc o'shekelstein from a 10k people town on ohio who has never gone further than 1 mile from his house and gets all his news from beitbart