Philisophy memes thread needed
Philisophy Memes Thread
Basic cringe general?
The T*rks inspired that, not Nietzsche.
>half of these are low effort virgin/chad memes
Nietzche's whore sister should be in there.
>muh divine
>muh misunderstanding of science
>muh spirits and worlds n shit
Fuck off with your paranormal magic religious bullshit, we don't live in the 1400s and still think the world is a flat plain floating in an ocean of aether. There's nothing mystical about Consciousness or reality.
Do you know what you're doing when you espouse radical materialism, when you say that nothing but what is objectively demonstrable exists? Metaphysics. You're doing (shoddy) metaphysics. Everyone does metaphysics, whether they like it or not. Scientists like Krauss are upset and insecure that the materialist laity's peasant metaphysics are more comprehensive than the scientistic nonsense they delude themselves into believing.
>reality ultimately absurd
So the virgin is right?
it's a meme thread you spastic. stop embarrassing yourself
The fuck is the point of this
The fuck is the point of anything?
Ladies and gentlemen, the apotheosis of religious argumentation.
I really hope this is bait; but with amount of religious parasites who infest this board, I'm uncertain.
wow, good meme,......???
This reminds me of No Exit in how it's annoying to to read but that's kind of the point.
This image should find its way to the history textbooks of the XXII century
it's funny?
That fucked me up for real
robots don't compute funny
How do you know?
I am one
That's the funniest thing I've seen today
why is the scholastic dressed like the doge of venice?
>expects convincing arguments from memes
huh this isn't a corgi at all
I tried to explain this to 3 of my high school teachers and they all looked at me like I was insane. I tried to explain it to a retarded English teacher during the beginning of the existentialism unit and the dumb broad was dumbfounded, disregarded what I said, and just got pissed at me for derailing the lesson. She knew absolutely nothing about what she was talking about, even suggesting that Nietzsche's ideas came after Sartre even though he died like 50 years earlier.
How do you interpret the poos at the end?
Despite the machinations of the white man, in the end the world will go on as usual
>Sartre after Nietzsche
holy fucking shit. Are you american by any chance?
India will be the next antithesis of US hegemony culture
The nazis literally read and based their philosophy on Nietzsche you denialist. Saying his sister changed his work is retarded. His books could easily come off as a psychopath’s manifesto.
I think paradox is quite left
this is the most edgy basedboy garbage
the Green Pill, what a classic.
Lawrence Krauss is a dumbass
>50 variations of virgin and chad
Get some new material.
7 posts out of 75. Cry more niggerfaggot
the virgin whiner vs
the chad content creator op
what is the book the green pill chad is holding on to? Neuromancer?
Holy fuck id forgotten about time cube lmfao
>content creator
we call it oc here newfag
>verified genius physicist
hmmm.... I'm gonna say nope
Don't scholastics read a lot of Aristotle too?
I really loved this, thank you user
then youre a dumbass too
prometheus rising
this will never fail to crack a smile
How so?
Prometheus Rising
Lawrence Krauss can certainly be thanked for his contributions to the field of physics. He is undoubtedly intelligent in matters of matters (sorry). However, his dismissal of philosophy demonstrates a fundamental ignorance of what philosophy is, and shows him to be an arrogant jackass. He considers his world of mathematics and abstractions of particles to be more "real" than discussions of what mathematics actually represent, for example. He is, mistakenly, convinced that more numbers makes something more real.
And the statement "philosophy hasn't progressed" is just fucking retarded.
The point of the chad meme is to exaggerate the absurdities of the relative "chad" standard, to the comparatively normal/sensible "virgin" status. If the meme fails in accomplishing this, whoever created it is doing it wrong.
i wonder what kind of idiot you have to be to make these kinds of images thinking you prove a point and how much more idiotic you have to be to be influenced by them. it shows such a lack of understanding of the most basic principles of forming opinions. as if you couldnt find 4 nobel prize winners who dismiss philosophy and 4 random scientists praising it.
How do you know there is nothing mystical about consciousness?
so the joke is that none of you are able to read it or what?
imagine arguing with an ms paint meme lol
unironically me on the right
'tech bad' or something
no, you're the dumbass
based dudes are never in coloured photographs
why not chinks
Pretty much I have No Mouth and I Must Scream in a nutshell.
looks like sam hyde's current form
>calls people parasites
>invokes "ladies and gentlemen" to pretend his opinion is the natural, obvious position
I smell a STEMfag
Phew, thankfully I am Mahayana and seem to be unaffected by this chart.
>and the best part is... they never get used to it!
>jews invented the nuclear bomb
>i-it was Hegel fault
they deserve the Holocaust and more for forcing upon us Abrahamic religions
>Not reading Boethius.
based & redpilled
Yeah but why would this ever happen? Why would this be allowed to happen? AI will never have anywhere close to enough freedom to even be equal to slaves.
There is nothing relating to hegal about America, they are too simple and basic to ever consider anything of philosophical importance, all their morals and ideology come from the Bible or what they think is best for their community and capitalism.
How such simple monkeys could be considered world leaders or have any form of a united spirit. It's more like a collection of individual cattle just libing and grazing on fields with no thoughts beyond self protection and rare case of empathic emotions which cause them to fall into wars which they truly have no purpose in.
It was inevitable that atomic chain reactions would be discovered and used in bombs, nothing to do with jews
Grrr math hard
I think the joke is stirner
You are ignoring how much power superior intelligence gives you. even if we have the smartest people on the planet making safeguards for AI, it amounts to about as much as the smartest ants in the world trying to contain you.
Read eliezer yudkowski.
He proved that pursuing idols instead of God resulted in failure. Being called a nihilist is the least of his problems.
That's a lot of namecalling for 0 argument.
Yeah, read the fat cuck jew harry potter fanfic writer. Also the worst 'rationalist' to ever make a name for himself. Never took a course in logic.
he's right you know
the workers
Its an anti reddit meme so it appeals to the large boards, and its not really any old nobel prize winning physicist is it ?
this is a good one
NRx is the fastest vector for acceleration, it should be in the same section as Land and his Apostles.
Evola sired a bastard you liar.
existentialcomics is an admitted pseud who's never even read a philosophy book by his own admission. Stop shilling him here.
is this fucking real
This post is so fucking pseud it hurts
Whats that shit on the right
whats the magnum opus of the retarded military?
Yesterdat in the shower I got inspired to make a MS paint comic about Nietzsche which pretty much of went like this
>that plato scene