ive read the wikipedia article for every significant piece of literature ever written, and consequently i know more about literature than any professor. it's a waste of time reading books since wikipedia exists
Ive read the wikipedia article for every significant piece of literature ever written...
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Who's a better tragedy writer, in your opinion: Sophocles or Euripides?
dont patronize me
Is this hyperreality?
I read articles about NBA trades, news and stats a the time and haven't watched a game this season due to no TV/wifi.
Its not the same as watching games.
The analogy works if you assume everything I read was written by 11 year olds.
I’m sorry. What?
This works until someone starts quoting famous lines from a book and you've never read it before. Then you are outed.
>Why yes, I do quote passages from books at people. How could you tell?
The most significant literature doesn't have articles on wikipedia
Congratz, you are full of false anglo information
You just know the facts. Wikipedia can't give you the unique interpretation that you would get from reading said literature yourself
You mean false Jewish information... right, nigger?
I was thinking of a university context, where it would be normal to quote.
Bullshit, but people still shit on wikipedia far too readily. It's an excellent source, and I know few people that didn't hand in at least a few papers at uni that cited the sourced cited by wikipedia. If only because of the professor's dogmatic insistence that the only thing you're allowed to read is peer-reviewed literature, and NOT Wikipedia!!!
Sup tao lin
okay then explain the Mahabharata to me bitch
Tell me about Tolstoy's Childhood, Boyhood, Youth