>tfw there is no way to know that your brain is really yours and not just a machine running a simulation of (you)
>And even less ways to know that machine is actually a SHE
Tfw there is no way to know that your brain is really yours and not just a machine running a simulation of (you)
Fuck off
>Everyone is female. I mean very simply that everyone wants to be a woman. What one does with this desire is what we call gender.
ngl verso is on fire rn
t. shebot
I'm willing to bet there were women in Classical Athens who got off on pretending to be men. Not that there's any way to lose that bet.
>not wanting to be a girl
What is wrong with you
Well, she isn't wrong.
Cosmogically, we are in a very feminine age
the hell
So it's Descartes but gay?
Gender is sentient.
Sauce, now. Right now.
Neovagina arrives from the future
Gender is fluid :^)
Y'all gay
>the /r9k/ tranny discord has discovered Yea Forums
Oh dear sweet merciful Lord, no. Not here.
>hun non-passing lesbotranny autists now have found something to give their degeneracy intellectual weight
you're GAY
Is it actually good? I know Fisher praised it
I cant imagine anyone meeting a transgender and then wanting to become one
Better than pol
>that image
Yeah, I agree with this. If anything seeing non-passing trans people acts as deterrence. I'm not even sure where the desire to be girly came from for me, but I really love the idea of being a woman despite desperately not wanting to be trans. I don't even dislike the body I'm currently in.
A xenofeminist society may or may not actually solve this, but I just want to resolve these confusing af feelings.
All knowledge is mediated. This is no new revelation. You just have to live with it.