I'm hyperfixated on the idea that my thoughts create reality. And I keep thinking about my toxic ex girlfriend and she randomly messaged me.
What philosophers refute this? please help !
I'm hyperfixated on the idea that my thoughts create reality. And I keep thinking about my toxic ex girlfriend and she randomly messaged me.
What philosophers refute this? please help !
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astrology and all things of its relation is retarded
Read Kant for the true centrist experience on this.
Aristotle. Now repent and stop posting jezebels.
I read a Tweet from an adult entertainer recently which said that you should let the universe know, as clearly as possible, what you want to achieve and work towards that with all your energy, because the universe doesn't like mixed signals any more than you do. It really made me think. My sister, who is into astrology and fate etc, also said that positive energy attracts positive results. In my case for example, for several years I longed for a specific kind of girlfriend, namely one who was cute, petite, intelligent, shy, traditional and so on. After a particularly depressing summer a few years ago, living in a big city where I knew nobody and earned a low wage, the exact kind of girl I had imagined and yearned for, literally ticked all the boxes, entered my life out of nowhere and showed interest in me. I messed it up and she lost interest eventually, but it was spooky how someone who seemed like literally the other "half" Plato or whoever talks about, enters my life and provides an opportunity to fall in love together. There are other examples too, about longing for something and that thing being achieved despite it seeming unlikely at the initial point of yearning for it. Maybe it's just solipsism or projection, but I truly believe life / existence to be far spookier, and more organized perhaps, than the whole "mass of atoms achieving brief consciousness in the brains of highly developed primates fortunate enough to exist on a planet hospitable to life." And I say that as a virgin.
What do you think of synchronicities?
precognition & synchronicity
you are not creating reality you are predicting it
well that's a synchronicity if i ever did seen one
Not too familiar with the concept, care to explain?
This is a pretty good example.
Think about being millionaire. Refuted.
Can you think of examples in your own life?
I definitely can, though I don't know what to make of them.
couple of weeks ago i wrote about a character listening to motown vinyl, yesterday i was walking home and there was a 7 inch which had motown scratched on it. i'm pretty sure i'm god. (if coincidences like this keeps happening i'm for real going to end up schizo)
I have a similar thing user, except it’s more that I lie to people about my achievements and then somehow reality seems to work out to the point where I actually do achieve what I lied about. Part of this, I think, is my subconscious movement towards achieving what I lied about, but also I feel that there is a force which seems to lay out convenient paths to fulfilling what I want in an almost eerily useful manner.
That’s not exactly amazing - Motown was and still is a hugely popular record label
which adult entertainer?
also self importance to the point that you think the universe somehow clues you in to how to live you life is really gay
meaningful coincidences
take for example your situation. you thought of your ex ascribing no meaning to the phenomena. your ex messages you, the earlier thought attains personal significance.
this is just a micro-example though. i have had "life and death" experiences that brought alignment to a few years of knowledge and experience that i can see being potentially important in the coming life, but i will only realize the significance then.
read jung
(ill have a look to see if i can find a relevant essay)
i suppose.. it's not like i often see vinyl just lying on the path though which is what made me look closer at it. was weird coincidence is all
Not exactly related, but I’ve always had these weird moments where I dream or imagine a ‘freeze-frame’ of a certain place or experience (could be a certain scent, accompanied by just a glancing image of a person or a certain shopfront) and then have that exact experience typically about a week on. Almost like some kind of very minor and recurring deja-vu.
Which book by Jung? I’m interested
Oh lol, I didn’t realise it was just on the street, I thought you meant you saw it in a record store or something. That is pretty weird!
I'm not the ex guy, but thanks.
I will have to read Jung, and others. The unconscious / subconscious really interests me, especially with things like psychosomatic illness, dreams allowing for distant memory, etc.
Two examples:
1. I worked in an office for a few years and had no issue at first with comfort levels. Then I desired to leave the office and felt instinctively that I was harming myself and going down a wrong path by staying there. Then I started feeling what I felt was genuine pain in my eyes / brain from how bright the fluorescent lights were, my face began becoming extremely red and blotchy due to the heat only I seemed to notice, etc. I eventually decided to leave, and these symptoms disappeared, though in the remaining time there I felt a kind of exhaustion which only really hit me after I'd handed in my month's notice, as if my brain had simply put up the strain until it saw an opportunity to relieve itself of it (similar to how people I know including me usually have really bad colds while taking a week off work, when we also have time to recover in peace).
2. I will soon be returning to live in my home town after a decade away. I have a good memory, but can't picture many of the people I grew up with or recall their names right away. Visiting home last weekend to take some stuff back, I dreamed about people from a very long time ago who I was never really close to, recalling their names, features and mannerisms in great detail otherwise difficult for my conscious mind to generate in my imagination.
the universe is a creation of my mind, as are you
you should start doing some sigil magic op
also, look into the i ching
synchronicity an acausal connecting principle
This entire thread is pretty crazy because I've been thinking about these concepts all day.
As a Man Thinketh
The Kybalion
Spiritual Warfare
Reality Transurfing
I have a similar thing where I tend to return to an imaginary, but realistic, city in my dreams which I've never visited nor seen IRL.
>the notion that thoughts create reality is astrology
The first one seems like stress-induced illness, and the second one seems to be your dreams manifesting your worries/thoughts about moving home. That is my completely pop-psychology analysis though.
Any specific books on the issue? I read about Terrence McKenna's thoughts on it years ago but it seemed pretty retarded and apparently his predictions were all wrong.
Probably true, it's just weird how my unconscious could allow me to remember these people as if I was a kid again.
I have a very similar thing. I dream about a beach on the coast of what I think is the Aegean, and I’m in a ruined temple and everything is white. I dream about it once a week on average, and every time I dream I move closer to the shore. I can sometimes hear faint music (but that dream-like state of music where you can hear a hundred songs at once, yet they all flow together perfectly). I always feel a deep peacefulness after this dream.
Whenever I take interest in something related to literature, whether it be a certain book or author, a couple of hours later I'll see a post on Yea Forums about the exact same thing, no matter how obscure it is. This has happened numerous times so it's not just a one-off coincidence.
I wish I had the same thing, I’ve only been able to discuss Wyndham Lewis with one user in about two months.
What a coincidence, I was just thinking about ass, and there OP posts a nice uncovered rack.
You've got to realize, all of you itt, that we all live a thousand events every day, and only a few remarkable event every week catch your attention. This seems strange mostly because you've been ignoring all the times it doesn't happen. Imagine flipping a coin a thousand times and marvelling at getting two consecutive tails. This is what you've been doing itt. Some coincidences are legit significant but if you think probabilistically most of them aren't that surprising, they're even predictable. What you should be doing is asking what meaning those coincidences can have in your life and most importabtly how you can make use of them.
for the i ching specifically i used the "i ching workbook"
but for its relevance to synchronicity again jung. not sure in which book or essay other than his autobiography.
minor coincidences significance may only be realized later when it becomes evident they play a part in a greater causal chain.
Astrology is based on when you are born, right? It makes sense for time of birth to affect your vitamin, light, nutrition values and size, intelligence differences compared to other kids. It's no wonder there would be some unifying 'forms' human intuition would decipher from it.
If you see the night sky without light pollution, you'll understand why ancient people tied meaning there.
Thinking about this too much is a good way to dive into schizophrenia if you have a predisposition (and you probably do)
>"These findings led him to propose the theory that not only was existence pre determined by the general law of nature, but that one's own individual existence was placed in an existential orbit shared by a limited number of other conscious beings. Coincidence, he suggested, was no more than predictable acquaintance with an individual sharing the same metaphysical orbit or the scheduled eclipse of two objects tied to the same inescapable rotation."
In most practical cases causal chains are the product of a posteriori narratives. It's easy to bond a posterior event with an anterior just foe the sake of making a interesting causal chain.
Not saying you shouldnt do this, we all do, but be aware you're telli ypurself stories and use that to your advantage.
>is fixatad on something happening
>something happens
If you never think, what becomes of reality to your consciousness? If you think about suicide every day, what will become of your days?
Fernando Pessoa spend much of his adult life composing thousands of horoscopes for himself, his friends, and also his imaginary characters.
>and also his imaginary characters.
Unifying personality traits are elements. He was a writer, after all. Why not use these fruits in his salad?
> If you think about suicide every day, what will become of your days?
W-wouldn't k-know, haha.
He's right, dummy. What are assumptions about the arrangements of the planets and their influence on the reader's reality but mere thoughts?
Dude, me too
look at it like this
>Tom watches unrealistic slice of life feelgood anime every waking moment for years
>he starts drawing resemblances between his life and the amines he watches and sees everything like a real life fantasy
Did the world change or his perspective? Is the world itself any different than it was before he started watching the animes?
Wait. Wait. so...
Did he give a different birthday to his other imaginary friend?
How can you see anything that isn't realistic? It's real patterns through real eyes and real mind. You've drawn the distinction and you make it real.
Reminder that:
>karma is real
>reincarnation is real
>transcendental oneness is real
>we are the selfish thoughts of a sleeping god
Have hope. Death is not the worst there is. Neither is murder. Do not hate yourself.
i feel ya
All his imagined characters were assigned detailed biographies, which he developed over years if not decades. He wrote horoscopes for them and wrote numerous poems and stories about their lives in Lisbon, their families etc. He himself, Fernando Pessoa, was reduced to being just one of numerous identities familiar to him. Apparently friends would come to visit him sometimes, and he would answer the door and tell them that Fernando Pessoa was out at the moment but would likely be back later on.
If I put an imaginary block of wood into a wood chipper is the wood chipper too ignorant to chip it?
I don't know.
But the the wood is real through real patterns through real eyes and real mind and so is the wood chipper, the wood chipper SHOULD chip the imaginary piece of wood.
Similarly my perspective cant be superimposed on reality just because im real and my perspective is of my creation.
>But the the wood is real through real patterns through real eyes and real mind
If it is, then it will work. All the distinctions between 'objects' is a categorization of the mind, after all.
I mean, everything you gave me is as real as I picture it.
ah but its not real is it, and neither is the piece of wood, just because I imagined it is it has no affect on reality and therefore reality cant interact with it.
something doesnt just exist in reality because I think it does the imaginary block of wood the example of this
not him but I clearly picture the imagined chipped wood that's the result of the imaginary block of wood chipped by the wood chipper
what now m8
>ah but its not real is it,
It has to be. How can I picture false images? Existence factor is the reality.
Proof that thoughts are unrealistic when compared to reality, go and try it for real and compare it with what you imagined.
> go and try it for real
That's exactly what he did.
The fact that you pictured it proofs my point that thoughts are unrealistic when compared to reality also see here
gay is also a creation of my mind
When he imagined it? lol
The point is the implied irrationality of the universe (it isn't), the world does not conform to you, you are conformed to her. Top down.